Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 270 Killing Guo Liyu

Chapter 270 Killing Guo Liyu
So far, the Tianhemen incident has come to an end, maybe in the future, Guo Mu will come back, but now, he has started the journey back to Wangjianmen with everyone in Wangjianmen.The purpose of their previous visit to Tianhe Gate was to track down the whereabouts of the mysterious prisoner. Now that the mysterious prisoner has disappeared, they have no way of finding out. They have no choice but to go back to Wangjian Gate first, and then make a decision.

And taking advantage of this time, Guo Mu also plans to do one thing, that is...to deal with Bingtian and Guo Liyu.

Guo Mu thought that these two people must not stay, because they are very likely to become his confidants in the future, and Guo Mu absolutely cannot tolerate people who are against him to continue to live in this world.

Thinking of this made him feel uncomfortable all over.

If you are uncomfortable, you must be clear and healed.

The cure is to completely eradicate these two people from the world, and let them disappear completely in this world, so as not to pose a threat to Guo Mu.

Potential threats don't work either.

Guo Mu absolutely cannot tolerate it.

So he must kill Guo Huayu and Bingtian.

But how to kill?
Must not be discovered.

Guo Mu could actually ask Bai Qiufeng to take action, because although Bai Qiufeng was injured, it was not something Guo Huayu and Bing Tian could contend with.As long as Bai Qiufeng agrees to take action, Guo Huayu and Bingtian will undoubtedly die.

But this time, Guo Mu didn't want to rely on Bai Qiufeng.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to confirm his thoughts and see how strong he was.

There is hope for the future, but for some reason, Guo Liyu felt anxious for no reason.What was he worried about? He looked at his master Bingtian who was beside him, and Bingtian turned his head to look at him. Both of them saw a hint of vigilance in each other's eyes.

It seems that they want to go together.

When they first came out of Ziwangjianmen, they had suspected one thing, that is, Guo Mu planned to take this opportunity to eradicate them.This is not because they are supercilious, but because, if they switch positions with Guo Mu, they will also make such a choice.Although Guo Mu was silent in his previous behavior, he was not a gentleman.

Based on their own feelings, the two believed that Guo Mu would definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Originally, the two of them didn't want to come out with Guo Mu. If they did, they would have to find an opportunity to kill Guo Mu. However, what they didn't expect was that there was another Bai Qiufeng by Guo Mu's side.Who is Bai Qiufeng? He is the champion of the Shaowu Tournament!With a move of a finger, both of them could be reduced to rubbish.

This is definitely not a joke, Bai Qiufeng definitely has this ability.

As for Guo Mu, since he returned from the Shuyang Sect, he has become a bit unpredictable. Guo Huayu and Bing Tian couldn't see his true strength.

It's scary because you can't see through it.

Guo Fuyu and Bingtian felt that this time might be a disaster, so they discussed countermeasures many times along the way and thought of running away, but Guangwu was always by their side, so they didn't find a chance.Guangwu's strength is comparable to Bingtian's, so Bingtian is not sure that he can win Guangwu.

Guangwu didn't know if it was intentional, but he always kept a certain distance from them, making it impossible for them to escape.

Guo Liyu and Bingtian also thought about killing Guo Mu first, but they still couldn't find a chance.But now, they have already started to rush back, and if they don't decide what to do, it may be too late.Moreover, after Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng came out of the secret base of Tianhe Gate, Guo Liyu and Bing Tian felt that Guo Mu's eyes were sizing up on them from time to time.

It seemed that Guo Mu wanted to attack the two of them.

No matter what happens, it's best to strike first.

Guo Huayu and Bingtian looked at each other and knew what was going on in each other's mind.

Always do what you want.

The two planned to implement their plan on a dark and stormy night.And as the day of the return journey began, the date of this plan gradually arrived.

On this day, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Can't see five fingers.

Guo Luyu couldn't see Bingtian's expression clearly, but he could feel his master's murderous aura.His body is also full of murderous aura, and the murderous aura is all directed at one person, all for one goal.

That is Guo Mu.

Guo Mu was sleeping under a tree not far away, and Yue Tiantian was lying beside him.Bai Qiufeng didn't know where he went, and Guangwu was patrolling in the distance.This is the only time when Guangwu and Bai Qiufeng are not present, and it is also the best time for Guo Fuyu and Bingtian to kill Guo Mu.

As long as he cut Guo Mu's throat at this moment, took his life, and then ran away without anyone noticing, never looking back at the sword gate, and hiding his name, then... nothing to be afraid of.

