Chapter 388

Looking at such a group of masters around him, Ji Feng was inevitably a little high-spirited, thinking when did he have such power!

"Senior Brother Ji, I think we should go! After waiting for so long, no one will come again." One of the disciples persuaded.

Ji Feng pondered for a while, and he couldn't help thinking to himself, is the heavy sword really left behind?Immediately, the corner of his mouth couldn't help revealing a sinister smile, isn't this just what he wants!
"Okay! Let's go. Listen, this 'Blood Cloud Cave' is an extremely dangerous place. When you enter it, everyone must be extremely careful, don't be reckless, and everyone must act together."

After finishing speaking, he took out many bottles and jars, all of which contained healing supplies, all of which he specially prepared to win people's hearts for this trip to the Chuangong Pagoda.And just as he expected, seeing that Ji Feng cared about him and even gave him a panacea, everyone couldn't help being slightly moved.

"Hmph, this monsoon will really buy people's hearts."

Seeing Ji Feng's captivating face, heavy sword and Linghui's expressions became even more gloomy, obviously remembering the same attitude of the other party when they worked together before, but in the end, they secretly framed them.

"I want to slap him to death right now." Epee said bitterly.

Hearing the heavy sword's words, Qu Dewei couldn't help shivering, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, he treated his fellow disciples so cruelly, wouldn't he be more dangerous, my God!

Qu Dewei felt more and more that he was in a dangerous situation, but at this time his injuries were not healed, even if he barely escaped, he would not be able to survive in such a dangerous place as the Chuangong Pagoda, and now he could only continue to follow the team.

With a sudden turn of his thoughts, Qu Dewei made up his mind to follow Guo Mu and the others. Of course, he was more or less interested in the strange treasure he had heard about.

Qing Xin said calmly: "Brother Epee, don't be impulsive for the time being, the matter of settlement will be long in the future, and you will have a great chance to settle accounts with him in the future. At this time, it is better to resolve the crisis of the sect first, before it is too late."

Seeing her repeatedly persuading her, epee is not the kind of reckless man who doesn't understand the overall situation. Besides, even if he doesn't look at Qing's hard-hearted side, he still has to take care of the suzerain behind her!After all, she is also the suzerain's daughter.

At this moment, under Monsoon's envelopment, the fighting spirit of everyone in the team was even higher, and after a short rest, they got up and set off towards the dangerous place where both Bai Qiufeng and the epee were afraid.

And Guo Mu, who had already made a plan, followed them into the 'Blood Cloud Cave' after a distance.

When this side is adventurously moving forward, there is a scene that makes people laugh and cry in the leisurely valley on the other side.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and a white shadow flashed in the void, followed by a hiss, like the crisp sound of tearing silk, came out in the empty midair, followed by a piece of cloth It fell out of it, and before it landed, another white shadow flashed, followed by another hissing sound.

Right now, in front of the stone house, there were a dozen or so pieces of black rags lying quietly on the place where there was nothing but the slate and mud. Judging from the neat torn openings, it was obvious that they were cut by something extremely sharp. become.

At this time, there was another white shadow, and when it was about to pass over the cloth again, there was a sudden shout, and a female voice mixed with embarrassment and crying came out from mid-air, followed by several quintessential sword glows shooting out. out, shooting directly at Shiro Shadow.

Almost at the same time, after striking out the sword light, suddenly, a black shadow escaped from the void, and quickly swept towards the way she came. Before she could run a few feet away, she was shocked suddenly, and swung the sharp sword in her hand vigorously. to the right.

Only a crisp metal impact sound was heard, and then the black shadow bounced back again, standing where it was, solemnly on guard.

Looking at the clothes on her body at this time, I can see that there are already many holes on it. Through the moonlight, the milky white jade skin is undoubtedly revealed. Under the moonlight, it is as white and tender as the finest suet jade.

"Damn bastard, I will definitely peel off your skin." The female snitch gritted her teeth hatefully.

At this time, the female snitch was no longer as calm and composed as before, like an enraged female leopard, wishing to kill the little white beast that stopped her in front of her... Cough, '***.

Bai Mao was still squatting on the stone path like that. If he hadn't seen this with his own eyes, who would believe that it was true, and it would probably be just a joke.

The female snitch's face scarf had already been turned into pieces of cloth. If Guo Mu was present at this time, he would have been in a lot of trouble, because the other party was none other than Yi Meng, a mysterious woman who had an alliance with him.

As early as when Guo Mu was practicing, Yi Meng wanted to find out Guo Mu's true identity. She did not believe that a disciple of the Shuyang Sect would have such great strength and so many cards. She had been waiting for the opportunity to inquire about these secrets. But when Guo Mu was around, she was always on guard. This time, Guo Mu was finally summoned by the sect, and no one could stop her from investigating.

