Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 287 A proud smile

Chapter 287 A proud smile
Feeling the opponent's sudden attack, Guo Mu was shocked, but he didn't dare to let go. Once he let go, it would only give the opponent the opportunity to use more and more powerful moves.

Seeing that the opponent's attack had hit his own door, and Guo Mu would be beaten if he didn't make a move, he hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power to imitate the opponent's appearance, and poured it into the long whip in his hand.

He wanted to use Yuan Lingli, but he had no choice but to consume more than half of the Yuan Lingli in his body with the previous big move, leaving only a small amount, which could not form a powerful counterattack at all, so he had to Send out the second child in the body-spiritual power.

Through the appearance of the long whip, one can see a light yellow light of spiritual power extending from the jade palm of the mysterious woman to a place about one meter away from Guo Mu, which is blocked by another light gray power.

This is the duel between the two sides using their own spiritual power.

I don't know what forging that long whip is, but it has such toughness that it can withstand the collision and collision of spiritual powers of two kinds of characteristics from different people.

At this time, Guo Mu was in a very dangerous situation, because the opponent's spiritual power was more than a notch stronger than him in terms of quality and quantity, so in the tug-of-war on the long whip, the balance of victory was obviously tilted. Mysterious woman.

"Hoo hoo..." During the competition, Guo Mu's breath became heavy, and his face turned red from suffocation. Seeing the situation, he was pushed to a critical juncture.And the mysterious woman showed a triumphant smile at the corner of her mouth.

But at this moment, Guo Mu suddenly gritted his teeth, mustered up the remaining primordial energy in his body, and shot it out along the long whip like a spike.As a higher level of spiritual power than spiritual power, it is like a sharp knife piercing through grease, easily passing through the other party's spiritual power, and killing the mysterious woman at a fast speed.


The mysterious woman took a deep breath, and the smile on her pretty face was replaced by a solemn expression in a blink of an eye. She hurriedly mobilized her spiritual power to kill that cunning elemental spiritual power, and on the other side of the long whip, there was no master The light yellow spiritual power controlled by Guo Mu was defeated by Guo Mu at once, and he began to regain the lost ground in large quantities, and marched in the direction of the opponent, singing bravely all the way.

"Huh!" The mysterious woman snorted coldly, her brows furrowed, and she saw the yellow spiritual power shining brightly in front of her, filling up the long whip at once, and Guo Mu's unexpected Yuan The spiritual power was also completely imprisoned, like a ship deeply trapped in the mud, unable to break free.

"Look at how I crush your little thing." The mysterious woman said coldly.

Immediately, he was about to smash that strange force, when suddenly, he heard Guo Mu sneer, and only heard him shout "Explode!".

The mysterious woman glared at him immediately, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart, and then her pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at the dao yuan spiritual power that was surrounded by her own spiritual power.

A muffled sound!I saw the part of the long whip filled with light yellow spiritual power suddenly swelled up like a ball, then quickly shrunk back, and then there was no reaction at all.

"Ha ha!"

She laughed, she laughed at her own fear, she laughed at the other party's hypocrisy, she laughed at being tricked by such a brat.

"You little bastard!" The mysterious woman was angry this time.The consequences of making a woman angry are very serious!

But when she raised her pretty face to look at Guo Mu, she suddenly found a faint smile on his face.

At this time, she suddenly felt that at the moment of the explosion, a strange force floating in nothingness was beginning to condense in place, but she hadn't felt the existence of this force at all before.

This force is surprisingly weak, so weak that she feels that she can easily crush it with just one thought.But it is this power that determines the final success or failure.


In a trance, she seemed to hear a whoosh!In the induction, that void force rushed into her body, and her whole body froze instantly.

"how is this possible?"

With a plop, the mysterious woman knelt down on one knee in the aisle. At this moment, her face was slightly pale, her expression was no longer as calm and charming as before, and her eyes were full of deep shock.

She felt a numbness spread from her chest, and within a few breaths, that mysterious force invaded her neck from her meridians, and it seemed to want to enter her neck all the way up. Sea of ​​Consciousness, but was stopped in time by her spiritual power.

"Damn it, what kind of power is this, why can't it be eliminated?" She was anxious for a while, and a trace of sweat could not help but seep from her forehead.

