Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 267 Yujian Village 2

Chapter 267 Yujian Village 2
Ordinary celestial warriors are required to specialize in one special martial skill, but Martial Gods require at least five special martial skills to be able to achieve it.Such a talent is rare in a thousand years!
Could it be that Bai Qiufeng actually became a martial god?
How is this possible!

The mysterious woman couldn't believe it at all, but Guo Mu didn't quite understand what she said.Because, in his impression, the realm of martial arts is only said by sky warriors, and he has never heard of any martial arts.

He didn't know, because Valkyrie was just a legend.

Ordinary celestial warriors, who have spent their entire lives to be able to specialize in a special martial skill, have already reached the peak.The cultivation of special martial arts is not as easy as mastering martial arts moves at all. Even ordinary special martial arts require practitioners to put in all their efforts and painstaking efforts.

For hundreds of years, with a population of tens of billions in the Wushuang Continent, it has been extremely difficult for a Heavenly Martial Artist who has mastered three or more special martial arts, let alone mastered five or more special martial arts.

That is simply a fantasy!
However, it is obvious that only the legendary Valkyrie can break through the spiritual defense with physical strength.

The mysterious woman couldn't help but suspect that Bai Qiufeng's strength was a bit perverted, it could be said that it was unimaginable.

But the mysterious woman was puzzled. Since Bai Qiufeng easily broke her defense with all her strength, it meant that Bai Qiufeng had the absolute ability to deliberately hurt her.

must escape!
If you don't escape, you will die!

Therefore, the mysterious woman didn't think about anything, and disappeared into the air again, intending to leave this place through teleportation.

As for the idea of ​​arresting Guo Mu, she temporarily put it aside.

The moment the mysterious woman disappeared, Bai Qiufeng narrowed his eyes and suddenly became defensive. He was also worried that the mysterious woman would use this trick to attack him suddenly.

The invisible enemy is the scariest.

Because they will appear at any time, no one can know where they appear, who is the target, what is the ultimate move, and how to crack it.

I don't know, that's the scariest thing.

Three seconds after the mysterious woman disappeared, Guo Mu saw that Bai Qiufeng moved suddenly.Flying like a butterfly is simply unbelievable, but Guo Mu was not too surprised, because he knew that a cultivator in the Danhua realm could fly in the air.

Since Bai Qiufeng was able to scare away that mysterious woman who seemed to be in the Danhua realm, he naturally had two tricks.

It is not surprising that it can fly.

What was strange was Bai Qiufeng's actions.

His fingers were changing movements in the air, as if they were pinching some strange handprints. Following his movements, Bai Qiufeng exposed his skin on the outside of his clothes, and there began to be faint, thin gold threads gushing out, and then slowly Slowly increase, and finally overwhelming.

The gold threads form a net, a very large net.

The net broke away from Bai Qiufeng's body and flew in all directions.

Guo Mu hurriedly dodged to the side, but the golden net immediately caught up with him. He thought he would be caught by the net, but unexpectedly, the golden net passed directly through his body.

"what is this?"

Guo Mu calmed down, and quickly asked Bai Qiufeng.

Bai Qiufeng replied slowly: "This is a space lock."

"Spatial lock?" Guo Mu had never heard of this name.

Knowing that he had never heard of it, Bai Qiufeng explained to Guo Mu well: "The woman just now used the method of teleportation. Teleportation is a type of space technique, and my space lock is used to confine Space, so she has nowhere to escape!"

After listening to Bai Qiufeng's explanation, Guo Mu really understood, but it was also because of Bai Qiufeng's words that Guo Mu really discovered that Bai Qiufeng was hiding something deep.

Of course, the champion of the Shaowu Tournament, speaking of it, is actually very ostentatious.

But... In the eyes of everyone, Bai Qiufeng is actually just a sky warrior.

But now, Guo Mu discovered that Bai Qiufeng is definitely not a simple sky warrior, his identity must be beyond anyone's imagination.

Guo Mu felt that Bai Qiufeng's background must be extraordinary. It is very possible that he already knew a lot about Taoism.

Guo Mu has never heard of space locks, obviously, this is a very advanced spell.Who is Bai Qiufeng who can cast such advanced spells.

At this time, Guo Mu gradually became curious about Bai Qiufeng's true identity.

As soon as the golden net came out, the mysterious woman immediately showed her original shape. Guo Mu saw that the golden net bound the mysterious woman. The mysterious woman kept moving, but she couldn't get rid of it at all.It seems that what Bai Qiufeng said is true, the space lock really has the effect of locking the space and invalidating the mysterious woman's teleportation.

"Who are you?" After being bound, the mysterious woman stared at Bai Qiufeng and asked.

