Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 243 The Demon Beast Appears Part 3

Chapter 243 The Demon Beast Appears Part 3
Sometimes, having too many treasures is not a good thing, and it is very likely that it will lead to death.

Guo Mu glanced at Qingxin who was next to Yueguang, and from the latter's eyes, he also saw the meaning of warning.Qingxin told him with her eyes that the members of the cultivation team had to put all their energy on dealing with the monsters now, and had no time to protect him, and hoped that he could protect himself.

Guo Mu understood what Qingxin meant, so he nodded.

At this moment, the lake surface, which had been fluctuating more and more violently, suddenly calmed down.

The members of the cultivating group looked at each other in blank dismay, and everyone had the same doubt in their hearts: Could it be that the monster was about to come out just now?Are they being too careful?
Only Bai Qiufeng stared coldly at the lake, frowning slightly, the warning sign in his heart still did not recede, and, as the lake suddenly became calm, his heart became more tense.

If something is unusual, there must be a demon.

This is the creed in Bai Qiufeng's heart, he doesn't believe it, the violent movement just now was made by one or two or a group of water fish, it's impossible!Under the water of this lake, there must be a huge monster swimming, and the movement just now was caused by it.Although it was quiet now, Bai Qiufeng always felt that the mysterious monster must be somewhere in the lake, staring coldly at the people on the shore.

Bai Qiufeng could feel the scorching heat from that gaze, all of them were treated as food.

Bai Qiufeng frowned more and more tightly.

"Team leader Bai, are we being too suspicious?" A team member turned around and asked Bai Qiufeng.Bai Qiufeng glanced at him, but didn't answer, but stared at the lake with a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly, Bai Qiufeng yelled, "Anniversary, be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a white shadow shot out from the lake and shot towards the team member who was talking to Bai Qiufeng just now.The member of the cultivation group called Nian Nian hadn't reacted yet, he was still thinking of Bai Qiufeng's roar, but in the next second, his body was completely penetrated by Bai Ying.A horrifying hole appeared in Zhou Zhou's abdomen, and Zhou Zhou's vitality was suddenly cut off at this moment, and his body fell down.

The monster was the first to attack them, and the attack method was to attack directly from the lake.From the beginning to the end, this so-called monster has never really surfaced.

The monster didn't even need to show the surface of the water, and killed a member of the cultivating group, General Tianwuzhe!
Heavenly warriors, in the eyes of ordinary people, are like gods. Any skyward warrior will be revered wherever he goes.Every celestial warrior has come out of battles and closed-door training again and again, and they themselves possess extremely powerful fighting power, which cannot be questioned.

But such a sky warrior was completely wiped out in the blink of an eye, without even having time to react.

What exactly is that white shadow that has such a powerful lethality.Could it be that this monster is proficient in spells, and the white shadow just now was actually an attack wave formed by it with spiritual power?The eyes of all the team members turned to the lake again, including Bai Qiufeng, who also looked at the lake nervously, for fear that another white shadow would rush out of the lake and launch a sneak attack on them.

The eyes of all the team members were all focused on the lake, but only Guo Mu's eyes fell on the body of the anniversary of the death.

Guo Mu frowned. He always felt that there was something weird about that white shadow. The white shadow gave Guo Mu the feeling that it was not a wave of spiritual power... but rather...

Guo Mu shook his head, trying to recollect the moment when the white shadow appeared just now, the feeling of the primordial energy in his body suddenly running faster.

The appearance of that white shadow actually made Yuan Lingli run two or three times faster than before.

What the hell is this white shadow?

The lake surface returned to calm, but the tense expressions of the team members did not relax, but they were even more puzzled, why the monster did not attack after attacking once.Is it resting, recovering its strength?

Some team members cast a questioning look at Bai Qiufeng. At this time, whoever is the strongest represents the backbone.However, Bai Qiufeng was also extremely puzzled. He glanced at the lake, and then at Zhou Nian's body. He always felt that something was wrong.

Just like Guo Mu's thoughts, he always felt that he seemed to be missing something.

"Be careful, pay attention to vigilance, Zhou Nian is dead, everyone don't follow in his footsteps." Bai Qiufeng instructed in a deep voice.