She found that although this force was very weak, not even as powerful as her snapping fingers, it was extremely difficult to deal with. No matter how she was destroyed, it would gather again in a short while, like a centipede that would never die. stiff.

When she was desperately trying to resist the invasion of Guo Mu's Yuanli, Guo Mu on the other side was not much better.

I saw him leaning on the guardrail he walked to with a pale face, panting, as if he had experienced a very fierce hand-to-hand combat and was trying to recover his strength.

If someone probes into his body at this time, they will definitely find that his dantian is already empty. There is not a single bit of primordial power, spiritual power, and primordial power left. It was the group of spiritual power that hadn't been digested by him, but every time a little spiritual power was drawn from it, it was a drop in the bucket and had no effect.

But fortunately, his physique, through the continuous nourishment of Yuan Lingli, has quite good mortal power, and these mortal powers are still somewhat sure against the mysterious woman who has been plotted by him.

How did he attack this time? Even Guo Mu didn't realize it. He used it almost instinctively, as if he used it naturally after a long period of training.

Although Guo Mu himself felt that this incident was unusual, he still enjoyed the pleasure of defeating a strong man like the mysterious woman. Qingxin's jade hairpin was pulled out.

"Heh!" Guo Mu couldn't help but let out a laugh when he took back his things and saw the mysterious woman who was powerless to attack.

Seemingly sensing the ridicule from Guo Mu, the mysterious woman couldn't help showing a trace of indignation. She glared at Guo Mu fiercely, as if wishing to dig a piece of flesh off his smug smiling face.

Guo Mu directly ignored the other party's stern gaze, but at this moment he was thinking in his heart, whether he wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to deal with this mysterious woman.

You must know that this mysterious woman has always been by his side and is always a deadly threat. If he hadn't been useful to her at this time, perhaps he would have been instantly killed by this seemingly weak beauty, but actually ruthless mysterious woman.

He didn't forget the last time the other party wanted to take him away because of his "forbidden body" physique. He could fully imagine that if he was taken away at that time, the fate waiting for him would not be So flat.

At least those little secrets in his body must not be kept.

kill?Or not to kill?This is indeed a problem.

Killing it is naturally a one-hundredth of a thing, so you don't have to worry about the follow-up problems, and naturally there won't be an invisible threat staying by your side all the time.But by killing this mysterious woman, he lost a powerful way to enter the monastic world. No matter how vivid and attractive Bai Qiufeng said, it is undeniable that he deceived himself and tried to turn himself into a puppet.

Before officially entering the world of monasticism, he has already been missed by such a person. For Guo Mu, it is essentially the same as being followed by a mysterious woman. Even in the balance of his heart, the mysterious Women are better than Bai Qiufeng.

At least this woman didn't lie to herself from the beginning, but Bai Qiufeng changed her ways to bring herself into the circle.The villain and the real villain, he would rather choose the real villain who directly made you vigilant from the beginning, at least when she stabbed the knife, he would react.Unlike Bai Qiufeng, if it weren't for the blue ghost, he probably had several fatal injuries on his body by now, but he hadn't reacted yet.

It was immediately clear what was right and what was wrong.


After thinking clearly, Guo Mu took a deep breath, then raised his right hand and stretched his sword fingers towards the chest where the mysterious woman was concentrated.

"What do you want to do?" the mysterious woman said coldly.

In fact, she was already panicking in her heart, and tried hard to move her body, but when her mind was divided, her Yuan force suddenly moved again, approaching her sea of ​​consciousness, and she was so scared that she hurriedly restrained her mind.

Guo Mu didn't respond, and directly pressed his fingertips against the opponent's chest. He didn't think too much, but calmly sensed the energy he had penetrated into the opponent's body.

The mysterious woman blushed involuntarily. Don't look at her usual appearance of laughing and cursing, she would think she is a woman who behaves badly, but in fact she treats all men who have plans by killing them quickly. .

"Huh?" She let out a slight suspicious sound between her snorts, only feeling that the original energy that was restless in her body had stabilized, and finally began to slowly recover, and finally condensed in the acupuncture points under Guo Mu's fingertips .

Finally, Guo Mu withdrew his right hand, and his already pale complexion added a bit more. Forcibly running the exhausted Yuanli, it was easy to cause fatigue to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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