Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 300 Heavenly Appearances and Visions

Chapter 300 Heavenly Appearances and Visions
"It's strange, how could it be such a coincidence, could it be that the early eruption of Chi Lianjian has something to do with that man in black?" Li Litian lowered his head and thought, but at this moment, a faint figure was hidden at the entrance In the dark place, without the knowledge of Lie Litian, he quietly retreated out again.

At the same time as he was leaving, a subtle red light flashed across Chi Lianjian's body, but Li Litian, who was thinking about it, didn't notice this scene.

After a while, on the hillside hundreds of meters away from Zhujian Villa, a phantom appeared. It was a beautiful woman with exquisite figure and bumps. She was staring in the direction of Zhujian Villa, with a cold The cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The moonlight slanted, and that delicate face was the mysterious woman Guo Mu was familiar with.


A high-pitched howl of a wolf echoed over the entire forest, and was scattered far, far away in the howling wind.

A figure quickly flashed out from the dense jungle, nimbly shuttled through the gaps between the trees, and suddenly let out a muffled groan, the figure couldn't help but tilted, then quickly adjusted its posture, and quickly rushed to a behind the trees.

"Whirring whirring……"

Gasping for breath, Guo Mu stuck his back against the tree behind him as much as possible, shrunk his body into a ball, and kept scanning his surroundings.

This is already the third month, and he can't believe how he has survived these three months. Surrounded by many flying magic dogs, he has no time to relax, almost anytime, anywhere May be attacked by flying magic dogs.

In these three months, he kept running and running, but he never found the exit to leave here. Instead, he found the old lair of the Flying Demon Dog. Killed, the number of hundreds of dogs suddenly increased by three times, which directly caused Guo Mu to be killed more than a dozen times before finally escaping from the nest of the Flying Demon Dog.

At this time, the light falling from the light yellow sky began to become dim, and Guo Mu knew that it was 'dark'. Every once in a while, the light here would change, just like day and night in the real world.He judged the passage of time precisely by the changes in the light of the sky.

"Da da da……"

At this time, the sound of extremely light footsteps approached Guo Mu's hiding place. No need to guess, there were no other creatures here except Guo Mu and the Flying Demon Dog.

Fortunately, here is the spiritual world, and there is no need to replenish physical strength, otherwise he would starve to death before feeding these flying magic dogs, and of course he would come back to life again.

Strange to say, Guo Mu found that in this space, no matter how much he consumed, as long as he killed a flying magic dog, his energy would recover a little. On the contrary, once he was killed, all his states would be restored. It was back to the way it was at the beginning, but if it wasn't a pervert, no one would like to be killed, let alone die by dismembering.

For this strange phenomenon, he can only attribute it to the special rules of this space!


Guo Mu slowed down his breathing and body activity as much as possible, imagining himself as a stone, a tree, still, everything is still.Guo Mu kept thinking.

This method seems to have really worked. After a while, Guo Mu, who was still on guard, began to relax slowly, but he did not release a trace of breath. Even a flying magic dog walked past him. There was still no trace of Guo Mu.

The so-called practice makes the truth, this sentence is really not bad. During the three months of being hunted madly, Guo Mu began to use all the skills in his body, Yuanli, Lingli, and Yuanlingli. Originally, Guo Mu thought that these things should not be used in this purely spiritual space, but unexpectedly discovered that he could not only use all the power on his body here, but also summon the blue ghost's body—the golden glove.

This made Guo Mu dumbfounded at the time, and he almost thought that he might have traveled here with his whole body.

At this time, there are three flying magic dogs searching for Guo Mu's hiding place. For Guo Mu today, these three flying magic dogs are just a matter of effort, but there is a problem, that is, once he is entangled If he stopped, then the flying magic dogs that came after him were enough to drown him.

At this time, a flying magic dog seemed to have found some traces, and began to lower its head to sniff something on the ground. Looking carefully, it was a footprint left by Guo Mu.

Guo Mu slowly opened his eyes, a cold light flashed from the depths of his pupils, but he quickly hid it, replaced by a wise light.

