Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 321 Alchemy 10

Chapter 321 Alchemy 10
In Guo Mu's logic, even if you can't fight, you can always dodge, you can always hide!Any attack that can't hit anyone is useless. This is exactly the plan Guo Mu set for Aning.He didn't ask Aning to be able to shine in the martial arts competition, but she had to achieve certain results in it, at least for half the time.

Don't look at the time in this half-time, a warrior is very vulnerable in front of a martial artist, not to mention those who can enter Shuyangzong and have the courage to enter the martial arts competition, they must have full confidence to go.

Without twos and threes, how dare you go to Liangshan.Without some craftsmanship, who would dare to show his face in the entire Shuyang sect!Aren't you afraid that you will be ridiculed by many disciples in the future!So being able to hold out for half the court in front of such a disciple of the Shuyang Sect shows a level of strength in itself.

Faced with this turning point that will affect his entire life in the future, Guo Mu can only exert external influence and help, but the most fundamental thing is Ah Ning's inner perseverance.

At this moment, a warm current flowed from her dantian, slowly flowing to her limbs, and then all the important acupuncture points in her body.For a moment, Ah Ning seemed to be immersed in the warm winter sun, warm, his body was numb, and the pores of his whole body were opened.

"Huh!" She opened her eyes again and exhaled a foul breath.

Since the last time she received a golden energy instilled in her by Guo Mu, whenever she felt that her body had reached its limit, this energy would appear to help her break through and recover her physical strength.

Now her strength has increased by at least [-]% compared to half a month ago.Generally, the lower the realm, the greater the plasticity of the improvement. After all, the base is relatively small and easy to fill.What's more, Guo Mu's promotion this time not only did not damage the foundation of Aning, but also used his will to fundamentally reshape her entire physique.

It can be said that it has a reborn effect.

At this moment, Guo Mu also opened his eyes on top of the big stone rock, and a ray of light flashed out from the depths of his eyes, turned around in the eyes, and then returned to the depths.

He was practicing the first half of the sword formula he got from Yi Meng. Although his real intention at the time was to transfer the curse on his body to the other party, he didn't mind one more skill.

In terms of cultivating the Tao, most people can only specialize in one Dharma Jue, and few people practice two at the same time, but Guo Mu is special. In his body, the Heaven and Earth Jue absolutely dominates, and the throne of the boss belongs to him. At the same time, the specificity of the Heaven and Earth Jue also emerged.

After getting the sword formula from Yujian Villa, Guo Mu didn't intend to practice it at first. He didn't want to cause chaos in the skills in his body because of practicing the sword formula.He observed it in the spirit of learning from it, but at that time, Tiandi Jue directly stimulated his spiritual power without the consent of his master, and recorded the upper half of the sword formula into his body, while still watching it from Yi Mengxiang. In the eyes of the monster, he used a sword energy with Guo Mu's characteristics.

In the following days, Yi Meng was deeply shocked by Guo Mu's continuous grasp of the essentials of the sword art, and at the same time, he was completely paralyzed by his super abnormal comprehension ability.

But all of this is not due to Guo Mu's credit. Although Guo Mu is indeed an excellent one in terms of talent and physique, he has not reached the level of heaven-defying. The reason for his rapid progress lies in the strange treasure in his body— — Heaven and Earth Judgment.

The Heaven and Earth Jue is very inclusive. Since the last mutation, the Tiandi Jue has been in a state of silence, but when the Sword Jue appeared, it seemed to find a new prey. Absorbed that kind of power and spiritual power.

I saw that in Guo Mu's dantian at this time, in addition to the still lake-like Yuan Lingli, a cyclone hovering steadily was floating in the dantian. There are also grains of light shining like ice crystals.

This is nothing else, it is the sword essence produced by Guo Mu's new sword formula. If the spiritual power is pure, honest and gentle, then Jianyuan can definitely be said to be an extremely rebellious thorn.

Swiftness, rigidity, and sharpness are the representative characteristics of Jianyuan. Although Guo Mu has only practiced for a short time now and does not have much advantage in total, the lethal power contained in it is much stronger than spiritual power and Yuan power.

But even so, the stubborn and unruly Jian Yuan bowed his head obediently under the majesty of Yuan Lingli's boss.And in terms of the characteristics of Yuan Lingli, the lethality of Yuan Lingli has been improved again.In the final analysis, no matter how Jianyuan was transformed, his essence is still spiritual power, so he still received the rule of Yuan Lingli.

The three forces are all drawn by the rotating cyclone, they don't interfere with each other, but they get along well with each other. This kind of wonderful balance, even the well-informed blue ghost doesn't know how to say it.

