Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 314 Alchemy 3

Chapter 314 Alchemy 3
As for spirit pills, of course there is no need to explain. The biggest difference between spirit pills and Fandan is that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. As long as alchemists can successfully keep some, they can basically approach the level of panacea.

But the real panacea is that the alchemist pours the aura of heaven and earth into it. Not only must the aura of all the medicinal materials be preserved, but also after various fusions, the effect of one plus one greater than two can be achieved. It is a real panacea.

As for refining this, the most important thing is nothing else but the spiritual power of the ascetic.Tianwu practitioners can absorb the aura from the heavens and the earth for their own use, but they can only act on their own bodies to strengthen their physique and increase their attack power. They cannot freely manipulate the aura like a monk.

This is also the reason why Ji Feng has been unsuccessful in refining Xiangu's panacea. There is no problem with the medicinal materials, skills, and steps. The only problem is naturally Ji Feng.

"Make a deal!"

Just as Ji Feng was carefully looking at the nourishing pill in his palm, Bai Qiufeng spoke lightly.

Ji Feng frowned slightly, he always felt that Bai Qiufeng must have a plan, and he was finally ready to say it now, but what does his purpose have to do with this panacea?

"Brother Bai, please tell me." Ji Feng showed a very calm expression, he didn't want the other party to see his flaws.

Bai Qiufeng didn't care about Ji Feng's pretentiousness, he just took out a scroll and said indifferently: "This is the method for cultivators to refine panacea, I can teach you..."


As soon as the words fell, Ji Feng couldn't help asking eagerly. It can't be blamed for him being too impatient. After all, alchemy is one of his main skills, and it is also the most powerful way for him to become stronger. No matter what, he is eager to get alchemy The panacea method.

Bai Qiufeng smiled and said, "Naturally, but there is one condition before that."

"Conditions?" Monsoon asked hesitantly.

"That's right, I want you to help me refine the elixir and raise a large amount of elixir." Bai Qiufeng said seriously: "Don't worry, I will take care of the medicinal materials. All you need to do is to help me refine the elixir, but Don’t leak the wind.”

Ji Feng frowned slightly. He was a little unclear about Bai Qiufeng's intentions. Asking himself to help him refine the nourishing pills was still a large amount. Is it for someone else?But he can be sure that Bai Qiufeng didn't want to give it to Shuyangzong, otherwise the other party should go directly to his master instead of himself.

Could it be... Bai Qiufeng plans to recruit troops?Monsoon thought to himself.

But this does not conflict with Ji Feng's interests. What he needs is the method of refining the panacea, and this method is right in front of him. At the same time, he also needs a lot of practice opportunities to become proficient in this new skill.At the same time, he also ruled out the possibility of Bai Qiufeng being independent, because apart from Qingxin who is about to get married, he is a popular candidate for the successor of the head.

After thinking about it three times, Ji Feng finally decided that this deal would be of great benefit to him and not harmful at all. Even the other side had prepared the medicinal materials himself, so there was nothing he could refuse, not to mention that he himself would get some extra from it. of the accounted for.

"Yes! I agree." Ji Feng agreed very readily.Smart people deal with each other neatly, without too much obliqueness, and just take what they need from each other.

"Alright, Junior Brother Ji Feng, I hope you can master this alchemy as soon as possible, it will be of great benefit to your strength."

Bai Qiufeng casually threw the scroll to Ji Feng, and at the same time, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, like a cold dagger in the dark night, chilling to the bone.In the depths of Ji Feng's heart, there also seemed to be some hidden undercurrent churning.

There was an unfathomable strange feeling between the two of them.


Under the light yellow sky, the shadowy woods are as dead as a cemetery, and the dark forest paths between the trees seem to be passages leading to the world of the dead.

At this time, Guo Mu was standing quietly on the square of the stone statue, his right hand was sticking to the stone statue, as if he was sensing something, quietly maintaining that posture, motionless, like a clay puppet.

After a while, he finally let go of his hand, but his brows were tightly furrowed again and again, obviously in his heart, he was confused by something.

"Huh! Strange, why is this happening? There was no reaction at all. Could it be that my guess was wrong!" Guo Mu rubbed the bridge of his nose, relaxed his mind, and then started walking around the stone statue. coming.

At that time, after he thought of Ermao's golden energy, he became sober as if enlightened, and immediately felt that this might be the best way to solve the problem now.

