Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 263 Spirit Cultivation Pagoda

Chapter 263 Spirit Cultivation Pagoda

"What about me?" Guo Mu asked subconsciously.

"Go and get that thing inside." Bai Qiufeng smiled surreptitiously, and walked towards the aisle after speaking.

Guo Mu gritted his teeth and didn't think about anything else. He pushed open the small door and walked in.

As soon as he entered, a seductive aroma hit his nostrils, which was very comfortable. After smelling it, Guo Mu couldn't help feeling like he wanted to relax and sleep.

Fortunately, his soul power was strong enough to not be fascinated. He rubbed his eyes and persisted in opening them, but saw a scene that left him dumbstruck.

A woman with a bare back was facing her, and in front of the woman was a huge crystal-like object.

Exquisite and translucent, it shone with light, illuminating the room brightly.

Guo Mu was confused. Was it the woman or the huge crystal that Bai Qiufeng asked him to take?

"Who are you?" The woman said suddenly without turning around.

"I'm Guo Mu."

The woman was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect that an unknown person would appear here: "Don't you know that trespassing in the forbidden area is a dead end?"

Guo Mu guessed that she was an elder from the Tianhe Gate, and he felt a slap in the face, and said, "I've already come, so I'm not afraid of death."

"well said!"

The woman turned around suddenly, and her beautiful face was revealed in front of Guo Mu's eyes.This woman is indeed beautiful, especially under the radiance of the crystals behind her, she looks very charming.

Guo Mu had never seen this woman before.He only noticed a small mole on the woman's neck.

"Thank you." Guo Mu said.

"You're welcome...don't be nervous." The woman said, "Actually, I'm not from here, and those who fight with your friends outside are not my friends either."

Immediately she came over: "We are all the way."

Guo Mu said calmly, the Yuan Lingli in his body had already been activated: "Who is there along the way?"

The woman's footsteps stopped abruptly: "Those who steal things."

Guo Mu opened his mouth, but he didn't refute the woman's words. He was indeed here to steal. What Bai Qiufeng meant was to call him to steal.It's just that until now, he still doesn't know what exactly he is trying to steal.

Is it that huge crystal?

Seeing his silence, the woman's eyes suddenly fell on his sword: "You are from the Shuyang Sect."

People who use swords are not necessarily people from Shuyangzong, but people from Shuyangzong must use swords.Moreover, these swords have also been specially made, bearing the logo of Shuyangzong.Every disciple of the Shuyang Sect will get a sword when they enter the Shuyang Sect.

A sword that belongs to him.

The sword is with the people, and the sword is dead and the people are dead.

A woman has good eyesight, so she will not be an ordinary person. Of course, ordinary people cannot appear here.

The woman turned around again, the skin on her back was very smooth, like a newborn baby.Perhaps, the skin of a newborn baby is not as good as hers.That's all, Guo Mu doesn't care about these things, what Guo Mu cares about is whether this woman is good or bad.

Good ones are harmless, bad ones need to be killed manually.

If he really needed to do something, Guo Mu would never show mercy to a woman.

There are really not many people who can make him show mercy.

But this woman didn't seem to intend to fight him.

"Do you know what this is?"

The woman didn't move, but Guo Mu knew she was referring to the large crystal in front of her.He was also curious as to what this thing was.

"This is a spirit stone."

Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat, as if he had caught something.He seems to have heard or seen the word "Lingshi" somewhere, but he doesn't know what a Lingshi is.In the dark, Guo Mu felt that the spirit stone might be very helpful to him.

"What is a spirit stone?" After all, Guo Mu is not a person in the deep city, and his shortness of breath has already exposed his own thoughts.

He is very concerned about Lingshi.

"You are a cultivator, and so are your friends. Of course you understand, why ask me?" the woman said.

Guo Mu's heart was shocked. Who the hell is this woman? She can tell with just a few glances that he is a cultivator. What's even more bizarre is that she has never seen Bai Qiufeng before, and she knows that Bai Qiufeng is a cultivator. .

You must know that no one can directly see the details of Guo Mu's cultivation, and even those people can't tell whether he is a martial artist or a martial artist.

But this woman can speak out easily.

"You are also a cultivator?" Guo Mu said this, which meant that he had indirectly admitted the woman's speculation about him.

