Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 315 Alchemy 4

Chapter 315 Alchemy 4
"Stop! Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you."

Seeing that Guo Muda was about to get out of hand, the blue ghost hurriedly called a timeout, sighed helplessly, and said angrily: "You just want to know what the power of wish is! Don't bother! I told you It's fine if you don't."

"Hee hee hee..." Guo Mu suddenly laughed a few times.

Seeing Guo Mu's villainous appearance, Lan Gui sighed that people's hearts are not ancient!Even such a good child was brought up badly, as expected, he studied well for three years and learned badly for three days.

It's just that he seems to have overlooked an important link, who did Guo Mu get along with before learning to be bad.

The blue ghost explained cooperatively: "Simply speaking, wish power is a kind of illusory spiritual power. In layman's terms, it is a kind of power of wishing. This is a kind of soul power that every creature can emit. When this When the power is collected or used organically, it can achieve miraculous effects, similar to that night, when Ermao suddenly broke through to the realm of alchemy, and it is also because of the reverence of the flying magic dog here for this stone statue , and by chance, Ermao inspired the wish power contained in it."

"You mean... this matter cannot be replicated?" After hesitating for a moment, Guo Mu finally came to the conclusion of the matter.

"That's right, do you really think that wish power is easy to obtain? It takes years and months to gather and form, and you need a special method to collect it."

special method?After Guo Mu repeated it subconsciously, he asked, "Then what special method is needed to collect it?"

"Even if you have the means to collect it now, it's too late. There is only less than one and a half months before the martial arts selection contest. How can you find the time to collect the wish power? Don't work in vain."

Is there really no other way?Guo Mu was a little bit unwilling in his heart. After working hard for so long, should he give up now? Even if Ah Ning is willing now, he is still not happy!
"There must be some way?" Guo Mu frowned and pondered.

"I've said it all, this is not the level you can touch now, you are not enough..."

"Not enough of what?"

Lan Gui immediately flicked his little little finger and said with an extremely smirk, "Hee hee, not qualified!"

"Damn!" Guo Mu scolded, grabbed the Ermao next to him and threw it at the blue ghost, but the blue ghost, who had been on guard for a long time, fled back to the real world, leaving only the depressed Ermao and the blue ghost. A pensive Guo Mu.

"Let me tell you! Don't bother, the power of wish can only be realized by people with a sincere heart. You... are too dark... oh, too dark."

Hearing the words floating out of nothingness in mid-air, Guo Mu almost exploded in anger immediately, who is it?Damn it can be darker than this blue ghost!

"Huh!" Guo Mu took a rough breath. He knew the source of the golden power, but he had nowhere to start. This was even more itchy than when he didn't know it before.

Suddenly, at this moment, a ball of golden light about the size of a thumb was thrown out from the void. Guo Mu hurriedly reached out to catch it. Ding Qing saw that this was the golden energy from last time. The only one who still has the wish power is the blue ghost who has absorbed Ermao's energy storage attack once.

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Mu's mouth. Although Lan Gui was stubborn, he would still lend a helping hand when necessary.

Now that the wish power is obtained, the most important thing left is how to use this special power. This has long been a challenging task for Guo Mu. He figured it all out there by himself, so he can be regarded as a half-expert in this kind of thing.

Holding the clump of golden energy, Guo Mu carefully released his own energy from his body, wrapping the clump of wish power. At this moment, Er Mao, who was standing beside him, was drooling.

When he released Yuanli and came into contact with the willpower just now, Guo Mu only felt that his mind was clear, as if he had entered a very pure world, but he knew clearly that he hadn't left where he was, it was just that his spirit was suddenly overwhelmed by something. As if infected by something.

As soon as he realized it, he could only feel a layer of pale golden mist slowly purifying the impurities on his origin force. Guo Mu was definitely the first to directly act on the origin force. see you for the first time.

When he finally regained consciousness and withdrew again, he felt that the energy in his body had improved a little. This kind of situation that could automatically purify impurities and improve strength made Guo Mu covetous.

Suddenly, at this moment, the group of wish power in his palm suddenly turned dark gold, completely gone from the energetic look just now, which made Guo Mu's heart skip a beat, and he hurriedly Wrap Xiang Yuanli with Yuanli again, but this time he was rejected directly, no matter how he tested, he could no longer use the power of Yuanli.

