Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 268 Bai Qiufeng's Secret

Chapter 268 Bai Qiufeng's Secret
When the mysterious woman saw it, her complexion changed abruptly. Knowing that she could no longer hide it, she had no choice but to admit it: "So what if I am."

"It is said that... Yujianzhuang acts strangely, and the disciples are often not allowed to go out, and its location is tens of thousands of miles away from here. Why did you appear here, could it be..." Bai Qiufeng speculated slowly.

Listening to what he said, the mysterious woman's face became more and more ugly.

Bai Qiufeng didn't care what she thought, and said to himself: "Could it be that you escaped from Yujianzhuang...a traitor?"

The people of Yujianzhuang have never been in the world. This mysterious woman not only appeared thousands of miles away from Yujianzhuang, but also wore the waist card of Yujianzhuang. What's more worth mentioning is that the method used was also Yujianzhuang. Zhuang's special skill, coupled with the subconscious expression change of the mysterious woman when she heard Yujianzhuang, this undoubtedly proves that the identity of the mysterious woman is indeed from Yujianzhuang.

Guo Mu has never heard of Yujianzhuang, but this is not important, what is important is that Bai Qiufeng pointed out the identity of the mysterious woman as a "fugitive".Since he is a fugitive, he will definitely be hunted down by Yujianzhuang. There is no way to avoid this.People who are on the run usually carefully conceal their identities and do not allow themselves to leave any clues.

Yujianzhuang is a sect of cultivating Taoism. The so-called distance of thousands of miles is not a big distance for any sect of cultivating Taoism. A strong person in the Danhua stage can reach it in a few days, and the above realm is even easier.

Therefore, when the mysterious woman heard Bai Qiufeng say that she was a fugitive, she would be so nervous, because if Bai Qiufeng exposed the news that she was here, then Yujianzhuang would definitely attract her.She was lucky to be able to escape once, but if she does it again, it may not be so easy to escape.

The mysterious woman didn't dare to take risks, and Bai Qiufeng also pinpointed that she didn't dare to take risks.

The mysterious woman whose life gate was held down could only bow her head to Bai Qiufeng, and that's what Bai Qiufeng wanted.

"What on earth do you want?" The mysterious woman said to Bai Qiufeng angrily. It seemed that she was quite pitiful.

But Bai Qiufeng was unmoved, he said flatly: "I don't need you to do anything."

The mysterious woman was stunned: "Huh?"

Bai Qiufeng said again: "I can let you go."

"So good?" The mysterious woman looked at Bai Qiufeng suspiciously.

"I want this badge." Bai Qiufeng smiled lightly, "Whether you leave or not has nothing to do with me."

Hearing Bai Qiufeng's words, Guo Mu couldn't figure it out. If it were him, he would definitely extort some benefits from this mysterious woman, such as Yujianzhuang's cultivation techniques, or other treasures of ascetics.However, Bai Qiufeng actually only took a ring that stored spirit stones and a waist card that seemed useless. What kind of calculations did he have? Guo Mu couldn't believe that Bai Qiufeng was that simple.

Sure enough, when Bai Qiufeng said these words, the face of the mysterious woman changed again. Seeing the change on her face, Guo Mu knew that Bai Qiufeng had pinched her life again.

"Can I not give it?" The mysterious woman gritted her teeth.

Guo Mu couldn't figure it out, she was clearly a fugitive, but why did she still carry this jade token? Wouldn't it be better to throw away the jade token, so that no one would be able to recognize her identity.Also, why did Bai Qiufeng only want this jade token, and the secret of the jade token is something he doesn't know.

In fact, Guo Mu has many secrets that he doesn't know, so now he quietly looks at the two people, waiting for them to tell them.

He knew they would speak out.

"No." Bai Qiufeng shook his head, gently stroking the jade token with his right hand: "Either, keep the jade token, or, I spare your life, and then take the jade token away."

The mysterious woman's face was pale, she knew that Bai Qiufeng did not scare her, it was totally possible.No matter what her attitude was, she couldn't stop Bai Qiufeng from wanting a jade token.Rather than angering Bai Qiufeng, it would be better to send it out on my own initiative.

But...she was indeed reluctant to give up the jade token.

After all, the role of the jade card is not simply to prove the role of Yujianzhuang's family members.

This jade tablet has one of the biggest functions, which is to sense the existence of Lingshi.If it wasn't for this psychic jade, how could she have discovered this large piece of spiritual stone underground.Originally, she thought that Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng were just two ordinary practitioners in the qi refining period, but she never thought that since Bai Qiufeng had a way to hide his true cultivation, he would control her at the most critical moment.

