superhuman evolution

Chapter 398 Disabled Veterans

Chapter 398 Disabled Veterans
Facing Wang Luoye's straightforward question, Song Anran chuckled lightly, and said confidently: "I know the reason why you don't need to be suspicious, but you don't need to be suspicious when employing people!"

"Your love for Shi Yu is not fake! I believe that you are reluctant to let Shi Yu be sad, and then hate you for the rest of your life!"

Wang Luoye was silent for a while, and recalled: "Although Shiyu was thin and weak when she was young, she was like a porcelain doll. She was so cute. She always liked to sit next to me and watched me study or study with great interest. play!"

"Mom and dad are busy with work all day long, don't care about her, and don't even care about taking the nanny! Once Shiyu had a high fever and was delayed, and she almost couldn't be saved!"

"At that time, I swore that Shi Yu was my younger sister, and I must take good care of her!"

Wang Luoye walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked out the window, and said sadly: "Concubine Lin is as important to me as Shi Yu!"

"The first time I saw Lin Feier, I fell in love with this bright and beautiful girl. She is healthy, energetic, and beautiful! It's just that she is always honest with men. I once thought that she actually likes women! "

"When she appeared in front of me with you, I immediately felt threatened, she was so different to you! I was angry, I was jealous, so, I took some measures, you know..."

"That's all in the past. No matter what you did before, I'm safe now, aren't I?"

Song Anran walked to Wang Luoye's side, looked side by side at the tall buildings outside the window, interrupted him, and said with some sentimentality: "Too many things have happened in the past few months. No, let the past be blown away with the wind!"

Wang Luoye turned his head to stare at Song Anran, and said, "Yes, it is indeed Baiyuncanggou!"

"You turned out to be the most famous person in Linquan! My beloved sister fell in love with you hopelessly; my beloved woman became your girlfriend, but her fate was ill-fated. Jade perish! The day before my royal family, it was like cooking oil in a raging fire, with flowers blooming in brocade, but it was overthrown overnight!"

Song Anran frowned, and said displeasedly: "Stop expressing so much emotion, you really act like a middle-aged uncle! Give me a good word, can you help me?"

Wang Luoye showed a wry smile, and said helplessly: "It seems that I have no other choice!"

"The purpose of my coming to you is to ask you to take good care of Shi Yu. The other purpose is to ask Shi Yu for some living expenses. I know that she has saved some pocket money in the past six months!"

"I don't even have the money to stay and eat at the hotel now!"

"Every day, there are a lot of creditors chasing after my ass to ask for debts! At present, you, a big tree, are the only thing Linquan can rely on to deter those creditors and let me shelter from the wind and rain!"

"If you really don't care, I'm willing to sell myself for the things I have done to you before!"

Song Anran was overjoyed and said: "It's too much to sell yourself, you are my uncle!"

"I really need a professional who understands economic management like you to take care of my economic affairs!"

The two of them discussed Song Anran's current property and income in the study, and Wang Luoye left the apartment with his first job!
This task is to cooperate with the crew to buy all the supplies needed by Hollier Island within three days!

The self-produced supplies in the South Fort can only meet the daily needs of more than 100 people. Now Holy Island has nearly 60 people, and maintaining the normal operation of the North Fort also requires a lot of supplies!
In addition, Nanbao has also built a large warehouse, and some things that are resistant to storage and not suitable for damage are being purchased step by step according to the plan that Tang En made before!
Considering the current world situation, Song Anran not only did not suspend this plan, but prepared to speed up the implementation of this plan, and planned to fill up the material warehouse in Nanbao in five to eight years!

After sending Wang Luoye away, Song Anran was not idle either!

He first talked to Ling Xinran who was in a coma for a while, massaged her body, and then drove to the Crowne Plaza Hotel, where he took care of the six lucky people who were drawn in March!
After seeing off the last lucky person, Song Anran called Cheng Tao, who had been wandering outside the door, into the room, and said displeasedly, "Just tell me if you have anything to do, what are you doing hanging around the door all the time!"

Cheng Tao hesitated for a while, and said with embarrassment: "Mr. Song, Director Gao handed in his resignation letter to me last night, and this morning he gave me the keys to the Mercedes-Benz and the room key in the Lianhua Community, asking me to hand them over to you! Look at this..."

Song Anran was stunned for a while, then said lightly: "Give me the key, and that's it!"

Cheng Tao didn't dare to ask more questions. After putting the key on the coffee table, he quickly left the room!
At 11:30, Song Anran came to Yushanju and had lunch with Fei Hongrui, Commander of the Linquan Military Region, who came here specially for the appointment!
In view of the relationship with the Fei family, Song Anran didn't hide it, and directly stated the purpose of the treat!
He wanted to select some of the disabled veterans in charge of the military region to form a security team to be responsible for the defense of Hollier Island. He hoped to get Fei Hongrui's support!

This is what Song Anran can think of, the fastest way to recruit professional staff!

As for the issue of loyalty, if Song Anran cured or improved their disabilities and allowed them to return to a normal life, at least they would be grateful to Song Anran!
Lily's psychic powers can also subtly influence them, making them loyal to their duties and not betraying them!
To Song Anran's surprise, after hearing this request, Fei Hongrui immediately stood up and gave him a military salute!
"Master Song, I thank you on behalf of them!"

After sitting down again, Fei Hongrui said with emotion: "These disabled soldiers can be said to be the backbone and heroes of the army! They have to leave the army and go back to their places when they are physically disabled!"

"However, due to the physical gap and the incompatibility in life, they all have some psychological problems more or less!"

Fei Hongrui said very sadly: "Self-abandonment, alcoholism, temper tantrum, self-mutilation, etc. are relatively common! Depressed suicides occur every year! We feel very distressed when we see it, but there is not much we can do due to limited conditions!"

"Master, you have the ability to make them recover and return to work, which is to give them a second life! No matter who you like, I guarantee that you will definitely let them go, and there will be no second words!"

This lunch, the two had a very comfortable meal!
In the afternoon, Song Anran received a large basket of documents personally sent by a second lieutenant officer, files of hundreds of disabled veterans!

After browsing through it again, Song Anran realized that he really picked up the treasure!

These disabled veterans can be said to have all types of arms, including special forces for full-time combat, technical soldiers for various maintenance, submarine soldiers, and even helicopter pilots and fighter pilots!
There are also many kinds of disabilities. Many people are paralyzed or paralyzed, but most of them are missing arms and legs!
Song Anran screened out a total of 44 people based on their types of troops, age, physical disabilities, and the needs of Hollier Island!

21 of them are special forces. After treatment, they should be able to fully recover their health and pick up their guns to fight again!
The other 23 people are all kinds of technical arms. Song Anran recruited them to be responsible for maintaining the circuit and pipeline system, monitoring system, weapon defense system, etc. of Hollier Island!

If the selected people can continue to drive submarines, helicopters and airplanes after recovery, Song Anran will wake up with a smile from his dreams!
(End of this chapter)

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