Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 262 The Woman and the Spirit Stone

Chapter 262 The Woman and the Spirit Stone

This is extremely torturous for anyone.

"Let's go."

Before Wuyue and others approached, the two left, just like when they came, and no one knew when they left.

Wuyue rushed into the room in a hurry, and he accidentally found several newly dead doormen's bodies, and immediately guessed that someone had sneaked into Tianhemen again.He brought someone to come immediately to pay, but it was still a step late. When he saw the scene in the room, he was stunned.

Behind him, a group of people came, and these people are all masters of Tianhemen.

"Go, bring the assassin back!"

With Wuyue's order, most of the masters left one after another, and Wuyue looked at the woman's body lying on the side. With just one glance, Wuyue knew that this woman was killed by Fu Qing.

"Find out the details of this woman!"


Wu Yue was the only one standing in the room.

The feeling of dispatching troops and generals is really cool. Long ago, Wuyue was looking forward to it.Although he is the second in command of the Tianhe Gate, he is not the number one, which always makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Wuyue walked slowly to Fu Qing's side, and knelt down beside him.

"Tell me, who did it?"

Fu Qing's throat made a strange sound, as if blood was dripping in the bag, and the strong wind was blowing hard.

Wuyue said softly: "It seems that it is definitely not that woman."

Fu Qing tried hard to nod, but he had no strength at all. He turned his eyes to Wuyue, as if he wanted to express who the real culprit was with his eyes, but he also seemed to beg Wuyue to save him.

But Wuyue couldn't save him.

Moreover, I don't want to save.

Wuyue's voice became indifferent: "Go at ease."

Fu Qing can't feel at ease, he still misses the world, he still thinks about money, beauty, power, and he still wants to become a monk.

"Relax...your seat..." Wuyue looked at Fu Qing coldly: "I will come and sit."

Already, I want to sit down.

When Fu Qing heard this, his eyes widened immediately, as if he was very unwilling and angry.Wuyue slowly covered her eyes with her hands.

"rest in peace……"


The valley is windy, gales.

There are people in the valley, many people.

This is Tianhemen's secret base, not a temporary construction, but a secret place that has always existed.No outsider knows this place, and no one knows what Tianhemen wants to use this place for.

This is Tianhemen's territory, and no one dares to disturb it.

This place is heavily guarded and no one can make trouble.

But here, there are still two people mixed in, one is Guo Mu and the other is Bai Qiufeng.

They found this place, and in order to track down the whereabouts of the mysterious prisoner, they had to sneak into this secret base.If they hadn't really come in, they would never have imagined that such a small Tianhe Gate would have established such a large base underground.

The defense here is several times that of Tianhe Gate.

And all of them are elites.

But no amount of elites can stop Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng from sneaking in.

Because they are the best of the best.


"This place cannot be as simple as holding prisoners. There must be other purposes." Bai Qiufeng said.

Guo Mu asked, "What is the purpose?"

Bai Qiufeng touched the wall next to him. The wall was made of poured iron, which was extremely strong, but when Bai Qiufeng touched it lightly, the iron wall sank.

"Perhaps... many purposes."

Guo Mu tilted his head, puzzled.

"In this, the amalgamation of Tianwuzong is absolutely indispensable."

Bai Qiufeng didn't continue to explain, but took Guo Mu to explore forward.They cleverly avoided the defense, stunned the guards, and sneaked into the innermost part.

Under the ground, an ice palace.

Crystal clear, mysterious prisoners were once held here, or rather, under house arrest.

Bai Qiufeng raised his nose, and with a slight sniff, he could catch the presence of the mysterious prisoner. He didn't really rely on his nose, but because of the sky warrior's intuition.

Tianwu Zhe's intuition was very accurate, so Bai Qiufeng knew that the mysterious prisoner was no longer here.

But where did you go?


A guest came to an inn thousands of miles away.This inn is located in a remote place, there is a stone road in front of the store, and various martial arts people pass by every day, so this inn is never short of guests.

This is, this guest, something special.

Because, he is the mysterious prisoner that Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng have been tracking down.So he came here.

But where is this?

The mysterious prisoner strode into the inn, but no one noticed him, because there was a group of men in black robes galloping past on steeds, and all the eyes of passers-by fell on the horses in black robes.

After a while, the horse team went away.