Thinking about it now, Bai Qiufeng actually knew the function of the jade token and her origin early on.

It seems that Bai Qiufeng has made up his mind to take the jade tablet for himself.


As for Bai Qiufeng's real cultivation, the mysterious woman felt that even if he was not the legendary Martial God, he would not be just an ordinary ascetic.But now, how high Bai Qiufeng's realm is is no longer important to the mysterious woman.

"Okay, I promise you, jade token, you take it away."

Although the jade card has the function of finding spirit stones, life is often more important to the mysterious woman.

Bai Qiufeng had expected that the mysterious woman would be such a choice, so he smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

"The space lock will be automatically released after an hour, and you can go by yourself when the time comes."

After Bai Qiufeng finished speaking, he winked at Guo Mu. Guo Mu understood and knew that he was letting him go.The mysterious woman looked at the backs of the two leaving, then looked at the golden net that bound her, and immediately gritted her teeth angrily: "Hmph, against my aunt, just wait! Bai Qiufeng, I don't care what your identity is, How much strength you have hidden, if you dare to embarrass your aunt, I will definitely get it back with interest!"

"This time... it's my aunt's bad luck!"


"Do you want to ask, who am I, why I hide so much strength, and why I can easily subdue that woman?" The two walked one after the other, and Bai Qiufeng suddenly spoke, and what he said , also hit the question in Guo Mu's heart.

Guo Mu really wanted to ask these questions, but he knew better what to ask and what not to ask.If Bai Qiufeng wanted to talk, he would listen. If Bai Qiufeng didn't intend to talk, then he would show no interest at all.

This is enlightenment.

Now that Bai Qiufeng intends to explain to him, he just satisfies the doubts in his heart: "Yeah."

But next, what he waited for was not Bai Qiufeng's further explanation, but to see Bai Qiufeng suddenly stopped, and then raised his head to spurt out a mouthful of blood.Guo Mu was shocked. He saw Bai Qiufeng's body collapsed and hurriedly supported him, but he heard Bai Qiufeng say intermittently: "My business is very complicated. I will explain it to you later. Help me first and find a safe place." You must hide it before that woman chases you..."

From what he said, it seemed that if they didn't hide as soon as possible, they would surely die when the mysterious woman got rid of the space lock and caught up.

But just now, Bai Qiufeng's face was obviously indifferent. Could it be that his calmness was all an act?
I didn't dare to stay for too long, and I couldn't ask any more questions at this time.Guo Mu's reaction was also quick, he immediately supported Bai Qiufeng and left in a hurry.At this moment, they had already left Tianhemen's secret base and were not seen by anyone.Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng went to the deep mountains, hoping to use the trees in the deep forest to block the enemy's sight, so as to gain a chance of survival.

Finally, they found a cave and lay with their backs to the wall.

"Are you curious, why did I look like this when I was able to subdue her just now?" Bai Qiufeng's face was very ugly and haggard, with cold sweat overflowing from his forehead, as if he was suppressing great pain.

Guo Mu nodded.

Bai Qiufeng continued to explain: "Actually, that woman is right. It is impossible for the Shuyang Sect to cultivate a character like me..."

"But... you obviously grew up in the Shuyang Sect..." Guo Mu remembered that he had looked up Bai Qiufeng's biography and learned that Bai Qiufeng grew up in the Shuyang Sect since he was a child. Breakthrough, at the age of 15, he is already a martial artist, at the age of 20, he is already a celestial warrior, and now, he is at the peak of a celestial warrior that ordinary people can't even imagine.In the eyes of many people, this can already be regarded as a legendary experience.

If according to the mysterious woman, Bai Qiufeng's realm is far beyond that of a sky warrior, then... how terrifying this kind of talent must be... What's even more frightening is why did Bai Qiufeng hide it? He is the proud son of heaven. Like Guo Mu, who is always attacked at the bottom, there is no need to hide his strength.

The stronger the strength, the easier it is to be valued.

Guo Mu couldn't figure out what Bai Qiufeng's purpose was.

"That's right, I did grow up in the Shuyang Sect, but strictly speaking, I'm not from the Shuyang Sect..." Bai Qiufeng smiled while enduring the pain.

As soon as he said these words, Guo Mu was even more shocked, because Guo Mu knew very well what Bai Qiufeng's words meant, which meant that Bai Qiufeng would tell more secrets that Guo Mu could not imagine next.

This secret may be the deadliest.

Guo Mu looked at Bai Qiufeng calmly, waiting for him to tell the secret.

Bai Qiufeng asked: "I know, if you tell me about me, you may not understand it very much, but these are all true. I want to ask you... have you heard of the 'curse'?"

(End of this chapter)

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