It was a strange question for her to ask, because Bai Qiufeng's name was almost well-known all over the world, and everyone in Xiaqiu Kingdom knew it. Even among the surrounding big countries, Bai Qiufeng was also a legendary figure.

However, it was such a character, this mysterious woman, who didn't know it.

Is the mysterious woman too ignorant?

Obviously not.

It seems that the mysterious woman's question has another meaning.With this meaning, he naturally wanted to ask, what is Bai Qiufeng's identity, and why did he hide his strength.In the eyes of the mysterious woman, Bai Qiufeng's strength is not the number one among the young generation of Shuyang Sect, it can be said that he is the number one in the entire Shuyang Sect.

Although the mysterious woman had never fought against the elders of the Shuyang Sect, she knew that this so-called Xiaqiu Kingdom's third sect was just a mortal martial sect.No matter what, it can't compare to the monastic sect.And she, even in the sect of ascetics, can be regarded as the best, but she was defeated by a small sky warrior.

Moreover, this little celestial warrior actually used a space lock that she had never heard of.


Is this so-called little celestial warrior really a little celestial warrior?It's no wonder that the mysterious woman is suspicious, even Guo Mu, who has never seen anything in the world, is suspicious.

Facing the accusation of the mysterious woman, Bai Qiufeng's expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.He looked at the mysterious woman quietly, and then said: "Hand over the spirit stone, and let you live."

"I don't have a spirit stone." The mysterious woman snorted and turned her head to one side.

At this time, Guo Mu didn't know where the trouble was, so he hurriedly interjected: "I saw you put away the spirit stone with my own eyes, but I don't know how you collected it. In the blink of an eye, such a big piece of spirit stone disappeared. gone."

The mysterious woman glared at Guo Mu, but secretly thought something was wrong, she suddenly turned her head and cast her eyes on Bai Qiufeng, as expected, Bai Qiufeng's eyes had already landed on her fingers.And on her finger, a light blue ring was worn on the middle finger.

"Spatial ring?" Bai Qiufeng smiled slightly, "If you don't take it out yourself, then I'll have to grab it."

As soon as the words were finished, Bai Qiufeng waved his hand, and the light blue ring on the finger of the mysterious woman fell off automatically, passed through the gold net, and flew towards Bai Qiufeng.Bai Qiufeng grabbed it in his hand, and looked at the mysterious woman, his face had become extremely ugly.

The mysterious woman said: "Bai Qiufeng, you really are not an ordinary sky warrior, could it be that you are really in the realm of a martial god?"

Bai Qiufeng shook his head: "I'm not a martial arts god, but my realm is not something you can guess."

"Sure enough, with so many celestial warriors in the Shaowu Conference, you must have an extraordinary background if you can soar all the way. How could the little Shuyang sect cultivate a character like you." The mysterious woman sneered, "It seems that you will appear in the The Shuyang Sect also has ulterior motives..."

Bai Qiufeng smiled lightly: "What ulterior motive do I have?"

"Although I don't know, it is absolutely impossible for you to be trained by the Shuyang Sect!" the mysterious woman said.

Listening to their talk, Guo Mu agreed with the mysterious woman in his heart, but he won't say it now because, after all, he is in the same camp as Bai Qiufeng.Moreover, what Guo Mu was more worried about was that if Bai Qiufeng really had some ulterior purpose and the mysterious woman found out, would he, as a bystander, be murdered by Bai Qiufeng?

Thinking of this, Guo Mu couldn't help shivering.

Bai Qiufeng looked at the mysterious woman coldly: "I don't need to hide anything, even if I wasn't trained by the Shuyang Sect, so what, the Shuyang Sect has raised me for many years, and I will never do anything harmful to the Shuyang Sect ...You can just talk nonsense, there is only me and Guo Mu here, it is impossible for your words to spread...So, you better shut up, it is useless to say less."

"You..." The mysterious woman was so angry that her nose was crooked.

"Let's talk about your identity, I'm curious..." Bai Qiufeng looked at the mysterious woman calmly.

"Hmph, I won't tell you." The mysterious woman turned her face to one side.

Bai Qiufeng said again: "Even if you don't tell me, I know that you are from... Yujianzhuang!"

As soon as the words "Yujianzhuang" were uttered, the expression on the mysterious woman's face changed instantly, but immediately after, she returned to her original state.But in just the blink of an eye, the change in her expression had caught the eyes of the two present, which proved that Bai Qiufeng's guess was not wrong at all.

"I'm not..." the mysterious woman said.

Bai Qiufeng said: "Don't lie, your personal waist card has already arrived in my hand. This waist card is the waist card of Yujianzhuang." The jade tablet landed at the feet of the mysterious woman.

(End of this chapter)

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