Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 331 Dan Lei Body Training

Chapter 331 Dan Lei Body Training
"It's unbelievable, how did he transport such a big alchemy furnace into the deep mountain? Could this be a magic weapon?" Guo Mu thought to himself, and then pressed against the alchemy furnace to activate his spiritual power.

After trying for a while, Guo Mu reluctantly gave up hope. As soon as his spiritual power penetrated into the alchemy furnace, it passed through directly, and he couldn't be activated like a magic weapon at all.

"You are stupid! I didn't ask you to touch this big stove, the real treasure is inside!" Blue Ghost rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Ahem, how do I know what's going on in your belly?" Guo Mu defended himself.

"Open the stove top, there's something good in there."

"A good thing?" Guo Mu's eyes lit up immediately. It would probably not be too common to be called a good thing by the blue ghost. Immediately, he waved his palm and lifted the stove top, which weighed several hundred catties, and his figure flashed. , into the inside of the alchemy furnace.

As soon as he entered the alchemy furnace, Guo Mu immediately felt that the space inside was far more spacious than it looked from the outside, and it was more than enough to accommodate a Guo Mu.

"What's the good thing you said?" Guo Mu looked around suspiciously, and saw nothing but ashes around him. Every time he stepped down, he could feel a layer of soft ashes sinking into his ankles.

"Idiot, use your primordial spirit power." The blue ghost scolded angrily. He found that he was really unlucky to possess such a master.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Guo Mu, who told him that he hadn't seen it before!
Guo Mu closed his eyes to activate Yuan Lingli, and suddenly a wave of fluctuations started from where he stood, and spread to the entire alchemy furnace in the blink of an eye. At this time, his whole body seemed to be integrated with the alchemy furnace, and he could clearly feel Any trace of the pill furnace, including a subtle vision in the center of the pill furnace.

"Huh?" He frowned slightly, and saw that under his control, the scattered primordial energy began to consciously gather at the center.

Suddenly, at the moment when Guo Mu was highly concentrated, a slight throbbing began to grow slowly like a twig sprouting in spring.

A lavender light began to penetrate through the layers of ashes, illuminating the dim alchemy furnace, and at the same time illuminating the wide-eyed Guo Mu with a surprised expression on his face.

"This...is this?" Guo Mu couldn't help hesitating, because in his sensitive senses, the small flame that suddenly appeared in front of him actually contained a kind of vigorous vitality, which made Guo Mu's eyes widen.

"Hehe, you're lucky, this one is Pill Fire, but it's just a low level, but it's just right for you at your current level."

The blue ghost looked at the little flame, and said calmly: "Don't look at this little flame that seems to be only a little bit, but its power is more powerful than your spell on the fourth page of the Heaven and Earth Art."

"It's so powerful, you won't lie to me! Why didn't I see how powerful it is?" Guo Mu obviously had doubts about Lan Gui's words, but he did feel a potential throbbing from the flames.

"Hmph, if you don't know the goods, you don't understand this. Every kind of pill fire is condensed through hundreds of thousands of years of heaven and earth. It is generally divided into five grades. Like the one you see now, it is only for the second grade. , and due to the loss of the owner's long-term supply, the quality has also decreased, but it doesn't matter, you have Yuan Lingli on your body! If you have nothing to do, feed it three or seven meals a day, and the storage will be even better than the original one. sharp."

"Damn it! You treat Yuan Lingli like Chinese cabbage! You feed me three to seven meals a day, you want me to turn into a mummified corpse! Besides, the price of Chinese cabbage has increased now!"

Guo Mu almost jumped up. If he was fed according to what Lan Gui said, he would not be able to support him if he was squeezed dry. Besides, he still had a big eater to serve him. How could there be so many of them? Yuan Lingli feeds Danhuo!
Lan Gui shrugged his shoulders, obviously he understood what Guo Mu was worried about, and said indifferently:

"Well! You can figure it out for yourself! You must know that Danhuo is a natural spirit-gathering array, which can gather the spirit energy in the air, improve the speed of your cultivation, and help you filter unnecessary impurities. , the higher the grade, the greater the benefits will naturally be obtained."

"Hey! It has to be useful to say so much. You can't let me come here from the Shuyang Sect's sect every time I practice!"

"Of course not. I will pass on to you a set of flame capture technique, which can collect the spiritual fire between heaven and earth." The blue ghost said straightforwardly.

"You...are you that kind?" Facing the blue ghost's sudden kindness, Guo Mu immediately pulled up the cordon, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the calm blue ghost. "Could it be that you want to play tricks again!"

"What tricks can I do, you know that if something happens to you, I will suffer together, so don't worry!" The blue ghost gave an expression that you are relieved.