With a slight whooshing sound, a stone fell next to the Flying Demon Dog closest to Guo Mu.

Attracted by the attention, the Flying Demon Dog rushed over immediately, held down the rolling stone, and then bent down to sniff it. The scarlet eyes of the beast immediately lit up, and then moved step by step. Approaching the direction of Guo Mu.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Suddenly at this moment, Guo Mu turned into a black shadow like a spring compressed to the extreme, and shot out suddenly, flashing past the side of the Flying Demon Dog. With one shot, a green light flashed for an instant, and then he rushed towards the other two.


One of the Flying Demon Dogs was about to raise its head and roar to send out a message, but Guo Mu, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't let the roar be transmitted. The void swayed, his toes were on the criss-crossing tree trunks, and his body made a quick break. He appeared next to the Flying Demon Dog in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, his knee smashed the Flying Demon Dog's throat very accurately, choking the howl at the throat.

But at this time, the other end was thrown down by the Flying Demon Dog that was supposed to be his companion.

Guo Mu quickly stepped forward, waved a green light, and accurately hit the struggling Flying Demon Dog. The Flying Demon Dog's body froze, and then it lay obediently on the ground without moving.

"Hmph!" Guo Mu sneered, looked at his two new subordinates, and nodded slowly.

As the blue ghost said, synchronicity is not a popular commodity, it has a very special and powerful skill - assimilation.

Among the few skills in synchronicity, assimilation is a practical and effective skill. Guo Mu can not only transfer his own breath to the opponent to achieve the effect of confusing the enemy's audiovisual, but also go one step further. , Replace the other person's thinking with your own.

Of course, there is a limit to using this trick, that is, the subject's willpower cannot be too strong, and the strength cannot exceed himself.

It sounds like this trick is a bit weak, but at this time and here, this trick is very effective, especially against creatures like flying magic dogs, the success rate is almost [-]%.The biggest hidden danger of siphonism is time control. After this period of continuous hard practice, the effect of siphonography can last for about a week.

During this period of time, as long as he replenishes in time, he can continue to control the other party, and as the control time goes on, a stable brand will gradually form, and from then on, he can no longer get rid of his control.

Therefore, after Guo Mu's long-term deployment, he has successfully controlled more than 180 flying magic dogs. These flying magic dogs were not brought by him, but were put back into the herd, so as to achieve the purpose of mixing into the flying magic dogs. The purpose of the magic dog is to allow Guo Mu to master the route of the flying magic dog to hunt him down.

Now, Guo Mu is using the particularity of the sympathetic technique to control these flying magic dogs under his control, and is planning to find an appropriate time to launch a Jedi counterattack.

In the "Broken Domain" this time, Guo Mu honed his skills to the greatest extent. He has never had any combat experience, and every time he relied on the strength of his internal energy to defeat the enemy. Fighting skills have never been explored much.

Now, in the continuous pursuit and counter-attack, he not only has a good grasp of his own strength, but also smelted his various skills, so that when he uses them, he can switch more smoothly.

The ability to have such an effect is nothing more than due to the experience between life and death. Every time he is killed, he will keep thinking about how to survive and learn from failure. Failure is the key to success. mother!Then gradually changed from survival to counterattack, which was accumulated after repeated failures.

This made Guo Mu, who was still a little bit angry at the blue ghost for leaving him here, not so angry, but a little grateful to him, but he would not say it. You must know that if it was not for the blue ghost, he would not Will be besieged by the herd here.

People are very vengeful, especially children!


Just as Guo Mu was absorbing energy from the dead Flying Demon Dog, a shocking roar rang out, which spread over the entire forest in an instant, followed by the light yellow sky suddenly brightening up, followed by The condensed golden beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, penetrating the distance between the sky and the earth.

"There is..." Guo Mu frowned slightly. If he remembered correctly, that was the center of the woods, where Guo Mu first saw the stone statue.

Could it be that the passage to leave here is at the stone statue?Guo Mu thought to himself.

He has every reason to doubt, because the place where the blue ghost appeared and disappeared was near the stone statue, and who was the sculptor of the stone statue?
(End of this chapter)

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