Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 285 Deciphering the Escape Technique

Chapter 285 Deciphering the Escape Technique
"Hoo hoo... I said Miss, if you scare people, you will scare them to death. How could you suddenly appear!" Guo Mu finally regained his composure, and immediately angrily yelled at the other party.

"Hehe! That's funny, you are the one who is absent-minded, are you thinking about your little lover? Who is the other party, and it really makes me very interested in being able to enlighten you, a little wood."

That's right, this woman is the mysterious woman from Yujian Village. When Guo Mu and his wife set off to go back to Shuyangzong, she had been following her from afar, but she had no choice but to find that Bai Qiufeng Her power has become stronger again, and she was able to detect some fluctuations in his body before, but now, it has completely disappeared.

And presumably Bai Qiufeng didn't realize that it was because of this reason that he attracted Xiangu's attention.

With Xiangu's strength, she will only be more sensitive than the mysterious woman, but Bai Qiufeng's deliberate cover-up will become evidence that reveals her feet.

"Give me back my things..." After he stabilized his emotions, Guo Mu couldn't help becoming a little annoyed. He didn't expect the other party to be so bold. This is the Shuyang sect, not a poor county outside, where there are no experts.

In Shuyangzong, even Guo Mu himself dare not say how much he knows. During the time he entered Shuyangzong, he has seen only a handful of masters, but those are obviously not the real strength of Shuyangzong, so he usually rarely Go out and avoid the secrets on yourself from being discovered by others.

But at this time, this mysterious woman appeared in the back mountain of Shuyangzong openly and aboveboard. If this was discovered by others, it would be a disaster for him.

No, I have to hide this woman quickly, or I will be finished if the suzerain finds out.

Just when Guo Mu was extremely anxious, the other party showed a casual look, not paying attention to the threat that existed here at all, but wandering around with great interest.

"Hey! Return the things to me quickly."

"Do you want something! Come and get it!" the mysterious woman laughed.

Guo Mu was in a hurry at this time, and with a swipe, he directly used the escape technique taught by the mysterious woman, and rushed towards the other party at once, but this was as expected by the other party, and she swayed sideways, and immediately rushed over Guo Mu dodged and kicked the other party's ass.

Suddenly Guo Mu fell to the ground and fell.

"Hahaha...it's useless." The mysterious woman laughed loudly, and inserted the jade hairpin into her bun, and said, "Look, do I look good with it?"

"Damn it, you wicked bitch, give me back the gift."

Suddenly at this moment, a girl's voice came from the road.

"Oops, it's Qingxin!"

Guo Mu looked back nervously, and saw two delicate figures walking towards here on the path paved with blue stones, the figure walking in front was like a cold plum in the snow , with coldness and aloofness.

"Too bad, I can't let her discover that mysterious woman." Guo Mu's first reaction was that he couldn't let Qingxin find her. Just as he was about to hide the mysterious woman, he found that she had disappeared without a trace. He disappeared, and his jade hairpin was also missing.

"Damn..." Guo Mu scolded in a low voice.

"Guo Mu, what are you doing lying on the ground?"

At this time, Qingxuan's voice came from behind Guo Mu. He turned around and saw Qingxuan running towards him with a toy in her hand.

Looking at the smile on his face at this time, one can tell that the other party is immersed in the fun of those novel gadgets.

"It's nothing, I'm just looking for something!" Guo Mu slapped the dust on his knees and buttocks in embarrassment. He was kicked by the mysterious woman just now, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Really! I seemed to see a shoe print on your butt just now?" Qingxuan asked suspiciously.

"Ah! No, no! You must have misread it. How is it possible?"

Guo Mu's ears turned red immediately, and he hesitated a bit when he spoke, then hurriedly diverted Qingxuan's attention: "How is it? Do you still like those gadgets?"

Qingxuan, who was distracted, really smiled happily: "Yeah, I like it very much, those little things are really interesting!"

Seeing the bright and innocent smile on her sister's face, Qing Xin couldn't help but smile, like a plum blossom blooming.

"Thank you very much. I have never bought any presents for Xiao Qingxuan. I was negligent. I didn't expect you to help me fulfill this little wish." Qingxin said to Guo Mu with a gentle smile.

"It's nothing, I just brought some gifts along the way!"

"What about my sister's? Does she have any presents?"

