superhuman evolution

Chapter 400 Changes in Myanmar

Chapter 400 Changes in Myanmar
Song Anran, who was only carrying a tactical backpack, walked out of the airport and saw two people who came to greet him!

A fat man, and a skinny man!
The fat one is called Wang Bin, and the thin one is called Xiong Jing. Following Song Anran's instructions, Zhu Heze specially arranged for the two of them to stay on the border of Myanmar, regularly throwing all kinds of delicious food and other things into the forest where Miao Xiaoya is hiding!

Song Anran got into a Wrangler driven by the two of them, and headed for the border trade town of Ruili, which is more than 200 kilometers away!

"During this time, have there been any unusual changes in that mountain forest?" Song Anran asked casually!
"No... nothing has changed, it's still the same as before!"

Xiong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head and said with a flattering smile: "The mountain forest is still as peaceful as usual, probably because of the impact of the last battle, even drug dealers rarely pass through that area!"

"Master, we have reserved rooms and private rooms for you in the best hotels and restaurants in Ruili!"

"After lunch, master can take a break to relieve fatigue! You can ask us to do small things like running errands at any time!"

Song Anran noticed that the two people's heartbeats were accelerating, and there was a fine sweat on their foreheads, as if they were a little too nervous!

He didn't think much about it, guessing that this might be the reason why he was nervous!

He looked at his sapphire-like hands, and sighed secretly, these hands were already full of murderous people, and he must have accumulated a lot of evil spirit and resentment, but he didn't know if he had the ability to stop the child from crying at night?

Song Anran showed a shallow smile, and said, "It's been hard work for you these days!"

"I will not stay or eat. I will go directly to Myanmar! When I come out from Myanmar, you can go back to Linquan with me, and you don't have to stay here and suffer!"

Xiong Jing was full of smiles, and said with trepidation: "Master, you are too polite. It is a great honor to work for Master and Boss Zhu!"

Seeing Song Anran leaning on the back of the chair, he began to close his eyes and meditate. He closed his mouth wisely, turned around, and gave Wang Bin, who was driving nervously, a reassuring look!

The Wrangler drove for more than three hours, crossed Ruili town, and sent Song Anran directly to a small mountain on the China-Myanmar border!

Song Anran got out of the car and looked around, ordered Xiong Jing and Wang Bin to wait for him in Ruili town, and then plunged into the gloomy forest!
Returning to his hometown, Song Anran walked through the mountains and forests as fast as a cheetah under the familiar road!

An hour or two later, Song Anran came to the edge of the mountain forest where they fought last time!
However, this place has changed from the last time he left!
There are traces of fighting everywhere, a lot of bullet casings are scattered on the ground, and many trees are lying on the ground!

Judging from the remaining traces, it was caused in the last few days!
Song Anran's heart sank, she discerned the direction, and dived towards the direction where the voice came from.

After a while, Song Anran found three soldiers dressed as peasants but holding guns in their hands, who seemed to be patrolling.

"What happened here?" Song Anran blocked the way alone, and asked with a blank face!
A soldier in the lead aimed his gun at Song Anran, and said with a smirk, "Why should I tell you? First hand over everything on your body!"

Song Anran knew that drug dealers were rampant in this area, and it was a lawless place!

Without saying a word, his figure flashed, and when Song Anran reappeared in the same place, the soldier's body was completely embedded in the soil, without breathing, but shock and fear were intertwined, clearly frozen on his face superior.

After killing one person neatly, Song Anran looked at the next soldier.

The soldier hadn't recovered from the shock, so he instinctively pointed his gun at Song Anran.

Fortunately, he reacted fairly quickly, and immediately put down the gun, already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"A week ago, our Shaozhai Lord found a beautiful little girl in this forest. He wanted... wanted to take her back! However, he himself never came back!"

"One of the guards who was with him escaped back and said that the god of the forest had manifested. The forest was furious and hanged the young village master."

"Our village master was furious and summoned all his men. We must catch this little girl who pretends to be a ghost and avenge her son! Our village master only has such a son!"

A little girl in the forest?The god of the forest appeared?Isn't this Miao Xiaoya!

Murderous intent arose in Song Anran's heart, and he kept his expression on the surface, and continued to ask: "How is the situation now? Have you caught that little girl?"

"No! That little girl is elusive and can make Lin Shu attack us!"

"We killed and injured a lot of people, but the village master is determined to catch her! We only know that the little girl has been injured and besieged in a forest ahead!"

If you haven't caught it yet, that's good!
Song Anran asked again strangely: "Are you patrolling here?"

"Prevent other villages from taking the opportunity to attack us and drive away the sporadic traders..."

In this area, a stockade is an organized military force!
They occupy an area and control the drug cultivation, drug production and trafficking in this area!Moreover, there is a serious conflict of interests between the villages, and it is normal to fight conflicts!
After getting the required information, Song Anran's eyes turned cold.

No.3 soldier had sharper eyes and screamed loudly: "Run, he wants to fight!"

Unfortunately, it was too late to run away at this time, Song Anran waved and shot dozens of red threads, killing both of them, and rushed towards the encirclement.

It didn't take long before the so-called encirclement circle appeared in front of him, which was a small valley.

There are dozens of gunmen guarding the highlands on both sides of the valley!

On the Taniguchi side, hundreds of soldiers, some with chainsaws, some with axes, and some with saws, were cutting down big trees.

From time to time, a big tree roared and fell down!

Behind these people, there were two standing every five or six people, one with a gun and the other with a machete, staring at the trees in the valley cautiously!

A middle-aged man is standing high behind!
He was bearded, his eyes were sunken, and he never seemed to have had a good night's sleep!
He kept yelling and swearing, urging these people to cut down trees more quickly, and looked at the valley with extremely fierce eyes!

Song Anran guessed that this guy might be the village owner!
Under these people's continuous logging, the forest trees in the valley are constantly decreasing.

Song Anran was not in a hurry to act, but hid in the dark to observe!

All of a sudden, a wrist-thick vine full of thorns jumped out from the ground seven or eight meters long, and immediately engulfed a soldier with a chainsaw in his hand, dragging him to the ground. dragging!

Howls and cries for help resounded throughout the small valley!
Immediately, the soldiers with guns who were standing guard at the back shot blindly into the valley. Two soldiers with machetes ran over and slashed at the cane with their knives!
The rattan is like a spirit snake, dragging a person to dodge the machete non-stop!

The man who was dragged on the ground also knew that his life was at stake, so he hurriedly hugged a fallen tree trunk and refused to let go!

One person finally hit the cane, and after stepping on the cane with his foot, he chopped more than ten times hard before cutting it off!
Song Anran's eyes were fixed, and he clearly saw that the severed rattan was bleeding out a bright red liquid, which seemed to be human blood!

With the help of several people, the man who was entangled in the cane finally tore the cane off his body amidst the miserable wailing, but his face was terribly pale, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up. rear!

Seeing this scene, the village owner couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly shouted: "That girl hiding in the valley pretending to be a ghost, listen to me! I'll give you 1 minute to come out and surrender!"

"Otherwise, I'll let you taste the burning fire!"

After all, he waved his hand, and many soldiers standing on the high ground on both sides of the valley raised mineral water bottles, wine bottles, iron barrels, etc. one after another!

The bottle contained a pale yellow liquid, which was obviously gasoline!

However, at this moment, the village owner suddenly heard a voice that sent chills down his spine, from the back that was close at hand, "Let all your people withdraw, or you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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