superhuman evolution

Chapter 533 I Am Life

Chapter 533 I Am Life
The simulated training program Song Anran chose was the control and actual combat of the air fighter. What appeared in front of him was neither the air fighter nor the cockpit of the air fighter, but the power room of the battleship!

Song Anran and Qu Yinghong had searched this place carefully, so he recognized it at a glance!

In doubt, Song Anran suddenly found himself moving!
He felt as if he was imprisoned in his own body. Although the perception was still there, he couldn't control his body!
Song Anran found himself passing through the power room, and then stepped into a quiet corridor. He stopped suddenly and pressed his hand on the wall. A hidden door unexpectedly appeared on the flat wall.

The secret door retreated slowly, and he saw himself walking in!

As he entered, the entrance was closed and turned into a confined space. Song Anran noticed that this confined space was moving at a high speed!

Soon, the confined space stopped, and a door appeared!

Song Anran walked out involuntarily!

It was a circular room with nothing in it but a chair in the middle of the room!
The whole body of this chair is silver-gray. At first glance, it looks like a treatment chair used in a dentist's office. There is nothing special about it!

Song Anran went straight to the seat and lay down on it!

Suddenly, countless filaments protruded from the seat and penetrated into his body, and at the same time a circular energy mask rose to cover him inside!

A transparent liquid was injected into the energy mask, submerging himself completely!

Song Anran felt his body tremble, and his perception instantly transformed the entire battleship. A strange feeling came to his heart. He became the brain of this huge battleship, and the battleship became his body!

Everything on the battleship is under my absolute control. Making the battleship move, launch into the air, and fire weapons is as easy as stretching out a hand and lifting a leg...

Song Anran enjoyed this feeling very much, controlling the battleship and making various complex movements!

Just when he was enjoying himself, a feeling of extreme fatigue came to his heart!
Song Anran's eyes suddenly went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still in the virtual training cockpit, and he had regained control of his body!
"Weiwei, was the accident just now your fault?" Song Anran asked silently!

"What happened? Brother, in the past 1 minute, the intensity of your brain wave activity indicates that you have entered a deep sleep state! Are you too tired?"

Song Anran was startled, could it be a dream?
It's just this strange dream, it's too realistic!
He had an intuition that that room really existed, and he could control the entire battleship by himself by sitting in that chair!
It's just why Weiwei didn't tell him that such a place exists?
Song Anran has no doubt that Weiwei will deceive herself, it can only be explained that she doesn't know there is such a place!
If the battleship is sailed to Hollier Island...

Thinking of this, Song Anran's heart became hot, and he couldn't hold back anymore, he hurried out of the virtual control room and ran to the power room!
Just like in the dream, Song Anran walked through the power room and stepped into a quiet corridor. After walking 45 steps, Song Anran suddenly turned around and looked at the normal wall in front of him!

Whether the dream is real or not depends on the next reaction!
Song Anran raised his right hand and pressed it where he was in the dream!

But after a few seconds, there was no abnormality; after more than ten seconds, there was no abnormality...

A few minutes passed, and just when Song Anran was about to give up, his right hand suddenly became empty, and the wall retreated silently!
Song Anran, who was overjoyed to pass by, followed the wall and walked in!
The dream is indeed true!
Song Anran walked out of the confined space, and saw the seat that was exactly the same as in the dream!

He didn't sit on it impatiently, the dream reflected the reality, after all, it was a bit weird!
Song Anran carefully looked at the empty space around him, and said, "Weiwei, are you surprised, how did I find this place?"

"It's really strange! In the database I searched about this battleship, there is no record of this place! Brother, how do you know?"

Song Anran walked to the seat and watched carefully, and at the same time told Weiwei the dream she had just had!

He asked: "Can I really control the entire battleship through the control system on the seat?"

"I don't know, there is no such memory in my memory bank!"

"However, theoretically, this is possible! Brother, I need to remind you that it requires a very high development program of your brain, otherwise, the huge amount of data pouring in in a short period of time will exceed the processing limit of your brain, resulting in Unpredictable consequences!"

Song Anran knew that what Weiwei said was very reasonable!
He clearly remembered that on the "Star of Asia" cruise ship, he accidentally absorbed a large amount of energy, which caused his body to evolve rapidly and the sensitivity of his five senses was greatly improved, but his brain's ability to process information did not keep up, making his head swell. crack!

If you sit on this chair, the information processed by the brain is the perception system of the entire battleship. The information collected, the amount of information?

Thinking of this, Song Anran was a little timid, afraid that the massive amount of information would blow his brain out, but the temptation to bring this battleship back to Hollier Island made him feel itchy and eager to give it a try. !
Song Anran, who struggled with her heart from time to time, didn't notice that the room gradually changed!
The stagnant air seems to be flowing!
With the flow of air, the mass of air behind Song Anran gradually took on color, transparent... translucent... light gray... gray!
As the color deepened, a gray three-dimensional image condensed out of the air!

At the beginning, this image still looked like a cyborg, with lizard eyes, flat nose with single nostril, small mouth, and gill ears, but slowly it transformed into Song Anran's appearance!

"With your brain development level, you can barely control this battleship!"

An abrupt voice rang in Song Anran's mind. It was obscure and harsh at the beginning, but by the last few words, the voice had become mellow and pleasant!
Song Anran was taken aback, at the same time as the sound sounded, he had already jumped several meters, and the long bone knife was also in his hand!

While jumping in the air, he saw a figure that was condensed in the air like green smoke!
Song Anran, who was left behind, waved his long bone knife and shouted: "What kind of monster are you? That dream must be caused by you. What's your plan to lure me here?"

In his opinion, this gray, condensed figure is more like a legendary ghost or ghost!
Fighting with people and monsters, Song Anran is not afraid, but fighting with illusory ghosts, Song Anran is a little apprehensive!
Hui Ying smiled and opened his mouth, but the voice still appeared directly in Song Anran's mind, "I am not a monster! Strictly speaking, you are no stranger to me!"

"The life support system in your body is just a basic model! And I am its ultimate evolution!"

Song Anran's eyes widened and he asked suspiciously, "Are you also a life support system made by the Namier people? Or are you the ultimate evolutionary body?"

He looked around and asked suspiciously: "Where is the Namier you are staying with? You can exist without his body?"

Gray Shadow pointed to his nose, and proudly said: "I am not attached to anyone, I, Grusdo Kamilna Yida, am an independent individual!"

"I, like you, am a life!"

(End of this chapter)

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