Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 320 Alchemy 9

Chapter 320 Alchemy 9
Yi Meng narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and her expression turned frosty. Guo Mu's request could be said to be rude and rude.If Guo Mu finished taking the sword formula and suddenly refused to admit it, then as a weak Yi Meng, there was absolutely nothing he could do.


Just when Yi Meng was in hesitation, Guo Mu suddenly spoke, which caught her attention again, but she had already unconsciously fallen into the rhythm mastered by Guo Mu without realizing it.

"Or what?"

"Or you can choose to hand over the first half of the sword formula first, and wait for the second half after the cooperation is completed. I get the ring, and then get all the exercises from it."

Guo Mu's words revived Yi Meng's originally hopeless heart. Obviously, this method was in line with what she thought in her heart. Just when she wanted to agree, Guo Mu spoke again, but it made her feel embarrassed. up.

"However, there is a premise. I must place restrictions on you to restrict your own freedom. You cannot act without authorization. If you make any small moves in the dark, or attack the Forging Sword Villa, I will trigger the restriction and let you suffer from the heart attack." died of pain."

Guo Mu's indifferent voice pierced into Yi Meng's heart like a sharp thorn.

"I can give you time to think about it, but let me tell you, I don't have much patience right now, I hope you seize this last chance." The cold murderous look in Guo Mu's eyes was revealed without any concealment.

Looking directly at Yi Meng's pretty face, which was already bloodless, Guo Mu didn't hesitate in his heart. He knew that this was not the time to soften his heart, and thinking about the seductive scene that happened earlier, he became even more determined.

Guo Mu turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cliff cave.

One step...two steps...three steps...

"Okay! I promise."

Just when he was about to take the fourth step, Yi Meng behind him finally spoke. In fact, under the sleeve of Guo Mu's right hand, the blue ghost's golden glove body had been summoned, and a fiery spiritual force It has already gathered and is ready to attack at any time.

Obviously, Guo Mu didn't intend to give Yi Meng much time to think about it. This was something he deeply realized during the fight with the Flying Demon Dog. The opportunity is fleeting. If he can't grasp it in time, the person who will die in the next second is likely to be Yi Meng. Own.

In fact, Yi Meng has no other choice. She has played among many men, and she is very clear about people's psychology. She knows that if she doesn't choose the correct answer, then...

Guo Mu slowly dissipated the gathered spiritual power, and returned to Yi Meng's body, looking at the somewhat dejected woman, a tricky smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.In Guo Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, there was also a smile on the corner of Lan Gui's mouth, but that smile was so...wretched!
"I will give you a running route, you just need to run your spiritual power according to the above." Guo Mu said indifferently.

Finally, the blue ghost's conspiracy surfaced. That's right, this trick is very similar to the trick that Bai Qiufeng used to deceive Guo Mu back then.Under the guidance of the blue ghost, Guo Mu successfully grasped Yi Meng's weakness, and guided her heart step by step, so that she had to follow Guo Mu's steps and rhythm, and fell into the set point bit by bit. trap.

It turned out that the blue ghost had long planned to transfer the curse in Guo Mu's body, but he had not found a suitable candidate. Originally, Aning was a good candidate, but he knew that Guo Mu would definitely not agree.Now this Yi Meng just happened to come to his door, such a good opportunity, even the blue ghost lamented that Guo Mu's luck was really good.

Of course, this good luck came from the dangers. During these several dangerous experiences, if one was not careful, the person who died would be Guo Mu himself.

"What do you want?" Yi Meng was still somewhat repelled.

"You only need to run the route of this exercise, and you don't have to worry about the rest." Guo Mu said very forcefully.

Guo Mu casually passed to Yi Meng the tendon movement diagram that Bai Qiufeng had given him, and saw Yi Meng ponder for a while, then his expression became solemn.She is not a rookie like Guo Mu, she doesn't know anything about cultivating Taoism. Although she can't confirm the specific restrictions on the tendon movement diagram that Guo Mu passed to her, she can still see the sharpness from it.

This is a very powerful restriction method, which penetrates into almost all important acupuncture points of the body. Once controlled by this restriction, breaking it is not easy.

But she has no choice at this time, but to accept it!
As Guo Mu withdrew the origin power that imprisoned the other party's spiritual power, Yi Meng slowly began to operate under his vigilant eyes. At the same time, in Guo Mu's body, the curse also began to shine. up.