But when he entered the "broken domain", he dragged back Ermao who seemed to have seen a demon, and ignored Ermao's struggles. After a thorough physical examination, he found to his regret that he could not find the slightest trace of the golden energy. trace.

This made Guo Mu scratch his head, and then he thought about it, the last time the golden beam of light hit the stone statue at first, maybe it was hidden in the statue secretly, but he was disappointed again, after some inspection, He found that there was nothing special about the statue except that the stone was harder.

This is difficult for Guo Mu!
"Could it be..." Guo Mu slowly looked at Er Mao who was pretending to be dead again, and the white hair on his body stood up in fright.

Ever since Ermao was tortured by this seemingly harmless guy last time, it never dared to run away again. It felt as if life would be worse than death. Now when he saw him come back, he first used an extremely strange force, Visiting back and forth in my body, what do you want to do now?
For Ermao, although Guo Mu didn't dote on him as much as he did for Baimao, he wouldn't bother him too much. After all, he was also his little brother and super thug, and he still wanted him to help when necessary.

Guo Mu, who was struggling to find a solution, had no choice but to turn to the blue ghost for help. Although he really didn't want to deal with the blue ghost, the current method was undoubtedly the most appropriate, and he was not entirely for the sake of Ah Ning. At the same time, it is also for himself to keep a hole card. This kind of golden energy is so effective. If it is used properly, his strength will be greatly enhanced.

"Blue ghost, blue ghost, come out quickly, I have something to find you."

After Guo Mu called out several times in a row, the figure of the blue ghost finally appeared above the stone statue. He was actually wearing a nightcap, as if he had just woken up from a sleep.

"Wow... oh! Noisy, noisy, noisy! Didn't you see that I was sleeping?"

Guo Mu looked at the slobbering blue ghost with a dull expression and yawned loudly. Three black lines flowed down in an instant, and a tool spirit actually told him that he was sleeping. What the hell is this? Guo Mu immediately complained about the plot.

"I want to know what this golden energy is coming from, and why I can't detect it anyway." Guo Mu asked suspiciously.

In the last competition with Er Mao, he once plundered the golden energy from Er Mao, but before he could 'taste' it, he mixed in the gathered power and returned it directly to Er Mao, It's just that the way he returned it was a bit rough.

"Golden energy? Oh, you're talking about wish power, right?"

After hesitating for a while, the blue ghost immediately realized something, but then stopped talking and did not continue.

"Will power, and then what?" Guo Mu urged a few words.

The blue ghost glanced at him contemptuously, and said calmly, "Forget it! That kind of power is not at the level you are in contact with now. Talking too much is just distracting your mind."

Guo Mu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the answer given by Lan Gui would be this, but he didn't intend to give up.

You must know that it was hard for him to think of this method, how can we give up because one sentence is not enough level!What's more, in his eyes, it seems that the blue ghost thinks so every time, so he has to fight all the more.

"Blue ghost..." A strange arc slowly raised the corner of Guo Mu's mouth.

Seeing the curved line of Guo Mu's mouth, Lan Gui immediately had an ominous premonition, but was quickly suppressed by him.what the hell!It has always been only when you calculate others, when can others calculate yourself.

Just as the blue ghost was muttering in his heart, Guo Mu stepped forward with a smile on his face. After scanning the whole body of the blue ghost twice with his eyes, he said lightly, "I haven't seen the blue ghost for a while, you are angry and bloody." It’s enough, your back is straight, the smile on your face is more, the strength in your body is more, and even your blue hair is more colorful!”

The blue ghost, who was going to deal with Guo Mu, couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Guo Mu stupidly. Obviously, this strange change was beyond his expectation.

"What does he want?" Blue Ghost thought to himself.

"It seems that the young life is quite nourishing recently!"

"Ahem! If you have something to say, all my goosebumps will go away."

Lan Gui finally couldn't help but speak out directly, he couldn't bear Guo Mu's sudden move, it felt so...wretched!

"It's very simple, shouldn't it be time to pay the rent? Recently, you have gained a lot of benefits. Seeing that your pocket is also bulging, should you pay the rent? You see, I am quite fair. We humans have a rule called Li Gun Li, nine out of ten and thirteen out, it's fair, plus the current housing prices are rising rapidly, you know it, right, in order not to be abandoned by the general environment, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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