superhuman evolution

Chapter 399 Re-chapter Myanmar

Chapter 399 Returning to Myanmar
Back to the familiar battlefield once again!
The bullets whizzed by, splashing gravel, hitting the body was not ordinary pain!
The fate-determining moment came again, and he told himself again and again, this time he must hide, this time he must hide...

"Heiyu, come on!"

The captain's order came from the earphones as scheduled. Although he warned himself again and again not to move rashly, his body jumped up reflexively, as if his body was not his own at all!
He clearly saw that a bullet hit the rock jumped up, bounced in the direction, and flew towards him!
He sensed that great danger was approaching, and wanted to escape very much!

But he only felt that his body was extremely heavy, and his dodging movements were countless times slower than usual. He could only watch helplessly as the bullet, like a poisonous snake, slid into his body along the gap in the body armor...

Lin Rugang opened his eyes abruptly, panting for a long time, and then realized that he was in his room, and it was just a nightmare.

Although I had this dream more than once, this dream was so realistic and clear that the feeling of bullets penetrating into my body was as real as it was.

Even knowing that it was just a dream, Lin Rugang couldn't help touching his back...

The instructions issued by the brain are like a stone sinking into the sea!
Lin Rugang came to his senses just now, and couldn't help smiling wryly, he was already paralyzed, why did he always refuse to admit this fact when he woke up!
Turning to look at the window, there was only dim light outside, at most four in the morning, Lin Rugang didn't want to bother the nurses of the nursing home, and stared blankly at the dark roof!

Lin Rugang has a feeling more and more!
This body is a tin can, and I am imprisoned in it, not free!
He really wanted to break the shackles, jump out freely, and embrace this vast world...

When Lin Rugang counted 5734 little sheep, he heard familiar footsteps and a faint smile appeared on his face!
"Good morning, Xiao Xu!"

Xiao Xu is a chubby girl who has been taking care of him for more than half a year. She is a very patient person!

She returned a warm smile!

"Good morning, Comrade Lin Rugang, did you have that nightmare again?"

While talking to him, Xiao Xu skillfully replaced the urine bag and wiped his body!
After doing all this, Xiao Xu took out a brand new camouflage uniform for him to change into!
"Last night, the dean issued an urgent notice. In addition to you, there are 18 people including Gao Dajiang, Jiang Weiqiang, Su Haitao, etc., who will go to Linquan Military Region to attend a very important meeting! Therefore, you need to dress up in a spirited manner. !"

Lin Rugang didn't take it seriously, it must be another leader who came to condolences, or condolences to the performance or something!

Seeing himself being tossed and turned like a marionette, and Xiao Xu's cheeks turned flushed, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, Lin Rugang questioned again, what is the meaning of being alive?

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Lin Rugang, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was pushed into a conference room in the Linquan Military Region!

Only then did he realize that the entire meeting room was almost occupied by wheelchairs!

After waiting for less than 10 minutes, accompanied by Major General Fei of the military region, two handsome men and beautiful women walked in!

The handsome man took a step forward, and with a warm smile, he said, "Heroes, hello!"

"For the sake of the country, you have paid a price comparable to your life. Here, I pay tribute to you!"

"I respect your dedication, so I will tell the truth!"

The handsome man introduced himself: "My name is Song Anran, and many people call me a Qigong master! I can tell you that I have a way to cure your physical disabilities!"

Song Anran chuckled, and continued: "I see the suspicion and disdain in your eyes, so I won't explain too much. I will prove what I said with facts later! However, there are a few words that must be said first!"

"I cured your disability, then you will be my people from now on, and you need to serve me for at least 20 years!"

"During this period, you need to follow my orders, fight for me, and even kill people for me! During this process, you may be injured again, and the possibility of death is very high!"

"So, this is a major life choice. You have 5 minutes to think about it. If you disagree, you can quit!"

Cure disability and restore health?
A fire rose in Lin Rugang's heart instantly, making his blood boil!

Regardless of asking for instructions, he shouted directly: "Comrade Song, my greatest wish now is to hold a gun, experience a hearty battle, and die on the battlefield on the eve of victory!"

"I believe that this is the common wish of us in wheelchairs! Death is a kind of relief for us!"

"We are not afraid of death, but we don't want to be used to do bad things! Comrade Song, I would like you to explain the specific nature of our work!"

Song Anran smiled lightly: "Of course! The nature of your work is similar to that of personal bodyguards!"

"I have some industries at home and abroad, and I need you to protect them. My family and friends need you to protect them! You must also understand that this world is not very safe!"

Speaking of this, Song Anran pointed to Fei Hongrui beside me, and said, "You all must know Commander Fei by my side!"

"With him by your side, you should be clear about my position and the work I am doing. It is definitely not a threat to national security!"

Fei Hongrui, who was pulled into the banner, grinned wryly in his heart, but the matter had come to an end, so he had no choice but to stand up and endorse Song Anran!

After dispelling the last trace of doubts in their hearts, none of the 44 disabled soldiers present announced their withdrawal. They all couldn't hold back their inner excitement and stared eagerly at Song Anran!
If it weren't for the long-term living habits of the soldiers, which made them develop everything to obey orders, it is estimated that this place would have been a mess long ago!

Song Anran didn't play tricks this time, and didn't have any pre-procedures, and started treating these people directly!
In less than an hour, 44 iron-blooded men turned into 44 crying men!
In the end, all 44 people relied on their own strength to give Song Anran a variety of military salutes!

Song Anran said solemnly: "You have two days to deal with personal affairs!"

"At this time two days later, everyone will gather at Linquan International Airport, and you will go to a place for physical therapy to restore your body to its strongest state!"

"After you can officially start working, you will have wages and holidays!"

"However, the ugly words are up front, today's affairs are not allowed to be leaked, and you are not allowed to return after the deadline!"

"If anyone wants to challenge this consequence, I can definitely satisfy you. I hope you won't regret it when the time comes!"

Leaving the Linquan Military Area Command, Lili drove Song Anran to the airport!

"An Ran, in that conference room, I quietly cast a little bit of power to strengthen their gratitude and trust in you. These people will definitely report on time!"

Song Anran nodded, but her expression was not happy. She said softly: "I hope that one or two people will violate it. I think that the best way to win people's hearts is to give kindness and strength together!"

"In this society, I don't know what's wrong, the conscience is eaten by dogs, and there are many people who repay their kindness and revenge!"

Lily knew that Song Anran was not angry with Wu Tongfang and the others!
She didn't continue the topic, but instead asked, "Do you really not need me to accompany you when you return to Myanmar this time?"

Song Anran shook his head and said, "I'm not going to fight this time, and I don't need your protection!"

"Miao Xiaoya's ability is very suitable for use in mountain forests! If we can persuade her to join, our chances of winning the team battle will greatly increase!"

(End of this chapter)

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