Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 330 Pill Fire

Chapter 330 Pill Fire
"It's not a magic weapon, it's an inner alchemy!" At this time, Lan Gui stopped playing tricks on Guo Mu, and began to popularize knowledge about alchemy for Guo Mu.

"Danxiu has unique similarities with sword cultivators. It is different from the spiritual power cultivated by ordinary ascetics. The spiritual power they condense has great advantages over ordinary ascetics. It depends on spiritual power, but its power is much stronger than spiritual power, and the power cultivated by Danxiu is also the same, with its own powerful advantages, in the world of cultivation, it is called Danyuan."

"Dan Yuan has an incomparable advantage over other spiritual powers, that is, healing. The spiritual power cultivated from years of refinement of spirit pills possesses the characteristics of pills."

Guo Mu listened fascinated. This was the first time he had heard the blue ghost explain the difference between different cultivation systems in the cultivation world. of different branches.

"Alchemy cultivators don't cultivate their physique, they just want to cultivate the best elixir wholeheartedly, but they have a stronger physique than cultivators who specialize in physique. Do you know why?"

The blue ghost paused, deliberately whetting Guo Mu's appetite, and Guo Mu shook his head foolishly.There was a smile on the corner of the blue ghost's mouth, and suddenly he caught a flickering blue arc from nowhere. Guo Mu couldn't help feeling numb when he saw it.He didn't even know when the blue ghost absorbed a trace into his body.

"This kind of arc light is a derivative of Danlei, and Danlei is what alchemy practitioners most want to see, but they are most afraid of it. Because only the level of the spirit pill has reached a certain level, can it arouse the sun between heaven and earth. With the power of the thunder gang just now, Dan Lei can wash away the impurities of the spirit pill. If the spirit pill has survived the Dan Lei, then the quality of the spirit pill will definitely be higher. Ray is stronger."

Guo Mu couldn't help but interrupted and asked, "Then what level of panacea can attract Dan Lei?"

"It's not difficult. Ordinary human-level panaceas have a certain chance of being able to attract such a one. There is only a certain chance. Those above the human level need to be handled carefully. If you’re not careful, it’s a big game.”

The blue ghost suddenly cast the arc light in his hand on himself, and saw the arc light suddenly turned into electric snakes, scurrying back and forth across his body, but the blue ghost enjoyed it comfortably.

Seeing Lan Gui's relaxed face, the corners of Guo Mu's mouth twitched, thinking: Crazy, crazy, this guy must be crazy.He still had some lingering fears about the blow just now, but he was so precise that he had all the three elements in place. Before he was attacked, he didn't even notice it at all, which made him very upset.

"It's so comfortable. This tingling feeling of removing impurities is really nostalgic. While refining alchemy, you are also training your body. Every time Dan Lei can not only cleanse the quality of the elixir, but also strengthen the physique of alchemy, which is equal to body training, and use the purest energy between heaven and earth."

"According to what you said, isn't Danxiu very powerful, so why did he die here?"

"Greatness is for sure, but it doesn't refer to the aspect of strength. Danxiu is a character who is treated with courtesy no matter where he goes in the world of cultivation, especially Danxiu who can attract Dan Lei, that is even more so by various sects. desired talent."

Speaking of this, the blue ghost paused for a moment, and then continued: "As for how this guy died, I think the reason is very simple, that is, when he was refining alchemy, he attracted Dan Lei, but the alchemy couldn't resist it." Dan Lei, in order to protect the elixir from damage, this alchemist introduced the elixir into his body in an attempt to directly refine the elixir, lest all his hard work be wasted, but in the end, the consciousness was destroyed by Dan Lei, while the body was Under the protection of the spirit pill, it is still intact."

Seeing the old man who was very tightly protected by the protective shield, Guo Mu couldn't help but sighed helplessly. Dan Lei, who could kill the old man, was obviously not something he could bear at his current level. If he wanted to get the treasure, he had to do it himself. It takes life.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the blue ghost asked, "Do you want the inner alchemy inside?"

"Nonsense! Of course I want to." Guo Mu gave him an angry look.

"I can help you!" The corner of Lan Gui's mouth slightly curled up, and a dark arc flashed in the depths of his eyes.

There is a conspiracy!Guo Mu immediately put up a cordon in his heart, every time the blue ghost showed his courtesy for nothing, there must be no good things.But he couldn't help but look at the treasure that was protecting the old man's body. It was really frustrating that he couldn't get the treasure right in front of him.

Guo Mu gritted his teeth, thinking that if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch a tiger's cub.

"Tell me first how you want to help me. If you dare to play tricks on me, I won't be polite."

"Hey! How could I!"