Even if the Shuyang Sect sent people to hunt them down, they didn't know where they were hiding at that time. The people from the Shuyang Sect came, and the huge Xiaqiu Kingdom was filled with people. Could it be that the Shuyang Sect could really find them?
Guo Huayu and Bingtian plan to fight once.

If they don't work hard, they won't have this chance when Bai Qiufeng comes back. Moreover, both of them have a feeling in their hearts that the time for Guo Mu to do something is getting closer and closer.If they don't do anything, then Guo Mu will do it. Instead of waiting for Guo Mu to do it, it's better for them to do it first.

Guo Fuyu and Bingtian secretly took out their sabers from their sheaths, trying not to make a sound, and then they slowly approached Guo Mu.Because they didn't know Guo Mu's true strength, they had to be careful just in case.

When they approached on tiptoe, Guo Mu was still asleep, as if he hadn't noticed the danger at all.

Danger always comes in sleep, when one is unsuspecting.

as now.

Guo Fuyu couldn't wait to stab the sword in his hand towards Guo Mu, under the moonlight, there was a flash of cold light, and it was too late for Bing Tian to stop it.If this sword was struck by Bing Tian, ​​it would definitely be much faster, very fast, and the chance of success would also increase a lot.

In the world of martial arts, the only thing that can't be broken is speed.

It's almost to the extreme, even if the opponent is a celestial warrior or a cultivator, can he really resist it?

Especially in the current situation, Guo Mu is still asleep, Guo Fuyu's sword has been sent to the throat, just waiting for Guo Mu's throat to be cut, blood splashed out, and die.

That's how it should be.

At least in terms of the design of Guo Wangyu and Bingtian, it should be like this.

But something happened.

There are surprises in everything.

This accident was the deadliest accident.

Guo Mu woke up suddenly. Of course, no one knew whether he was really "suddenly" or if he was awake from the start.Of course, it doesn't make any sense to delve into this, no matter if Guo Mu is in the trap of Guo Luyu and Bingtian, or Guo Luyu and Bingtian are in the trap of Guo Mu, at this moment, they collide together.

When two rocks collide, sparks are created.

The moment the spark ignites, it will illuminate the sky and burn the stubborn stone.

This is the unavoidable outcome, and the saddest one.There will always be sacrifices, there will always be people who will be disappointed, and there will always be people whose wishful thinking will fail.Is it the person holding the sword, or the person who hastily woke up under the threat of the sword.

Who will win and who will die.

When the cloud cleared and the moonlight suddenly brightened, Bing Tian's eyes reflected his disciple's face of despair, eyes of despair, and death in despair.

Guo Liyu never thought that Guo Mu's movements could be so fast.He was obviously just a little short of being able to kill Guo Mu, just a little short...

Really, it's just that close...

However, it was because of such a small difference that he lost.

Defeated, so died.

In the struggle between life and death, the loser has no second fate, only death.

But at the time of death, whether the loser will be unwilling or relieved, no one knows, not even himself, because life and death are just a matter of a moment.One second, he was full of hatred and used a sword technique that he thought was fatal, but the next second, his throat had been cut, and he didn't even have time to react.

Guo Mu's movements were really fast.

The moment Guo Luyu's sword arrived, Guo Mu had already opened his eyes.The timing of his waking up was just right, neither too late nor too late, when he was supposed to wake up, he woke up, if it was a second later in the night, then all his actions would be delayed, and he was the one who was killed, Instead of Guo Guyu.

But now, he killed Guo Luyu.

This also proved Guo Mu's precise timing, and it also showed how high his strength had reached.

This height is beyond the reach of Guo Huayu.

Seeing this scene, Bing Tian's head buzzed, as if he had been hit hard by a hammer.In his opinion, it was normal that Guo Liyu could not defeat Guo Mu. After all, Guo Mu was a disciple of Shuyang Sect, so it was impossible for people from a small sect like them to be able to compare.

What shocked Bingtian was not his apprentice's death, but Guo Mu's actions, really, too fast.At that moment, time seemed to be frozen, Guo Huayu was frozen, Bingtian was also frozen, even everything around him, sound or breathing, was frozen.

Only Guo Mu was still moving.

Guo Mu stretched out his hand easily, his right hand turned golden in an instant, then grabbed Guo Huayu's sword, snapped it quickly, and then threw it towards Guo Huayu's throat.It sounds complicated, but all this happened in just a moment.In this short period of time, Guo Mu completed this series of complicated movements, and even Bing Tian didn't see clearly at all.

(End of this chapter)

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