Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 387 Praying Mantis or Oriole

Chapter 387 Praying Mantis or Oriole
"I... I can help you find the voice. I recognize his voice. I just need to listen to it again, and I will definitely recognize it." Qu Dewei said hastily, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Hmph! You have concealed and cheated a lot before, how can I be sure whether you said it on purpose in order to survive."

"No, no, no, this is absolutely true, believe me." Qu Dewei said hastily, his expression was really anxious, he already felt four different chills lingering on his body.

He hurriedly turned his attention to the last one, which was Guo Mu.

It is said that after learning about the inside story of the spies, Guo Mu and his team immediately rushed to the checkpoint on the No. 15th floor, intending to stop the enemies who had infiltrated the Shuyang sect before they entered the secret ground.

But the world is often unpredictable, maybe there are really spies in the front line, when Guo Mu and others rushed to the entrance leading to the No. ruined.

"Damn it! I didn't expect that the villain would have boarded it first, what should I do?" Qingxin frowned and looked at the destroyed entrance in front of her, and angrily reprimanded.

"Now that this road is blocked, how do we get to the No.15 floor? Are we going to return without success like this?"

Linghui's face showed a calm expression, he came here after going through many obstacles, seeing the secret place right in front of him, but being blocked here, how could he not be annoyed.

"Actually, there is not only one path!" Bai Qiufeng said solemnly, frowning.

Guo Mu was surprised for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "What? Is there another entrance to the No.14 floor?"

According to his inquiries, starting from the No.13 floor, the terrain behind began to change dramatically, not only with threats like Yin Sha, but also with many unpredictable creatures.

I don't know how Shuyangzong discovered this secret place in the first place, and how they built such a magnificent underground building.

"Could it be..." The epee hesitated for a moment, and said in a buzzing voice, "You don't mean that channel!"

"Which one? Does it lead directly to the secret place?"

Suddenly a voice interjected and asked, everyone couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then turned their eyes to the strange man who was fully bandaged at this time, it was Qu Dewei who was guaranteed by Guo Mu and survived for the time being.

Seeing everyone's unkind eyes, Qu Dewei smiled awkwardly: "Hehe...don't listen to indecent words, don't say indecent words, I know, I know..."

Looking at his wretched look of shrinking back, even Guo Mu himself wondered if he made a wrong decision and shouldn't keep him.

"I think Senior Brother Bai should be talking about 'Blood Cloud Cave'!" Epee said with a serious face, and Guo Mu noticed that when he said these three words, there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

What kind of dangerous place can make a fearless person like epee feel jealous?With a glance, he found that Qingxin's face showed even more fear.Can't help but look tight.

Bai Qiufeng nodded, and explained: "Now we only have this one channel left. Either we quit now, or we can only take a risk."

After hesitating for a while, Guo Mu asked, "Is there any danger?"

Bai Qiufeng took a deep breath, his face became gloomy, obviously recalling some bad memories, and said in a slightly depressed voice: "About ten years ago, when I first entered the Gong Chuan Pagoda, due to the Encountered by the siege of evil spirits, life and death were on the line, we had no choice but to enter the 'Blood Cloud Cave', if we had no choice at that time, we would never have chosen to enter the 'Blood Cloud Cave'."

Bai Qiufeng suddenly smiled miserably, as if he had become haggard all of a sudden: "At that time, there were 15 of us entering, and only three of us left in the end."

Hearing this, the expressions of the other five people tightened immediately, and the number of deaths has reached four fifths, which is a shocking ratio.

"But Senior Brother Bai, didn't you come out alive?" Ling Hui asked curiously.

In an instant, Bai Qiufeng frowned, and said seriously: "That's because the brother who led the team used his own life to escort the three of us out. You must know that his strength at that time was already at the late stage of the third level of Tianwu. It’s only one step away from a breakthrough, what a pity!”

Although Bai Qiufeng was still alive, it still made everyone feel shocked.

The strength of the third level of the Tianwu Zhe is actually enough to compare with the early stage of the alchemy of the Taoist. Under the protection of such a strong team of strong men, only three survived in the end, and the strongest man did not fail. Coming out of the 'Blood Cloud Cave' alive, although partly because of protecting other disciples, it was enough to shock Guo Mu and the others.

Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Bai Qiufeng also knew that this time was too risky, but if he didn't take the risk and let the spies and villains enter the secret place, get the inherited soul crystal, and go back to face the sect, it would be impossible to explain.

