Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 271 The Night of the Full Moon

Chapter 271 The Night of the Full Moon
Oh my god... Will people who come out of Shuyangzong really become so powerful?
Bingtian couldn't believe it.

According to Guo Mu's current skill, that strength can be said to be above him!

A little furry boy, in such a short time after leaving Wangjianmen, has grown into such a terrifying character, Bingtian's heart is quite shocked.But the shock is the shock, what Bingtian should realize is that even with his current skill, he will not be Guo Mu's opponent. Then, after a moment of hesitation, Guo Mu's next target is him!
Without any hesitation, Bingtian turned around and ran away.

At this juncture, escaping for life is the most important thing, and there is nothing else to do.

In Bingtian's heart, he regretted it now. In fact, it would not be better for them to run away while Guo Mu was sleeping and Guangwu and Bai Qiufeng were away.

But now, his apprentice Guo Liyu lost his life because of Guo Mu's scheme.

It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss.

While running away quickly, Bingtian cursed in his heart: "Guo Mu, just wait, one day, I will come back and avenge my lover!"

"Guo Mu, I am at odds with you!"

"Guo Mu, I'm going to pull out your bones!"

Although Bing Tian was gnashing his teeth in his heart, his footsteps did not stagnate in the slightest.

And behind him, Guo Mu also chased after him without any hesitation.Guo Mu's purpose is to take advantage of this opportunity to completely wipe out the threat. How could he let Bing Tian go so easily, so he naturally pursued him closely.

Bingtian wanted to take revenge in the future, but this time, he didn't have a future.

Because suddenly there were two more people in front of him, one was Guangwu and the other was Bai Qiufeng.The two people jumped out so suddenly, as if they had calculated in advance that he would pass there.

This is a trap.

Absolute trap.

Just as this thought flashed through Bingtian's mind, he was kicked to the ground, and a sword was quickly placed around his neck, making his skin icy cold.

It was Bai Qiufeng who kicked him over.

It was Guangwu with a sword resting on his neck.

"It's over..." In Bingtian's heart, there was only one thought left, and at the same time, he felt extremely frustrated.

Guo Mu walked over slowly, with a sneer in his heart. Fortunately, he had made the arrangements, otherwise, he might not be able to catch up with Bing Tian.

Damn, you can run so well!

"Run...you keep running..."

Guo Mu walked over and looked down at Bingtian from a high position. Bingtian never thought that one day, he would fall into Guo Mu's hands.Although he couldn't see the expression on Guo Mu's face clearly at the moment, he knew that the expression on Guo Mu's face must be full of all kinds of ridicule.

"If you have the guts, kill me..." There is no hope of resistance, Bing Tian's heart swayed, and he said coldly: "But even if you kill me, you must know that it will not be easy for you to return to Wangjianmen."

Although Wangjianmen is a small sect, the death of a teaching elder can be regarded as a major event, and Wangjianmen will definitely not treat it as a trivial matter.The purpose of Bingtian saying this at this time is to warn Guo Mu: If you kill me, it will be difficult to explain when you go back.

But Guo Mu didn't care about these things. In fact, he guessed that since he asked to bring Bingtian and Guo Huayu out, the old head had already guessed their fate.However, the old head still agreed with Guo Mu to bring the two of them out. To some extent, he also acquiesced in Guo Mu's actions.This is also very normal, because Guo Mu's current status is the animal trainer of the Shuyang Sect, no matter how he looks at it, Wangjianmen can't afford to offend him.

Moreover, beside Guo Mu, there is a super awesome person, that is Bai Qiufeng.

Even if the old head was given ten guts, he didn't dare to object.

As for Bingtian, this person usually causes troubles in Wangjianmen, and Guo Fuyu, although he is a bit talented, will definitely become a martial artist in the future, but... his heart is too bad, maybe in the future, he will also become a martial artist. Become a person who is like ice and the sky.

The old head didn't have a good impression of Guo Fuyu, if he didn't think that training him would make his sword sect bigger and bigger, the old head would never pay attention to it.But now, Guo Mu's potential is undoubtedly greater. Instead of offending a future celebrity in the Shuyang sect for a disciple with a bad heart, it is better to just abandon this disciple with a bad heart and give it to him as a gift. The future celebrity of the Shuyang Sect.

How could Guo Mu not know the old head's thoughts.

Therefore, when Bingtian said these words, Guo Mu could only sneer.

And Bing Tian, ​​who heard Guo Mu's sneer, also began to come to his senses, and it was useless to tell Guo Mu these things.Since Guo Mutie is determined to kill himself, he will definitely kill him, and he must have considered all the consequences clearly.