Hearing the blue ghost's successful trickery laughter, Guo Mu suddenly felt that he seemed to have made a very stupid decision.Taking a deep breath, he said with concentration: "Okay, tell me your method!"

"Actually, the method is very simple. I want you to absorb Dan Lei."

"What! You lunatic, I knew you had no good intentions, did you want to kill me? Didn't you see that this old man was hacked to death, and you actually asked me to absorb Dan Lei? Didn't you ask me to die? ,asshole!"

Guo Mu immediately exploded like a cat whose tail has been trampled on. He hurled insults at the blue ghost, frothing all over his mouth, wishing he could drown him with his saliva.

Looking at the agitated Guo Mu, Lan Gui couldn't help sweating profusely from his forehead.

"I haven't finished my words yet, don't worry!" Lan Gui could only explain: "Remember what I said, your constitution is the innate thunder spirit body?"

Guo Mu was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help thinking about it. He really remembered that the other party seemed to have said such a sentence, but he didn't pay attention at the time. It's just that at that time, he didn't care about any bullshit spirits, he just wanted to kill this person. The guy he has suffered for so many years is torn to pieces.

"So what?" Guo Mu replied unhappily.

"It's very simple. You are an innate thunder spirit body. Your physique is one of the five great spirit bodies. You have a unique advantage over the aura between heaven and earth, but that's not important. What's important is that your physique is as restraint as all ascetics are afraid of." something, that is the sky thunder."

Guo Mu raised his eyebrows. He knew that cultivators who cultivated to a certain level would attract thunder from the sky, because cultivating the Tao is a practice against the heavens, and they seize the aura of heaven and earth for their own use.When the strength reaches a certain level, it will cause sanctions between heaven and earth, and thunder will be sent down to destroy the ascetics.

"According to what you say, I don't need to be afraid of thunder?" Guo Mu asked happily.

"That's naturally..."

"That's naturally...wrong, you pig! Even a powerful person who has attained the Dao must be careful when facing the sky thunder, you really treat this broken spirit body like a green onion! Now any sky thunder can kill you Chop it into charcoal, and then blow it into fly ash." The blue ghost's contemptuous expression dealt a severe blow to Guo Mu's weak heart.

"Then you said so much, it's not in vain!"

"I'm talking about Tianlei, not this kind of Dan Lei that has been weakened. This is a qualitative difference. Although this Dan Lei still poses a threat to you now, there is a certain probability that you can absorb it. It can not only cleanse your physique, but also improve your strength, and don't forget, there is also an inner alchemy."

Faced with such a powerful temptation, even in the face of a potentially fatal threat, Guo Mu was still tempted.As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, how can you harvest treasures without taking risks?
After thinking about it for a moment, Guo Mu agreed to Lan Gui. This decision was already expected by Lan Gui. It is not common for such things to happen, but it depends on whether you are killed or lucky. picked up.

But the blue ghost didn't rush to let Guo Mu absorb Dan Lei, but asked him to check around. When you are in the body, the most taboo thing is to be distracted. If you are not careful, your soul will be injured by Dan Lei, and you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

"Hey! You said what level is the inner alchemy in that old man's body?" Guo Mu asked curiously in his spare time.

"It is estimated that someone is superior. If the spirit pill successfully survives Dan Lei, it is estimated to be at the level of the prefecture level. Unfortunately, it is not successful. Generally, the spirit pill that fails to be refined will either be destroyed by Dan Lei or become a waste. In short, it is incomplete. It won't be that high." Lan Gui said indifferently.

Indeed, as the blue ghost said, alchemy is different from refining weapons. If a magic weapon can't withstand the sky thunder, then it may survive. , the pill will definitely be bombarded into powder in the blink of an eye, and if you are lucky, there will only be a semi-finished product left.

But now, looking at the spirit pill in the old man's body, it is still so powerful. Obviously, the medicine is still very good. A human-level high-quality spirit pill, even in the world of cultivation, only the core disciples of super sects can get it. It is possible to enjoy.

"Wait a minute..."

Just as Guo Mu was passing by the alchemy furnace, he suddenly heard the blue ghost calling out in a low voice, as if he had discovered something interesting.

"What's wrong?" Guo Mu was taken aback by the call, a little confused,

"Go to the alchemy furnace, there is something."

"Is there something? What is it? It's all ashes in the dark, what's there to see?" Guo Mu complained, but he followed Lan Gui's instructions and walked to the side of the alchemy furnace.

When he came to the side of the alchemy furnace, Guo Mu discovered that the alchemy furnace was so big that it was three meters high, and it took four big men holding hands to hug it.He looked it up and down, couldn't help reaching out and knocking, and a dull metal 'clang' sound came out.

(End of this chapter)

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