Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 286 Three Waves

Chapter 286 Triple Wave

Thinking of Bai Qiufeng's rudeness to her last time, she was so angry that her teeth itch again. She wished she could go over now and teach him a lesson, but her strength couldn't beat him!But she was really unwilling to let her give up her treasures like this.

"Damn guy, no, I must train this wood quickly, let him help me steal the things back, and then I will run away quickly, or I will be found here, it will be bad."

The mysterious woman looks calm on the surface, but in fact she is still cautious in her heart. After all, this is the inside of the Shuyang Sect. If she is accidentally discovered, what she is about to face is not Guo Mu, but a lot of heaven and earth. What about warriors!

And it's still easy, and it may attract some old guys. For a large sect like the Shuyang Sect, there are often some powerful and powerful people who are against the sky.

Don't look at the ascetics who seem to be very powerful, but she knows that in the ordinary martial arts world, there are still quite a few terrifying characters who enter the Tao with martial arts, and their powerful strength can easily crush the ascetics who have already turned into alchemy to death.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering slightly, and decided to hurry up.

Just when she came to her senses and was about to leave, she suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation, as if she was being watched by some unknown existence.

After careful inspection, she was surprised to find that the wave was actually coming from Guo Mu's body. She turned her head to look at it, and her eyes widened involuntarily, and her pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Guo Mu, who was standing in the middle of the aisle, had a stern expression on his face, and the clothes on his body were calm and automatic, as if a gust of wind was constantly circling around his body.

"What's going on, what is this power? Why didn't I discover it before? How is it possible, such a powerful deterrent, is this his real strength?" The mysterious woman couldn't help being deeply moved by Guo Mu at this time. I was taken aback.

At this time, Guo Mu's heart was peaceful. Originally, he was thinking about how to crack the mysterious woman's escapism, but for some reason, the Yuan Lingli in his body suddenly fluctuated, as if he had been touched by Guo Mu. The perception is average, and it starts to function unconsciously.

Circle after circle, Yuan Lingli circulated and circulated in Guo Mu's body, and finally, under Guo Mu's subconscious, two Taos of Yuanlingli were drawn out, and then gathered in his palms.

At this time, the situation outside, just as he himself sensed, two strong fluctuations began to gather on Guo Mu's hands, and in the eyes of the mysterious woman who gradually widened, two swirling and circling strong winds Condensed in his arms, scraping his clothes.

There was quite an aura of a strong man, and the mysterious woman couldn't help but tighten her nerves.

At this moment, Guo Mu's eyes, which had been closed tightly all the time, suddenly opened suddenly, and a faint cold light flashed past in the depths of his eyes. Almost instantly, his gaze seemed to penetrate the space. The son locked on the mysterious woman.

"Oops, he found me?"

The mysterious woman doesn't know why, it's just a kind of intuition, feeling that the other party has found her, but there is no reason!How did Guo Mu discover himself?

Before she could figure it out, a shout suddenly exploded like an explosion.


As soon as the shouting sound started, Guo Mu suddenly struck with both palms that gathered Yuan Lingli, and suddenly a strong force appeared in a regular circle, centered on Guo Mu itself, and quickly spread in all directions. , as if on the surface of a calm lake, a huge stone suddenly smashed into it, causing a large circle of waves around it to appear circular and spread out.

"What?" The mysterious woman's eyes widened suddenly, and her pretty face couldn't help turning pale.

At the moment when the fluctuation was stirred up, she only felt a huge vibration spread to her side in an instant, and soon the escape technique that was originally in a fusion state began to appear inexplicable chaos.

Before the mysterious woman could react, at this moment, it seemed as if ripples of waves surged up. She was like duckweed floating on the water, submerged by the air waves in a blink of an eye, and then suddenly shaken out by the air waves.

"Bang!" The body that was shaken flew high, drawing an arc in the air, and when it was about to hit the ground at last, the mysterious woman suddenly rolled up, in a state of helplessness. , twisted his waist and turned to the ground, a beautiful ten.


The mysterious woman who had just landed on the ground suddenly let out a muffled groan, and then staggered a bit. It was obvious that Guo Mu's blow just now hadn't harmed her.

When performing escapism, the human body is basically in the same situation as the aura in nature, and blends into nature in a blurred form, that is to say, at that time, she had no defense ability or attack power.