This time, he was dead.

There is no way to escape, with Bai Qiufeng and Guangwu assisting Guo Mu, he can only die.

"Please forgive me... everything is the fault of Guo Luyu!" When he realized that he had no way out, Bingtian immediately backtracked, and his attitude took a 180-degree turn. From the initial threat, turned into a beg for mercy.

This face-changing kung fu really made the other three present yell at the same time, "Bitch"...

However, it is impossible for Guo Mu to forgive Bing Tian because of his begging for mercy.

Guo Mu didn't draw out his own sword, but slowly took the sword from his master Guangwu, and said softly, "Rest in peace." Then, he ignored Bingtian's begging for mercy, He stabbed the tip of the sword into Bingtian's throat, and since then, Bingtian has died completely.

After confirming that Bingtian was dead, Guo Mucai heaved a long sigh of relief. Until now, the threat in his heart was finally completely eliminated.

From then on, sit back and relax.

From then on, you no longer have to worry about being plotted against.

The humiliation he suffered at Wangjianmen before has also come to an end today.The price of this settlement is the loss of two lives and a smile from Guo Mu.Blood rolled down the tip of the sword, and the black soil exuded a strange smell.

This is the smell of death.


A few days later, the four returned to Wangjianmen.

There were six people when they went, and four people when they returned.This was expected by everyone in Wangjianmen, and it was also unexpected.But now, everyone knows that Guo Muqi can no longer be provoked casually, they can't afford to provoke him, and the little Wangjianmen can't afford to provoke him at all.

No one would be so stupid as to ask Guo Luyu and Bingtian's whereabouts at this time, because everyone can know the whereabouts of the two without asking.

"Unexpectedly, they really made a move on Elder Bingtian and Junior Brother Guo Luyu..." A disciple shook his head and said.

Another disciple's eyes were also full of fear: "Yeah, I didn't think of it... It seems that in the future, I really can't provoke Guo Mu, the evil star..."

Whoever provokes the evil star is tantamount to incurring a fatal disaster for himself.

No one wants to die, so no one will take the initiative to provoke evil stars.

When encountering evil stars, one must take the initiative to avoid them.

After returning this time, Guo Mu felt that the people at Wangjianmen had a much more respectful attitude towards him.In this respect, there is also a touch of fear.Guo Mu didn't understand, but he didn't bother to delve into it. What he was most concerned about now was that the night of the full moon on August [-]th was approaching, and the agreement with Bai Qiufeng would also be reached at that time.He should work harder to improve his strength now. He is used to stepping up his efforts at important moments to improve his life-saving capital.

Therefore, not long after returning to Wangjianmen, Guo Mu entered into retreat.

Guo Mu has been in seclusion for a while, and Bai Qiufeng is also in seclusion.These two great figures fell into retreat at the same time, and Dewang Jianmen heaved a sigh of relief.After Yue Tiantian came back, he talked with Liu Ying about his travel experience, during which time, he even talked about the incident of Guo Mu defeating Fang Zhu, the leader of the Three Swords, with one move.

After Liuying listened to it, she even covered her mouth in amazement again and again. Both of them agreed that after Guo Mu joined the Shuyang Sect, the changes were really great.

It was as if they were no longer from the same world as them.

As a matter of fact, Guo Mu, Yue Tiantian and others are indeed not from the same world anymore.Because, Yue Tiantian and others can only be regarded as mortals, no matter how strong their martial arts are, they can still only be regarded as mortals.And now Guo Mu has embarked on the road of cultivating the Tao, and is even practicing the Heaven and Earth Art.

This is already the difference between heaven and earth.

Yue Tiantian and others were on the ground, looking up at Guo Mu who was gradually rising into the sky.

But no matter what, they can only look up, because they will never be able to touch.


August [-]th will arrive soon, and this day is exactly what Bai Qiufeng said is a good time to lift the curse.On this day, the two came out of the retreat at the same time. When they met, they looked at each other and smiled, and they both saw the well-prepared information in each other's eyes.

"At midnight, we will start." Bai Qiufeng said.

Guo Mu nodded, agreeing.

The location they chose was in a forest far away from the mountain behind Wangjian Gate. There were no wild animals here, and it was relatively quiet, which was very suitable.

In advance, they had ordered Yue Tiantian and more than a dozen white-clothed disciples to guard all directions to prevent people or wild beasts from intruding indiscriminately.This is not to say that they need someone to protect the law, but because they don't want the secret to be exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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