But different from the last time, this time the transfer did not have such a big movement, and there was no celestial vision. This was because under the deliberate suppression of the blue ghost, he was going to use this to paralyze Bai Qiufeng's attitude towards Guo. The vigilance of the screen.

I saw that under the urging, Guo Mu moved the curse in his body to his right palm, and then punched it into Yi Meng's abdomen. Almost instantly, a flash of light lit up from her abdomen, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye. without a trace.

Under the improvement of the blue ghost, the curse is a little less evil and more cryptic.

Yi Meng, who was cursed, could hardly feel the abnormality in her body. If she hadn't experienced it before, she might think it was a hallucination.

"Hmph!" Guo Mu snorted coldly, and Yi Meng snorted suddenly, and saw her body soften slightly, and she almost fell to the ground.

Sure enough, it's not that simple!Yi Meng thought to herself.

Prompted by Guo Mu just now, the curse launched an attack, shaking Yi Meng's dantian.The dantian is the deadliest vital point of a cultivator. Once it is controlled by others, it can almost be said that his life is in the hands of the other party.

Seeing that the dust had finally settled, Guo Mu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for the existence of the blue ghosts in this game, the loser would definitely be Guo Mu. No matter in terms of strength or scheming, the mysterious girl Yi Meng would take the lead. She has an absolute advantage, but sometimes, fate is such a drama, under the intervention of the blue ghost, Yi Meng's army is defeated like a mountain, and she loses everything directly.

This does not mean that Yi Meng is not smart enough or strong enough, it can only be said that she picked the wrong partner.


In a blink of an eye, another half month passed.

In the back mountain of Shuyangzong, among the lush forests, flowers are fragrant and birds are singing, and there is a lively scene beside it. A waterfall falls vertically from the high mountain, 40 meters above the ground, and in the middle of the waterfall, there is a protruding boulder. The rock is like a sharp blade, cutting a whole waterfall into two neat halves.

The rapid water flow from the waterfall falls on the big stone rock, and the bursting water mist fills the entire air. The sunlight penetrates the water mist and is refracted into a gorgeous rainbow. The two ends of the rainbow are connected to the pebble beach on the ground. One end was grafted on the big rock in the middle.


There were deafening sounds, and the huge sound of the waterfall hitting the big rock filled Guo Mu's external auditory canal, and the rapid water flow was like a powerful hammer, striking fiercely at Guo Mu's body.

At this time, Guo Mu was sitting on the big stone rock, with his upper body bare, bearing the slanted water flow from 80 meters above his head. Thousands of tons of water flow, led by gravity, washed away like iron brushes. Guo Mu's body, from his already flushed body, one can see the power of the water flow.

On the pebble beach below the waterfall, a slender figure was struggling to dodge in a circle less than ten meters away, as if enduring some kind of attack, but at this time, there seemed to be no one else besides her exist.


When he came near the circle, he suddenly heard bursts of violent swishing sounds, and the sound of speed piercing the air was continuous and continuous.

Suddenly seeing a white shadow flashing, Ah Ning twisted her waist and leaned forward directly to make an iron bridge, narrowly dodging the attack of the white shadow, but before she got up, she only felt the weight of her waist, and her whole body They were all crushed to the ground.

On Aning's slender waist, squatting a cub with snow-white fur, it was white fur.

After half a month of running-in, now Baimao and Aning get along very well. The main reason is that Aning cooked good dishes and used the food to capture this foodie. In comparison, it's like pig food.

The mouth of eating people is soft, and now Baimao, a foodie, has transformed into Aning's personal trainer and guest enemy.

During this half month, apart from preparing three meals and training every day, she spent the rest of her time cooking food for Bai Mao.There is no way, although Baimao looks small, but its appetite is really not ordinary.Aning once roasted a cow and a sheep, but these two things were eaten by him in just 5 minutes.

Even Guo Mu couldn't help wondering whether there was a storage ring hidden in Baimao's body!

"Uh! Huhu... Can't do it anymore! No, I must continue, I will not let the young master down." Ah Ning collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Since Guo Mu got his wish last time, he began to train Aning like a devil. The task he asked Baimao to perform every day was not to let Aning escape from this circle, and Aning had to work hard to ensure that To avoid being attacked by Baimao, at the same time, he must do everything possible to escape from the circle.

But with Baimao's speed and strength, Aning is not even a mouse in cat and mouse in front of it. At least the mouse has a certain chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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