"That's right, silly boy, did you see it now..."

The woman actually called Guo Mu a silly child, and it was so natural, Guo Mu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"I really don't know what a spirit stone is?" Guo Mu replied honestly.

The woman gave him a strange look, and her brows relaxed for a moment: "That's right, you are from the Shuyang Sect, but you are not a real member of the Shuyang Sect. I don't know, and there is nothing strange about it..."

Shuyangzong and the real Shuyangzong?

What the woman said made Guo Mu puzzled. Isn't the Shuyang Sect the same as the Shuyang Sect? When did the real Shuyang Sect come out again?

Guo Mu didn't ask, because the woman had already talked about other things, that is, about the huge crystal in front of him.


Lingshi, as the name suggests, refers to the transformation of spiritual energy into stone.The aura of heaven and earth is gas, how could it turn into stone?In fact, there are many reasons that ordinary people cannot guess.

Ascetics don't need to know so much, they just need to know that there is a huge amount of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone.

In terms of value, ordinary spirit stones are only slightly inferior to the inner alchemy of low-level monsters.

In the absence of monster inner alchemy, spirit stones are the most common thing for ascetics to replenish their spiritual power.

And now, such a large piece of spirit stone appeared in front of Guo Mu, it is an absolute treasure!
"Little kid in the Qi refining period, tell me, this spirit stone, is it the one who came first, or the one who came later?"

The woman giggled and looked extremely charming, but Guo Mu's heart suddenly felt a chill.

Guo Mu is indeed in the Qi refining stage, and this woman, if the Qi refining stage is called a little kid, then... how powerful she should be.

For a moment, Guo Mu was terrified.

No one would be happy with such a powerful opponent.At this time, Guo Mu realized why women said so many things to him without reservation. It turned out that in the eyes of women, he had no competitive power at all.

Since ancient times, in the process of fighting for the treasure, those who have no power to compete have only one end.

What comforted Guo Mu was that the woman didn't seem to want to kill him. When Guo Mu showed fear, the woman smiled even more happily.

"Don't be nervous, little boy, if I want to kill you, I just need to move my fingers lightly..." The woman giggled.

Guo Mu's eyes widened. What is this called? If you want to kill you, you just need to move your fingers. How can this make people not be afraid or nervous?Now, Guo Mu completely understood that what this woman meant was to tease him.

Nervous, Guo Mu may be a little bit, after all, in his subconscious guess, women are extremely skilled.

It is normal for a rookie to be a little nervous when facing a master.

However, Guo Mu will never be afraid.

Fear is the expression of cowardly people, and Guo Mu has never been a cowardly person.Maybe Guo Mu's strength is not enough, but his heart is very strong.In this world, only those with a strong heart can truly survive.

"If you want it, I don't have to."

Guo Mu has the inner alchemy of monsters. Although he is also very interested in Lingshi, he understands that at this time, he must know how to bow his head. Only by bowing his head can he win a chance for himself.No matter what this woman's plan is, Guo Mu has to guard against it.

If a woman is really going to ask for it, then give it to him.

Anyway, Guo Mu himself didn't have a strong desire to get the spirit stone, and the spirit stone was too big for him to fully possess.In addition, Guo Mu also knew that although he didn't want it, there was one person who couldn't.That was Bai Qiufeng. As the leader of the Shuyang Sect's cultivation group, how could Bai Qiufeng let go of such a big spirit stone.You know, what Shuyang Zong lacks is this.

With spirit stones, members of the cultivation group can improve their cultivation speed by more than several times.

Guo Mu intends to hand over this matter to Bai Qiufeng.

The woman obviously also saw Guo Mu's thoughts.

"You want that person outside to come and rob me, right?" The woman stared at Guo Mu, and Guo Mu remained silent, but it was this performance that made the woman more sure of her inner guess.

"But... you know what?"

Guo Mu raised his head, looked at the woman seriously, and waited for her to continue.

The woman smiled slightly: "Even if that person from outside comes in, it's useless, because...his strength in cultivation is far inferior to yours. It's easy for me to kill you, and killing him won't waste any time." .Even if he is a celestial warrior, in my eyes, he is no different from an ant."

Arrogant, really arrogant!
(End of this chapter)

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