The mysterious prisoner walked out of the inn just in time, and a clerk brought him a horse. Without saying a word, he chased after the black-robed horse team.

A canyon, no pedestrians, no good scenery.

The black-robed horse team stopped abruptly, and a group of more than 30 people suddenly jumped off the horse and ran away in all directions. In an instant, these people no longer knew where they were hiding.

The mysterious prisoner led the horse and approached slowly.

All he saw were more than 30 horses without owners and scattered footprints on the ground.Obviously, he was discovered by the man in black.

The mysterious prisoner smiled slightly. He had already taken off his prison uniform and put on a fancy dress. No one could see through the scars on his body, only the flowery smile on his face.

"Mu Yougu, here I come..."

Inside the canyon was a road leading to Muyou Valley. The mysterious prisoner believed that if he entered, the owner of Muyou Valley would warmly welcome him, so he walked slowly towards the canyon.

But he was not welcomed by the owner of the Muyou Valley. Those who came to welcome him were the thirty or so people in black robes just now.The way of welcome is as strange as the weapons in their hands.Their weapons are copper vessels in the shape of withered vines, with various beasts engraved on them.

The man in black wants to take the life of the mysterious prisoner.

Because outsiders are not allowed to break into Muyou Valley.

This is an iron law and a creed.

No matter what the identity of the mysterious prisoner is or what he does here, breaking in without permission is a capital offense.

It is a capital crime, and anyone who shepherds the valley will be killed if he sees it.

There was always a faint smile on the face of the mysterious prisoner. From the moment he saw the man in black disappear, and the moment the man in black appeared again and tried to put him to death, the smile on the face of the mysterious prisoner has not changed. Pass.

"Track the ghost team, trespass into the valley, kill, kill!"

The leader of the black-robed men roared hoarsely, and all the black-robed men killed the mysterious prisoner without hesitation.

This ghost team is a special force of Muyougu to walk and do things in the world, and each member has amazing abilities.

Every member is a sky warrior.

More than 30 celestial warriors, no matter where they are placed in the world, they are a force that shocks and even frightens people.

But the mysterious prisoner has no fear at all.

Black mist began to entwine on the weapons of each black-robed man. This is their unique technique, which is extremely corrosive and poisonous.

As long as they hurt the mysterious prisoner, the mysterious prisoner must pay his own life.

Because this kind of poison is aimed at the soul, there is no antidote.

But the mysterious prisoner just raised his hand.

It's hard to imagine that when he was imprisoned for many years, when he stretched out his arm, it was still as white as jade, like a teenager's right hand.In this hand, the five fingers trembled slightly, as if they were pressing something in the air.

Immediately afterwards, starting with the man in black robe closest to him, all the men in black robe turned into powder one by one.

In the end, there was only one left, and that was the leader in black robe.

The mysterious prisoner was still smiling, but turned his head to the black-robed man. The black-robed man's body trembled slightly. The mysterious prisoner seemed to be able to see through the bloodless face inside his black robe.

"Take me to see your Valley Master."


"Compared with his whereabouts, I am actually more concerned about the meaning of this place."

In the secret base of Tianhemen, Bai Qiufeng said to Guo Mu.

In fact, what Bai Qiufeng cares about, Guo Mu cares about as much, and what Bai Qiufeng doesn't care about, Guo Mu also cares about.

For example: What exactly does Bai Qiufeng want to do.

Guo Mu is not a fool, he can tell that Bai Qiufeng didn't care much about the disappearance of the mysterious prisoner from the very beginning.Moreover, he could obviously come out alone, but he brought Guo Mu out as well.

Get Guo Mu involved in this incident.

What is Bai Qiufeng's purpose?

Following behind Bai Qiufeng, Guo Mu remained silent, but he had already made thousands of speculations in his mind.No speculation can accurately interpret reality, and the truth is often not as simple as it appears on the surface.

The underground passages are criss-crossed, but Bai Qiufeng seems to be familiar with the road.

He's been here before, or...is the sensory ability of the Sky Warrior really that strong?


"There's something good there..."

Bai Qiufeng pointed to a small doorway.

How did he know there was something good in it?Guo Mu looked suspiciously at Bai Qiufeng's back, but saw Bai Qiufeng pointing to a passage next to him: "Someone is coming here, you can't solve it, I will solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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