After thinking and thinking, Bai Qiufeng's eyes shot out two bright lights, and he said coldly: "Go, this time we have to rush to the checkpoint."

The rest of the people suddenly stood up, and after a little tidying up, they went directly to the fierce "Blood Cloud Cave" of the Chuangong Pagoda. obstacle.

When they finally arrived at the place, they found several figures swaying at the entrance. It was obvious that Guo Mu and the others were not the only ones who were blocked before the entrance.

Bai Qiufeng led a few people to hide in a hidden place and observed carefully. Although the disciples who appeared in front of them were all named disciples, it was already hard to tell who was the loyal and who was the traitor.

At this time, several figures appeared not far away, and walked straight towards the entrance of the 'Blood Cloud Cave'.But at this time, among them, the person in the middle is the Ji Feng who framed Epee and Linghui.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. Seeing Ji Feng who put him in danger appeared, Epee and Ling Hui almost rushed forward to settle accounts with Ji Feng, but fortunately, Guo Mu reacted in time and restrained them.

"We can't act rashly. Let's inquire first, maybe this passage was destroyed by someone else, but the spies happen to be among this group of people!" Guo Mu reassured.

"What else is there to inquire about? This insidious villain who framed his fellow sect behind his back, even if there are no spies, we can't let him continue to be at ease." Linghui was furious and cursed in a low voice.

Hearing Linghui's scolding, even though the epee didn't say anything, his eyes shot two fierce lights. It was obvious that Ji Feng offended the epee this time.

Looking at the people in front, Qing Xin said: "They were also blocked from the entrance, maybe we were too worried, and maybe there were no spies among them, why don't we go with them, so that entering the 'Blood Cloud Cave' is also easy." It’s good to take care of each other.”

snort!The epee snorted coldly, tightly gripped the huge iron sword in his hand, and said nothing, obviously the Bucha in his heart was constantly churning.

Guo Mu gave a wry smile. It would be fine if they didn't rush out to fight Ji Feng immediately, and it would be impossible for the epee to cooperate with that despicable villain again.

"Ji Feng has a lot of scheming and ruthless means. Even if there are really no spies among them, he can't conspire with him, otherwise he doesn't know when he will be stabbed in the back!" Guo Mu said calmly.

Seeing that even Guo Mu didn't approve, Qingxin couldn't help but feel a little depressed. In her heart, Shuyangzong is her home. Now that the sect is in trouble, she should let go of her stubbornness and fight against the enemy together. But now everyone is in power. , Mutual suspicion made her feel quite uncomfortable.

Seemingly aware of Qingxin's discomfort, Guo Mu groaned for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Let's let them go first and then follow behind. In this way, it will not only help us remove some obstacles, but also test the spies. Is it among them."

Then he hesitated again, and continued: "If... the spy is really not in the opponent's team, then it will not be too late for us to rescue him."

Several people present thought for a while after hearing the words, but Bai Qiufeng was the only one who was still lost in thought, wondering what he was thinking about?
Qu Dewei saw that several people were hesitating, so he couldn't help but speak again.

"Oh! Why do you bother to think about it? The benefactor is right. The so-called intention of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable. Besides, according to your opinion, the other party has already harmed this muscular man once, so it is even more unbelievable. Is not it!"

A series of cold gazes from the five people were like icy edges, shooting directly at his body, and he shivered immediately.At this time, Qu Dewei remembered that he was not one of the spies?Couldn't help but scolded myself for talking too much!
grunt!Qu Dewei pursed his lips and made a cross gesture, implying that he was forbidden to speak.

Although everyone was very ignorant of the silver fox thief who had sneaked into the sect's secret place, they had to admit that what he said was somewhat reasonable.

For a while, several people fell into deep thought!
After a while, Bai Qiufeng finally came back to his senses, and said indifferently: "This time I agree with Junior Brother Guo's suggestion. Ji Feng is not an accomplice, but we are also brothers of the same sect. If we don't see death or rescue, we will follow Like junior brother Guo, follow behind, on the one hand to find out whether the spies are among them, on the other hand, it is convenient for us to rescue in time."

Seeing that Bai Qiufeng had made such a decision, Qingxin couldn't refute, so she could only agree.Others had no objection, and the collective reached a consensus.

At this time, outside the 'Blood Cloud Cave', Ji Feng's team already had eight people, each of whom was at least at the second level of the Sky Warrior, and those who were able to enter the Gong Chuan Pagoda were all extremely powerful.Such a small group of people is enough to cause a bloodbath in Jianghu sects.

(End of this chapter)

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