However, Guo Mu's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He learned the moves from the sword formula, which made his strength stronger again.

The only problem is that although he has learned this sword formula, he cannot use it in the martial arts competition. Although the Shuyang sect is dominated by swords, the power of the sword formula is stronger than that of the Shuyang sect. Much smarter.

Although the sect's attitude towards him is very ambiguous, he knows that some upper-level figures have begun to covet his kung fu skills after he has repeatedly broken through and performed kung fu that does not belong to the Shuyang sect.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty, Guo Mu understood this simple truth deeply.

In terms of cultivating the Tao, you may be able to use the excuse of outstanding talent and self-comprehension to get away with it, but in terms of swordsmanship, many masters and uncles in the Shuyang Sect are all experts, and they will definitely be caught if they make a move.

Therefore, in order to be able to apply what he learned, Guo Mu integrated the moves of the Sword Jue and the moves of Shuyang Zong in his heart. This is the most important.

"Drink!" After adjusting his breath for a while, Guo Mu suddenly yelled and swung his hands vigorously. Immediately, two bright and solid sword lights shot out from his palms, cutting off the water flow of the waterfall cleanly.

Immediately with a joint blow, a huge lightsaber broke through the water curtain in an instant, and stabbed directly above the water flow. From the ground, it looked like a pair of sharp scissors, facing the snow-white cloth quickly, cutting the cloth into two pieces' Cloth'.

As soon as Guo Mu retracted, he jumped directly from the 80-meter-high rock. At this time, he was a full 80 meters away from the water, and he couldn't fly in the air because he had not yet reached the realm of alchemy.

Seeing Guo Mu's speed like a meteorite, he rushed towards the water pool under the waterfall. In the water pool, there were tumbling white pearl foams, and the fifteen people under the water surface couldn't see clearly at all. It would be fine if it was a deep water pool, but Under the general waterfall, there are jagged and strange rocks, many of which are like sharp knives inserted upside down.

Going down at Guo Mu's speed, although his strength is good, he may suffer some damage, but when he saw Guo Mu was about to hit the water, he suddenly disappeared and his entire figure disappeared. It disappeared into the void like out of thin air, disappeared without a trace, and there was no more fluctuation.

At this time, Aning who was on the side of the rocky beach was not surprised at all, just because she had already seen strange things in this period of time.

Every time after Guo Mu's practice is completed, he will jump directly from the high altitude in this way, until the moment when the impact is approaching, he will suddenly activate the escape technique to exercise his instant emergency response ability. At the beginning, Aning was indeed Guo Mu was taken aback.Because cultivation requires a process, at the beginning, Guo Mu was not as calm as he is now, and the occasional mistakes made Aning tighten his heart.

But now she is used to it, and Guo Mu's cultivation has finally achieved results. Now he can escape into the space the moment he touches the water surface subconsciously, and instantly capture the synchronization rate with the spiritual energy, so that he can calmly use the improved energy. Evasion technique.


There was a sound of tearing the air, and the white hair turned into a flash of white light. When it left the place, there was still a slight afterimage, which showed how fast the white hair was accelerating instantly.

"Oh!" At this moment, a muffled groan sounded from the void, and then Guo Mu's figure retreated from the state of 'retirement' in embarrassment. On his head, the white hair was pulling his hair, and the whole body The small body lay on his head, and a tail was still sweeping back and forth in front of Guo Mu.

"Okay, okay, you won again, come down, come down..."

Guo Mu begged for mercy, and it took a long time with his hands to pull the white hair off.

Every time he descended from high altitude, escaped into the void, and was about to get close, he was always spotted by Baimao. Up to now, he still couldn't figure out how Baimao knew his position, and regardless of him How to change, Baimao can always find out at the first time.

In the end, he could only helplessly admit that Baimao's talent is indeed too powerful, he is not Baimao's opponent, and Baimao is in love with this kind of game, every time it only likes to grab Guo Mu's hair, Messed up his hair.

"Hehe!" Seeing Guo Mu and Bai Mao getting along so harmoniously, Ah Ning couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

At this moment, a series of swishing sounds came from the bushes behind the rocky beach. It was obvious that someone was walking through it, and hearing the voices calling along the way, it seemed very urgent, as if they were in some danger.

As the martial arts competition is approaching, the Shuyang sect is warming up like a raging fire, and many disciples will also come to the back mountain to practice, because in the back mountain, there may be some ferocious beasts, which are all actual combat good chance.

(End of this chapter)

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