There are no more than two ways to crack the escapism, one is to forcibly break it with powerful force, and the other is to disrupt the synchronization and squeeze the caster out of the escapism.

And now she was beaten out by force, forcibly terminating the interrupted spell would cause a backlash of spiritual power to the caster, but fortunately she was vigilant in advance, so the backlash this time was not so serious and did not give her Cause too much damage.

"How is it possible? He actually beat me out of the escapism state. It's impossible. Where did he get such a powerful force?" The mysterious woman's face was serious, and a strange color of surprise flickered in her eyes.

She has always felt that Guo Mu's talent is very high. Without formulas and exercises, in just over a week, he was able to initially understand the pulse of spiritual energy and step into the threshold of escapism. In her opinion, it can be called a genius.

But at this time, she was more and more unable to see through Guo Mu, a silent wood, with a strange physique and a super talent, and now there was a power that she had never come into contact with. She couldn't help it. I muttered in my heart: "Could this Guo Mu be a direct disciple of a certain mysterious sect?"

With a Bai Qiufeng who is neither a martial god nor a master of alchemy, but can cast advanced spells that even she cannot master, if you add a disciple from a hidden sect, this result is not unacceptable to the mysterious woman .

At this time, Guo Mu was also in shock, his mouth was slightly opened, and his face was also incredulous. He had never thought that this blow would have such great power.

It turned out that Guo Mu's plan was to try to disrupt the other party's synchronization, so that the mysterious woman could show her signs, and then he snatched the jade hairpin back from the other party.However, the sudden blending of Yuan Lingli turned the cracking of the escapism into a brute force demolition. It directly blasted the opponent out of the fusion of spirit energy. This result was obviously beyond Guo Mu's own wishes. The unexpected, and the preparation of the mysterious woman.

"Hee hee! You really made me more and more interested in you! Little wood..." The mysterious woman straightened her clothes and smiled charmingly.I don't know when Xiaomu became Guo Mu's nickname.

Guo Mu frowned slightly, every time he heard the other party's laughter, he had an ominous premonition.

Before he could react, he heard a gust of wind blowing beside his ears. Just as he had time to take a look out of the corner of his eye, the mysterious woman appeared behind him.

"Damn it..." Guo Mu hastily pressed his feet hard, and was about to jump out with all his strength.

But his reaction had already been expected by the mysterious woman. She waved her jade hand, and she didn't know what trick she used. Suddenly, Guo Mu flew back with his whole body upside down, and hit the guardrail of the aisle all at once.

The periphery of the walkway built along the mountain is a cliff halfway up the mountain, with a vertical height of at least a hundred meters. Once it falls, it is no joke.

"Swoosh... bang!"

Suddenly there was a swishing sound next to Guo Mu's ear, and then a black shadow flashed over. He didn't care about it, just rolled around like a lazy donkey, and avoided it.

When he got up and looked back, a stream of cold sweat suddenly seeped from his back.

At the original position, a striking whip mark appeared there. At the same time, in the hand of the mysterious woman, she waved a long whip like a snake letter and shot it at Guo Mu who was in a daze. In the past, he was so frightened that he hurriedly took a few big steps back, narrowly dodging the opponent's whip.

"When did she have a whip?" Guo Mu yelled in his heart. He could see clearly before that the other party didn't have any weapons in his hands. How could there be a whip suddenly?

This question is not what Guo Mu should consider at this time, what he has to do is to snatch Qingxin's gift back from the other party's hand.

But at this time, Guo Mu's strength was not enough for the opponent. Originally, the difference in strength between the two sides was huge, and now he was no match for the opponent.

In a hurry, without thinking too much, he directly summoned the golden glove, aimed at the right time, and grabbed the opponent's long whip. For a while, both sides held one end, and they all exerted their strength together. When the river came, the two sides did not let go of each other, and it seemed that this stalemate was about to continue.

I saw the mysterious woman frowned, with an unhappy expression on her face. Her unhappiness came from Guo Mu's rapid rise in strength. When he was in the cave, he was just a small character at the mercy of himself, but now he was able to form a short-term relationship with him. Confrontation, the speed of this kind of strength improvement is too amazing.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but want to test Guo Mu's true strength, and saw her black and white bright eyes narrowed slightly, and then a burst of spiritual power suddenly burst out from her palm, moving quickly along the long whips in their hands. rushed towards Guo Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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