Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 301 White Cub

Chapter 301 White Cub
Although Guo Mu had already seen the teamwork of the flying magic dogs and the collective wisdom of the flying magic dogs when they confronted the flying magic dogs, he didn't think that such a group of livestock could be carved into such exquisite and lifelike stone sculptures.

Through this deduction, Guo Mu came to the conclusion that the stone sculpture must be the key to leaving here.

But even so, he couldn't get close to the stone statue, except that at the beginning, he was able to enter the range of the stone statue, and the rest of the time, before he got close, he was discovered by the patrolling flying magic dog.

Guo Mu frowned slightly. He calculated in his heart that if he went to the center at this time, he would definitely be found, because he had already sensed that many flying magic dogs under his control were gathering towards the stone statue. At the same time, more flying magic dogs went there.

But this may be my only chance to get out of here!If I don't go, will I continue to be stuck here?

Thinking of this, Guo Mu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, thinking of staying here any longer, he couldn't help but want to go crazy.

"No, I have to rush over. No matter what, I will die again at most and start all over again." After cursing in his heart, he suddenly flipped onto the back of a flying magic dog, facing the position of the stone statue rushed over.

The howling wind blew past his ears, Guo Mu rode on the flying magic dog, and stuck his body firmly against the flying magic dog. At this moment, he didn't mind the smell coming from the flying magic dog. smell, because his aura has changed to be exactly the same as that of the Flying Demon Dog.

This is thanks to the Synchronic Breathing Technique, which is simply the only way to sneak up on Yin people, plus the Escape Technique that Guo Mu learned from the mysterious woman. Once the two are combined, they immediately obtain a more prominent effect.

The basis of sympathetic technique is to make the target have the same aura as oneself, so as to confuse the enemy's vision, while the basis of escapism technique is to integrate oneself into the natural world, so as to hide one's whereabouts. There is exactly one thing in common, that is, they also need to cover themselves, so as not to expose themselves to the enemy's facial features, so that the other party can't find themselves.

Guo Mu took advantage of the special point of the two sets of exercises, using the sympathetic technique to achieve the same aura as the target, and then performed instant fusion. In this way, his own whereabouts were completely covered up. Because of the incorporealization that occurs when using escapism to escape into the void, it can also hide its tracks very well, which is just complementary.

He also named this set of exercises that combined the advantages of both sides - the escape technique.

With this improved version of the Escaping Art, Guo Mu has a little bit more certainty about the theft plan that may be implemented in the future, but he doesn't know if Bai Qiufeng will be able to detect his whereabouts by then?
As the distance from the stone statue got closer, Guo Mu saw groups of flying magic dogs gathering on the flying magic dog. As he approached the stone statue, the shape of the flying magic dogs that appeared in front of Guo Mu's eyes became more and more large. The bigger the dog, the more powerful it is. Obviously, the arrangement of this position is based on the strength of the flying magic dog itself.

Suddenly at this moment, I only felt a gust of wind rushing towards the flying magic dog where Guo Mu was.

With a hasty and subconscious pull, he turned the Flying Demon Dog under him to a [-]-degree turn. Almost at the same time, a black shadow passed from his original position, and the Flying Demon Dog behind him was also controlled by Guo Mu. Dogs are doomed.

He only heard a muffled sound, and when Guo Mu turned his head to look, his pupils shrank slightly, and he saw that the Flying Demon Dog had half of its head knocked off by a paw, and fell to the ground, dead. Can't die anymore.

Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said, "So strong!"

He wasn't stupid, he immediately realized what was the problem, and hastily turned the flying magic dog under him, and exited the range with obvious difference in strength.


The strong black flying magic dog was twice the size of an ordinary flying magic dog. At this time, stepping on the dead flying magic dog, a pair of scarlet hands and eyes were staring at Guo Mu's side who was about to retreat.

As if sensing the threat of the approaching black flying magic dog, Guo Mu hastily drove the flying magic dog to a corner and landed. At this moment, Ding Qing took a look and immediately found that several ordinary flying magic dogs whose apostles had crossed the boundary were killed by that black flying magic dog. The magic dog was shot to death.

"What's the situation?" Guo Mu was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly left and climbed onto the branch next to him.

At this time, in the entire field, the outermost layer is the gray flying magic dog that Guo Mu just rode, obviously the lowest status, and then continue to be the blue and black flying magic dog. The one has been pulled away, followed by that kind of black flying magic dog.

The number of black is the rarest. Looking at the past, there are only dozens of them, but they firmly occupy the most superior resources and positions of the entire group.