Qingxuan rolled her eyes for a moment, and then moved closer to Guo Mu, looking up and down, as if she wanted to dig out something interesting from him, and she didn't care about Qingxin who was shaking her head and laughing beside him.

Although Qingxin was very indifferent, she still looked at Guo Mu. No girl would dislike a boy giving a gift. What's more, in her heart, she had always had a good impression of Guo Mu.

"Ugh!" The temperature on Guo Mu's face continued to grow hot.

Seeing Guo Mu's faltering appearance, Qingxin smiled and said with a light smile, "You're welcome, Junior Brother Guo, as long as you have the heart, I'm fine."

Even though she said so, deep in Qingxin's heart, she still felt a slight inexplicable loss. Why did she feel lost?
"No, I really have specially selected gifts for you, it's just...just..."

As if feeling the loss in Qingxin's heart, Guo Mu hurriedly wanted to explain, but he couldn't find a good reason. Could it be that to be honest, it must be impossible to tell the mysterious woman.But he didn't want to deceive Qingxin, especially when he saw the other party's tolerant smile, he felt that it was a sin to deceive her.

"Just what? Have you lost something?"

At this time, Qingxuan opened her mouth to think of a good excuse for Guo Mu, and immediately let him breathe a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied: "That's right! I had it with me, but it disappeared for some reason. It was just now." Find it on the ground."

"Oh! Do you want us to help you find it?"

Qingxuan really planned to look for gifts on the ground after speaking, so scared that Guo Mu hurriedly stopped her.

"No need! Well... I've already looked for it here, no, I guess it probably fell somewhere else! It's okay, I'll look for it along the side of the road now, so I won't bother you."

After Guo Mu finished speaking, he didn't wait for Qingxin who wanted to keep him to open his mouth, so he hurriedly turned around and walked towards the bluestone path where he came. While walking, he pretended to be searching in the grass on both sides.

"Strange..." Qingxuan muttered.

"Yeah!" Qingxin also looked at Qu Quing's back with a little curiosity, and couldn't help but want to find out, but then she shook her head and laughed: "When did I become so interested in other people's affairs? "

But Guo Mu, who had just turned into a detour, called nervously: "Hey! Hey! Are you there? I know you are nearby, come out quickly!"

At this time, Guo Mu was alone in the entire aisle, except for the occasional bird that flew by from the outside and stayed on the guardrail for a while, there was no sign of anyone else.

"Damn it, she must be nearby, it's impossible to run away, but how to find her?" Guo Mu thought solemnly in his heart.

He knew that the mysterious woman must be staying nearby, waiting to see his own jokes, trying to humiliate himself.But the opponent's escape technique was so powerful that he didn't even notice any sign of the opponent.

"What should I do? How should I break the opponent's escape technique?"

Guo Mu really wanted to have a unique move like Bai Qiufeng's space lock, so that the other party would never be able to escape, but he was not Bai Qiufeng, and Bai Qiufeng couldn't teach him this unique move, so he could only do nothing.

In fact, he already knew the method of cracking the escapism. You must first integrate into the evasion technique. The person who performs the evasion technique must maintain a high degree of synchronization with the spiritual energy. If the balance is broken, the escape technique will be broken, and the person who performs the escape technique will be squeezed out and reappear.

A trick like the space lock uses such a principle to use powerful force to forcibly pull the mysterious woman out of the state of escapism, but this trick also requires very strict requirements on spiritual power. It is not what Guo Mu can achieve today.

Then there is only one other way for him to force the mysterious woman out, and that is to disrupt the synchronization between the other party and the aura, and interfere with her state, so that the other party can be forced to show her traces.

He found the method, but he was still stumped, how to interfere with the other party's synchronization, he couldn't even find the trace of the mysterious woman, how to interfere with the other party accurately?
"Hee hee! This little wood must be thinking about how to force me to show up, what a pity! His strength is too poor, and it is impossible to find out the real location of my aunt!"

At this time, the mysterious woman in the state of escapism was leaning on the guardrail beside the aisle with a happy face, and looked at Guo Mu who had fallen into deep thought playfully.

She knew that Guo Mu was thinking of a way to break the escape technique at this time, but she didn't worry about what the other party would do, because once she entered the escape technique state, she would have a high degree of integration with the surrounding environment. If it wasn't for the last time Bai Qiufeng The space lock is too overbearing, she will not be caught at all.

(End of this chapter)

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