Just after saying this, Bai Qiufeng was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Nian Zhou's corpse in horror, and at the same time, Guo Mu's eyes also fell on Nian Nian's corpse.

Guo Mu secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough!"

I saw a white, furry head suddenly drilled out of the bloody hole in Zhou Nian's body, and a living creature came out of Nian Zhou's body, and no one had noticed it before!

This living creature was the anniversary of the previous attack, and was mistaken by the team members for the white shadow of the Yuanli attack wave.

Could it be... this is the legendary monster?

The moment he saw the little white monster, Bai Qiufeng retreated immediately. At the same time, the sword at his waist had landed in his hand, and it danced quickly in his hand, forming a protective shield composed of sword shadows. .

His movements are done in one go, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any leakage.If Bai Ying attacked him at this moment, he would only be strangled in the sword shadow shield.

The reason why Bai Qiufeng didn't attack right away was because the distance between him and the little white monster was too close at that time, and, considering the previous sneak attack of the little white monster on Juan, this guy was extremely fast, so he was not easy to deal with. character of.

Temporarily dodging, and after finding out the weakness of the little white monster, and then looking for an opportunity to attack, this is Bai Qiufeng's thinking at the moment.

Perhaps because it sensed that Bai Qiufeng was not easy to deal with, the little white monster just waved its paw fiercely at Bai Qiufeng who was retreating, then turned around suddenly, and turned towards the other team member who hadn't had time to retreat. attack.

Its attack method is still the same as before, directly attacking the chest of this team member.

It seems that what it is best at is passing through the chest.

However, the members of the cultivating group are all geniuses among geniuses, and their ability to perform is also very strong. If it wasn't for distracting their minds by talking back to Bai Qiufeng on the anniversary, how could this little white monster succeed in its sneak attack.

At this moment, the team member who was attacked by it had already reacted, but he couldn't move his body. After all, behind him was not as agile as Bai Qiufeng. .

However, this team member's reaction was not dull. Immediately, the spiritual power was attached to his saber. He gritted his teeth, without any hesitation, and slammed the sword towards the body of the flying little white monster. Cut up.

Looking at his posture, it seemed that he wanted to cut the little white monster into two pieces from the air.

But... at this moment, an unimaginable scene appeared, the little white monster disappeared!
The team member who was attacked was stunned as his sword fell to nothing.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Where did that little white monster go? Even though Guo Mu had amazing eyesight and Bai Qiufeng had amazing perception, he didn't know where that scary little guy went.

In the air, there was only the smell of blood on Anniversary's corpse, permeating the air.

"Where did it go?"

"How did it disappear out of thin air?"

"Be careful, this thing is weird and fast, don't be distracted!"

"Retreat, defend!"

After a short period of silence, the team members quickly realized that the scene where the little white monster appeared just now seemed too strange. It disappeared suddenly in mid-air, and evaporated into the air in front of everyone's eyes.Is this... really just a monster?Why is it that among the few monsters recorded in their sect, there is no mention of any monsters having this ability at all.

This ability is like the ability that human ascetics can use when they reach a certain high level: teleportation!
From this, it can be deduced that the opponent the cultivator group needs to face is a monster that can teleport!Moreover, it is small in size, so as long as the team members are a little negligent, they may be attacked by this monster.The consequence of being attacked is to die through the chest like an anniversary.

The members of the cultivating group were not ordinary people, they quickly adjusted their positions, and the two stood back to back, defending each other against the little white monster that might charge from a certain direction at any time.

"Stand back..." Qingxin glanced at Guo Mu, and then carefully observed from side to side.

All the team members looked cautious, only Guo Mu didn't show too nervous expression.Firstly, his strength is the weakest, and it is useless to be nervous; secondly, he has full confidence in his Yuanlingshield, and feels that at critical moments, the automatic defense of Yuanlingshield can help him block the attack; thirdly, he He was very curious about the arrival of this little white monster, because the moment the little white monster appeared, the primordial energy in his body accelerated.

What does this mean?This shows that this little white monster must have some kind of ability, or be able to resonate with the primordial spiritual power in his body.If he can catch this little white monster and tie it to his side, will his cultivation speed become faster?

Thinking of this in Guo Mu's mind, his heart became even hotter. He didn't notice that Yue Guang was winking at him, and he didn't notice that all the team members stopped and looked at him dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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