"Let me tell you! Don't bother, the power of wish can only be realized by people with a sincere heart..."

At this time, the blue ghost's words resurfaced in Guo Mu's heart again, and only those with a sincere heart could comprehend them. These words immediately reminded Guo Mu.

"Could it be... Could it be because of the sliver of greed that arose in my heart just now? That caused the power to refuse my entry?" Guo Mu couldn't help but wondered in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, and then after hesitating for a while, he revealed his energy again. This time, he directly emptied his mind, and just released the energy purely, without any private greed of his own. read.

Under his intense gaze, Yuan Li finally approached Yuan Li little by little, and finally managed to touch it.

"Hiss!" Guo Mu couldn't help being puzzled. This wish is so strange, so how can he help Ah Ning?

This is another problem. You must know that Aning's inner desire to become stronger is stronger than anyone else, and Yuanli will definitely not accept her.

Guo Mu suddenly became depressed and helpless. He really had no way to deal with this situation.

"Woooo..." Ermao came to Guo Mu's feet at some point, staring straight at the wish force on Guo Mu's palm with open silver eyes.

"Hehe, do you also want wish power? This is not possible. I have useful wish power and I cannot give it to you. I also hope that you can become stronger and become a super Ermao, but it is obviously impossible now."

Guo Mu also thought about it with a joking smile, but an accident happened. When he thought about using the power of this wish to make Er Mao stronger, he suddenly found that the wish force group had a slight fluctuation, and he felt like he was about to move. .

And the direction to go was Er Mao at his feet, but he clearly sensed that Er Mao didn't make any movements just now.

After thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't help thinking, could it be that his thoughts just now affected the wishing force group, and then he stimulated his own power again to let the wishing force strengthen Ermao's strength, and sure enough, the wishing power actually fluctuated.

Now it was Guo Mu's turn to be dumbfounded, he couldn't help laughing speechlessly, this kind of thing that benefits others but not himself actually happened to him.

After several consecutive experiments, Guo Mu finally found helplessly that only when he abandons his own greed and focuses on fulfilling the wishes of others, will this wish be controlled by him, that is to say, even if he is a wish The owner of the regiment, but he cannot act on himself.

As soon as the result came out, Guo Mu directly scolded him for cheating!

This kind of power that can only be used to help others but cannot be used on oneself is simply tasteless to Guo Mu!This kind of willingness is simply painstaking, but in the end it is making wedding dresses for others!
But this also just solved the problem that Guo Mu is facing now, he can use this group of willpower to improve Aning's strength at this time.

When he came out of the broken domain, almost at the same time, he turned back instantly, looked at the inside of the cliff cave vigilantly, and at the same time circulated the spiritual power in his body, and locked on the road standing in front of the "Monument of Commandment" all of a sudden. figure.

But when he saw the voice in front of the stele, he couldn't help but thump in his heart, because this figure was very familiar to him, and it was the mysterious woman who disappeared after fighting with Guo Mu last time.

And Guo Mu immediately subconsciously searched for the traces of Aning, and soon he saw Aning lying sideways on the ground beside the stone platform where the gate rules were copied. After checking her steady breathing, he was slightly relieved. Just got knocked out.

"Tsk tsk! There are so many rules in every sect, like foot wraps, smelly and long." The mysterious woman turned her waist and said contemptuously with a sideways face.

I agree!Guo Mu thought to himself.

Facing the guard from behind, the mysterious woman turned around and looked at Guo Mu very calmly, and then couldn't help but secretly exclaimed in her heart, what a fast cultivation speed.

At this time, she can directly sense the strong spiritual power from the other party's body, which is close to the level of alchemy. In fact, in the realm before Yuanying, the essential difference is not that big, and it is more manifested. It is in the control of aura.

The control of the aura before the Danhua realm can only be said to be limited, and the aura between the heavens and the earth is involved in a general brain, and then it is arranged and attacked by a unique method, but although this has an advantage in quantity, But the quality is still very weak.

Once you reach the realm of alchemy, the power is not the same, not to mention that the amount of spiritual energy absorbed from the world is several times that of before, and at the same time, the control over the spiritual power will also increase significantly. Judgments are also cohesive in quality.

(End of this chapter)

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