Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 269 Bai Qiufeng's Promise

Chapter 269 Bai Qiufeng's Promise
"Curse?" Guo Mu had never heard of it.

"Curse is to imprison a person's soul in a special way... I was cursed once. At that time, my identity was beyond your imagination, and it is not convenient to reveal it to you now, so I was cursed." Afterwards, I became a member of the Shuyang Sect, and you don’t need to know about the process during this period.”


"Do you believe me?"

"You mean, you are the so-called reincarnation of the soul or something..."

"Well, do you believe it?"

"I... how can I believe it, this is too unbelievable..."

"Hehe, I knew you would have this reaction, and most people would not believe it, because this kind of words sound really weird, and most people can't understand... But you have to believe it..."

"Why should I trust you?"

Guo Mu was very strange, if what Bai Qiufeng said was true, then this should be the biggest secret in his heart, why did he tell him, when did the relationship between them become so strong.

But Bai Qiufeng said slowly: "Because... only you can save me."

"Only you can break my curse."

This is all the reason for Qiufeng's showdown with him. Why is he the only one who can break Bai Qiufeng's curse? Why is it only him?Could it be that this was the purpose of Bai Qiufeng approaching him in the first place?

In an instant, thousands of thoughts had emerged in Guo Mu's mind, he was considering the authenticity of Bai Qiufeng's words.But even if he thought about it, he couldn't think of why Bai Qiufeng would lie to him. It seemed that Bai Qiufeng definitely had no reason to lie to him.

This proves that Bai Qiufeng really needs his help.

What Guo Mu can be sure of is that if what Bai Qiufeng said is true, it means that this is the most important secret in Bai Qiufeng's heart. Now, Bai Qiufeng has told him the most important secret in his heart. If he doesn't agree, it is very likely that Bai Qiufeng will change his face in the next second.

Just like the secrets hidden in Guo Mu's heart, it is absolutely forbidden for others to know.

If someone knew his secret, Guo Mu would definitely consider killing him first.It's not that Guo Mu thinks too badly of Bai Qiufeng, but that Bai Qiufeng once turned his back on him in front of him. If he can really trust Bai Qiufeng without reservation, then he is really naive and hopeless.

The world is simple, but human nature is complex.

Guo Mu is not a person who trusts others easily.

"How do you know I can save you?" Guo Mu asked.

Bai Qiufeng said: "At the beginning, when I came to Wangjianmen and heard that you saved Yue Tiantian, I became interested, because according to his description, Yue Tiantian's symptoms were something wrong with the soul, but, You can actually be cured. So I wanted to call you out to have a look, and when I saw you, something that hadn’t happened in my chest began to appear, a certain acupuncture point was burning all the time ..."

"Huh?" Guo Mu looked at Bai Qiufeng puzzled.

Bai Qiufeng continued: "On this acupuncture point, such an abnormal situation will only appear when someone who can save me appears. So I knew at that time that you must be the person I am looking for! Then, I It will directly pardon your guilt and bring you into the Shuyang sect."

"So it's like this..." Guo Mu suddenly realized, he had never understood the purpose of Bai Qiufeng helping him so much, and now he finally understood.It turned out that Bai Qiufeng saved him because he was of great use to Bai Qiufeng.

But this is normal. After learning the whole story, Guo Mu's previous speculation about Bai Qiufeng disappeared.

"How can I help you?" If you don't help, you will probably be killed by Bai Qiufeng, and if you help, you may not be able to do it, and you may be silenced. What Guo Mu wants to do now is to delay time.

At this juncture, delaying time is the kingly way.

"Today, July [-]th, when the moon is full in August [-]th, when the Yin Qi gathers, I need you to help me get rid of the curse. At that time, I will tell you how to do it... Don't worry, I won't I will let you help me in vain, when the time comes, you help me out of trouble, and I will give you a great benefit..."

"What's the benefit?"

"Help you step directly into the realm of alchemy!"

It really is a great benefit, Guo Mu's eyes lit up when he heard these words.Does he know that it is very difficult to step into the realm of Danhua, and it is impossible to do it without a large amount of spiritual power stored in the Dantian.However, with the cultivation method of ordinary ascetics, if there is no two to thirty years, it will not be able to meet the requirements at all.And the method Guo Mu learned in the Heaven and Earth Art, although the speed of absorbing spiritual power is much faster, but... it still takes more than ten years.

But now, Bai Qiufeng actually told him directly that he could directly step into the realm of alchemy!

is this real?
Looking at Guo Mu's puzzled eyes, Bai Qiufeng certainly knew what he was worried about, so he explained: "Of course, it is very difficult to become a strong person in the Danhua realm by ordinary methods. However, there are other shortcuts , There are demonic ones, and there are righteous ones."