Although Guo Mu kept Aning, she really didn't take Aning seriously, she just counted all the tricks, she really didn't count that there would be such a strange beast here.

The cold wind blows, blows the treetops and the lake surface, and blows away the faint mist that permeates the surrounding area. The moonlight pours down, illuminating the surroundings of the entire stone house. At this moment, a man and a beast are fighting each other.

Being blown by the cold wind, Yi Meng's mind finally calmed down a bit, but at this moment she couldn't help but feel troubled.It's not that she didn't think about retreating, but when she used the escape technique, she was always hit by Baimao, and she couldn't escape at all.At this time, the back road was cut off, and there was no other way around. For a while, she was trapped here by a strange beast.

snort!Yi Meng suddenly yelled angrily, and suddenly a powerful aura surged from her body, and she saw her jade fingers quickly pinch the spell, and a series of lights flickered immediately, which was obviously the harbinger of a powerful spell.Yi Meng is a strong alchemist, and coupled with the rich aura here, in the blink of an eye, a powerful attack was immediately ready to go.

Yi Meng glared at Bai Mao, thinking that she is a majestic alchemy-level powerhouse, and she is not a top expert anywhere, but she was "molested" by an unknown strange beast here, and she almost fainted from anger.

Baimao obviously also felt the strength of this attack, and he became serious, but he did not back down. Instead, he arched his back, his limbs and sharp claws firmly grasped the ground, his pupils in his eyes narrowed into a golden line, and his milky white hair covered his entire body. , It swayed like a river weed.

Seeing that the little white beast in front of him had such a posture, Yi Meng didn't dare to take it lightly, and increased the output of spiritual power in her body, and the fluctuation of the spell suddenly became stronger.

"Damn '***, die for me!"

After a yell, a dazzling light suddenly shone across half of the canyon, followed by turbulent waves that slanted down like monstrous waves. The bright beam of light shot at Baimao, and the stone road along the way was crushed by it. Fragmented, covered with spider web-like cracks.


There was a loud noise, and the ground was shaken immediately. The fog above the entire canyon was swept away by the air waves, and some precious and rare herbs were also blown off. Yimeng felt a pain in his heart. Those are the elixir needed by ascetics, but she must eradicate this strange beast, otherwise her own safety will be in danger.

The huge fluctuations continued to rise. In the leisurely valley where the aura is rich, Yimeng no longer has any worries about the lack of aura. She also has absolute confidence in this attack. It is estimated that the white '**** will be wiped out.

The beam of light lasted for quite a while, and finally the beam of light began to shrink rapidly, finally turning into a thin line and disappearing in mid-air.

The corners of Yi Meng's pretty lips curled up slightly, revealing a smug expression. The whole attack went smoothly beyond her expectations. She thought that the beast might dodge, but she chose to confront it head-on.

"Hmph, have you seen how powerful this girl is!"

Looking at the dust cloud that hadn't dissipated for a long time, Yi Meng's angry mood finally let out a bad breath, but then a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Originally, she didn't plan to use force when she came here this time. After all, she still had many things in Guo Mu's hands. If he knew that she was investigating Youran Valley, she didn't know what punishment she would receive.Thinking of that fluffy eight-legged spider, she couldn't help shivering all over her body.

Forget it, since it's all like this, let's talk about it later.Yi Meng simply smashed the jar.

Suddenly, just as she turned around and was about to walk towards the stone house, an inexplicable throbbing surged in her heart, followed by a sudden shock to her delicate body, and her whole body froze.

As the breeze blew, the churning dust finally dispersed slowly. A ray of moonlight pierced through the clouds and mist, and shot straight into the dust cloud, revealing only a corner of snow-white fur.

boom!The muffled sound of falling footsteps was like drumming, hitting Yimeng's mind.

No...not possible!

In Yi Meng's gradually widening pupils, a snow-white and strong body came out from the smoke and dust. The snow-white fur was exceptionally smooth, blowing in the wind, without any sign of injury, not even scorched black.

But these are nothing compared to the change of Baimao's body shape at this time. I saw that Baimao, who finally showed the whole body, is now three meters tall and five meters long, like a ferocious giant beast, except for the unchanged fur , the rest, there is no sign of being petite and cute before.

A monster that can change its size on its own.

Seeing such a scene, Yi Meng's mind suddenly exploded like a thunderbolt, cold sweat broke out all over her body, and her hands and feet trembled slightly.

Monster beasts attach great importance to physical strength, and a monster beast that can change its body shape by itself means that it has tempered its body to a certain level, and a monster beast that can reach this level can at least compare to a master in the late stage of alchemy.Looking at Yi Meng's current strength, it is only at the early stage of Danhua that he can survive to death, and he is not Baimao's opponent at all.

(End of this chapter)

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