Ha ha……

The corner of Guo Mu's mouth twitched slightly. The more indifferent the blue ghost was, the more uneasy he felt. Based on his experience, it seemed that every time the blue ghost did something, it was definitely for a certain purpose.

"Gulu! Forget it, trust him once, anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than when we were in Guo's house."

Perhaps because he once lived at the bottom of his life, Guo Mu often faced all the sudden changes with such a mentality. This kind of normality gave him a kind of indifferent disposition, calmly coping with all kinds of problems. kind of thing.

After closing his eyes and comprehending the Flame Shot passed by the blue ghost, he pinched a few spells in quick succession with both hands, and then pointed at the Danhuo with his sword, only to see the small flame shaking for a while, as if he was a little resistant, but immediately He was forcibly pulled away by Guo Mu's Flame Shooting Technique.

Looking at the pill fire suspended at his fingertips, Guo Mu couldn't help but think to himself: What kind of spiritual treasure between heaven and earth is nothing special!This is not easy.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he immediately took the lavender pill fire into the golden glove. He was not an idiot, he put an unconquered pill fire into his body, so he chose the most reliable one based on the principle of proximity. The blue ghost's body, anyway, even if the pill fire exploded, he firmly believed that the golden gloves would be fine.

Regarding Guo Mu's small actions, Lan Gui just turned his eyes and closed his eyes. Anyway, unless he had a fourth-grade spiritual fire, he would not take it to heart at all. This is not arrogance, but a kind of pride from the bottom of his heart.

When returning to the main hall again, the whole hall returned to its original appearance again. The old man with long beard was still sitting there like that, and Mibu Danlei's protective shield was retracted into the body because it was not triggered again.

Guo Mu slowly walked up to the long-bearded old man and looked at him solemnly. Guo Mu knew that the next action might be dangerous, but he believed that the blue ghost in his body would not let him have any accidents. Entrusting his personal safety to others, he is still used to controlling it by himself.

"Are you ready?" There was a slight arc at the corner of Blue Ghost's mouth.

"Hiss!" Guo Mu took a deep breath, calmed down, and said slowly, "What do I need to do!"

In the depths of the blue ghost's deep eyes, an arc of light flashed across in an instant, and he spoke indifferently.

"Suck, suck hard..."

In the dark underground hall, blazing blue light continuously bloomed from the inside, and at the same time, there were bursts of crisp sounds like roasted beans.

"Uh!" A suppressed voice echoed over the hall, from which one could feel the pain in the voice, obviously the owner of the voice was suffering unspeakable pain.

"Is this what you mean by a little bit of pain! Damn, you bastard, this is a little bit, I'm going crazy." Guo Mu cursed angrily, gnashing his teeth.

I saw that in the main hall at this time, the protective cover was activated again around the old man with long beards, and Guo Mu's right hand was wearing a golden glove at this time, and he was pressing against the protective cover with his single palm. Not only that, but if you observe carefully, you can see that the subtle arcs are directly swallowed by the golden gloves when they touch the golden gloves.

"Oh! You can only be a master if you have to endure hardships! If you can't bear such a little pain, then how can you overcome the many hardships on the road of cultivation in the future!" The blue ghost directly ignored Guo Mu's curse, very Leisurely forcibly absorb those weakened Dan Lei.

"Ah..." Guo Mu wanted to open his mouth to curse, but was overwhelmed by the sudden increase in pain, so he could only bend his body and struggle on the spot in pain.

It's not that he didn't want to break free, but as soon as he touched the protective shield, he realized that he was sold by the bastard Blue Ghost again with a third level.

I saw that when his fingertips just touched the protective cover, a blue arc was wrapped around the golden glove in an instant. With the golden glove as the intermediate medium, Guo Mu was not worried that he would be injured at first, but he soon discovered that something was wrong. Out of his expected range.

When his entire right palm was attached to the protective cover, suddenly a huge traction force firmly stuck his right arm to the protective cover, and at the same time, those blazing blue arcs seemed to be like seeing honey. The bees rushed over in a rush, wrapped around his right hand, and burrowed into his body.

Now Guo Mu somewhat understood the meaning of Lan Gui's words. Under such circumstances, even if he didn't absorb it, he couldn't help it.

But when he began to absorb the energy pouring into his body, an accident reappeared. The blue arc light entering his body did not accept Guo Mu's guidance, but began to continuously invade Guo Mu's body based on his right arm, After a while, the blue energy had spread throughout his entire body.

Guo Mu's entire face was flushed red, and bursts of green smoke were emitting through his clothes, and sparks of lightning flashed from time to time, obviously at this time his body was undergoing a world-shaking transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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