"What is the evil way and the righteous way?"

"The way to quickly advance to the devil's way is very cruel. I don't want to say more. If you are interested, you can look up the classics, but I advise you not to try it, because you will be punished by the righteous sects of the world... the real devil... ...It has not appeared in the world for many years. The method of the righteous way is the one I use, which achieves the goal by directly instilling skills from one person to another..."

"Instill power directly?"

"Yes." Bai Qiufeng continued, "I will use a special method to transfer part of my spiritual power to you, and help you digest and control this spiritual power, and then help you directly step into the realm of alchemy!"

There is no loophole in what Bai Qiufeng said, because Guo Mu once heard Lan Gui mention this method inadvertently.However, the condition for this method to be achieved is that the party that transmits the power must be above the Nascent Soul, otherwise, it is impossible to control the spiritual power so perfectly.This is a very dangerous way to improve the state. If you are not careful, the person who is being transported may lose his life, and the energy of the transporter will also be greatly damaged.

But now, Bai Qiufeng said it so frankly, as if it was a very easy matter, which made Guo Mu wonder, could it be that Bai Qiufeng's real realm has reached above Nascent Soul Stage?

This... how is this possible!

Bai Qiufeng was really astute, he saw through Guo Mu's thoughts at a glance, and said: "You must be guessing my real state, I can tell you clearly, I was not a mortal before, if I was not assassinated by the enemy, I would not I will be reduced to the present state. After you help me undo the curse, I will go back... My realm is beyond your imagination. At that time, in addition to helping you upgrade to the alchemy stage, I can also give you A token, after you reach the Nascent Soul Stage, you can come to me..."

"Looking for you?"

Bai Qiufeng smiled slightly: "If it goes well, then I have enough rights to arrange you into a sect of cultivation. I think you should be looking forward to it."

Indeed, Guo Mu is looking forward to it.

Shuyang Sect, after all, is only the Fanwu Sect, so it is not suitable for Guo Mu. What Guo Mu wants to go to is always the kind of sect that focuses on cultivating Taoism.After getting Guo Mu's nod of acceptance, Bai Qiufeng finally closed his eyes with a smile, and began to meditate to heal his wounds.In order to cast the space lock just now, he was seriously injured. After all, because he was under the curse, his strength was not at its peak, and he had already overdrawn his own strength by using the space lock.

Overloading will inevitably damage the body.


The two waited in the cave for several hours, but the mysterious woman was never found, which made them both heave a sigh of relief.If at this time, that mysterious woman came, I'm afraid the two of them would be solved easily.After all, Guo Mu's strength is not enough, and Bai Qiufeng is now at the end of his strength. Judging by his haggard appearance, it is impossible to fight against that mysterious woman again.

After some consideration, Guo Mu decided to take a gamble and trust Bai Qiufeng once, but even so, he will be fully prepared. At that time, he will exchange souls with the blue ghost again, so that if Bai Qiufeng If you repent, the blue ghost can help him resist.If even the blue ghost can't deal with Bai Qiufeng, then Guo Mu has no choice but to admit defeat.

Comparing the blue ghost and Bai Qiufeng, Guo Mu still believes in the blue ghost.

In life, you always need to gamble once or twice.

Sometimes, it is to gamble money and things outside of the body, but sometimes, it is necessary to gamble with life.

It's just because, in Guo Mu's heart, the desire to become stronger is getting hotter and hotter, and according to his current progress, it is very difficult to advance to the alchemy stage.I'm afraid that when he and Fenglei meet again, he won't be able to step into the Danhua realm.

In the past, Guo Mu thought that martial masters were very powerful, but later he realized that celestial warriors were even more powerful, and later on, he discovered that ascetics and celestial warriors are completely different existences, and ascetics have surpassed mortals.Guo Mu originally wanted to work hard and slowly in the qi refining stage. In this life, he was lucky to become a strong man in the alchemy stage, but now he heard about the higher state of the nascent soul stage.

In an instant, a strong desire arose in Guo Mu's heart, wanting to explore the mysterious and unknown world of cultivation.

This is also the reason why he decided to trust Bai Qiufeng. He felt that Bai Qiufeng had no reason to lie to him.

The strong never need to lie to the weak.

Besides, there was no grievance or enmity between him and Bai Qiufeng, and Bai Qiufeng's affection for Shuyangzong was also very deep, so there was no need to do anything to him.Moreover, according to what Bai Qiufeng said, he was going to seek revenge, so he was not afraid of being exposed. Whether Guo Mu knew it or not, he would not pose any threat to him.

(End of this chapter)

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