So far, Guo Mu has only met two of these black ones when he was flying to the old nest of the magic dog. It happened that at that time, it was this kind of Guo Mu who discovered that the escape method was not yet perfect at that time, and finally led to the black ones. After everything happened, he was also besieged by many flying magic dogs, and was brutally tortured and killed more than a dozen times.

At this time, seeing this high-level Flying Demon Dog again, Guo Mu's teeth itch with hatred.

He looked around, and it happened to be at a boundary. The ordinary flying magic dog behind was a few meters away, and the other patrolling black flying magic dog didn't notice the abnormality here.

"Hmph!" The corners of Guo Mu's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sinister sneer. He used both hands and feet, and in an extremely weird way, climbed above the black flying devil dog. The 'Senior Guard' of the younger brother Guo Mu is scanning the surroundings, guarding against the members who seem to have crossed the line just now.

It didn't realize that there was such an invisible killer lurking above its head.

Guo Mu hung in the middle of the tree branches above, staring firmly at the black flying magic dog below, with a high level of concentration, he must succeed in one blow, otherwise he will attract the attention of a large number of flying magic dogs around. At that time, he can only expose all the hidden Flying Demon Dog brothers.

At this moment, Guo Mu, who had been watching for opportunities, finally caught the moment when the black flying devil dog lowered its head. Suddenly, he shot out like a sharp arrow, and grabbed the black flying devil dog's ferocious mouth. To prevent it from roaring, at the same time twist its legs and throw it to the ground.

At the same time, the sympathetic technique that had already been ready to launch enveloped its head in an instant. As soon as it invaded, Guo Mu immediately felt the strong muscles of the Flying Demon Dog imprisoned by him tense, and the strength of the struggle It was also stronger. Fortunately, Guo Mu had been prepared, and the Yuanli in his body attacked immediately, smashing the Flying Demon Dog's mind in one fell swoop.

He has tried this plan hundreds of times on other Flying Demon Dogs. Sometimes he will struggle when he is weak or the target is too tyrannical, but this time the black Flying Demon Dog is ambushed. It was Guo Mu's most adventurous time.

After a while, the black flying magic dog finally stopped struggling and was replaced by the beast soldiers that Guo Mu sensed freely.

"Huh!" He wiped the sweat on his forehead slightly. This time it was really risky enough, but it was worth it. He caught a black flying magic dog, and he was able to enter the place closest to the stone statue.

Guided by the black flying magic dog, Guo Mu came to the wide stone statue square without any risk. At this time, many powerful flying magic dogs had gathered here. This was the first time he had seen so many flying magic dogs. The high-level flying magic dogs used to be basically gray and blue-black.

At this time, the golden beam of light hit the stone statue right on, and in front of the stone statue, there was a milky-white cub bathed in the golden beam of light.

"How is it possible, wasn't that cub killed by me?"

Seeing the milky white cub, Guo Mu immediately widened his eyes, with a surprised expression on his face. The last time he sneaked into the Flying Demon Dog's lair, he remembered clearly killing the milky white cub, but Now this cub is bathed in the golden beam of light in a lively and lively manner.

"Could it be that not only I can revive in situ, but even the bosses here have the function of in situ resurrection, shouldn't this be the case!" Guo Mu was speechless.

While Guo Mu was still speechless about the resurrection of the cub, a faint phantom suddenly appeared above the stone statue. As the phantom expanded, a huge image of a strange beast was taking shape. It was exactly the same as a stone statue.

For a moment, all the Flying Demon Dogs bent down and bowed their heads respectfully to the stone statue.

"Could this strange beast be the ancestor of these Flying Demon Dogs, or be the king of beasts? Damn it, if this ceremony is to welcome the coming of the king of beasts, then it's not a mistake for me to come here." Guo Mu couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

At this moment, the white cub, which had been quiet in the golden beam of light, turned its head slightly and looked towards Guo Mu's hiding place as if sensing something.

At this time, Guo Mu, who was still in a daze, did not hide his protective measures at all. Immediately, one person and one beast looked at each other 'affectionately'.

"Damn it!" Guo Mu cursed subconsciously.


In an instant, a slightly immature roar rang out from the mouth of the white cub, and immediately resounded over the entire stone statue square.

"No way!" Guo Mu's whole body froze suddenly, and almost at the same time, all the Flying Demon Dogs who had been lowering their bodies raised their heads in unison, and their scarlet eyes stared at Guo Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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