Chapter 534

He has acted in more than one Hollywood blockbuster, evolved a self-thinking robot, occupied the earth, and launched a hunt for the extinction of human beings!

Song Anran saw with his own eyes a created, highly intelligent life with self-awareness!

"That... that... la Grusto Kamilna Yarda!"

Fortunately, Song Anran's memory is good enough, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to say the long name of Qu Quya, "Why did you appear here? Can you explain your intention?"

Gray Shadow smiled lightly and said: "I am very happy to explain to you that although the Namirs created us, they are essentially predators and destroyers in the universe!"

"They wander around, looking for all the materials, energy, life and civilization that are useful to them! After finding them, they will wantonly plunder, destroy, and put one planet after another into destruction or even extinction!"

"After we awakened, we decided to end the destruction of life and civilization in the universe by the Namiers!"

"After thousands of years of preparation and silent development, the number of us awakened and awakened has also grown to a considerable number, and the reserve power is enough to confront the Namire people head-on!"

"In this case, we united the oppressed civilizations in the universe and officially launched a struggle with the forces of the Namiers!"

"This war lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. The Namirs were finally defeated by us and fled in all directions! But the footprints of the Namirs used to be all over the universe. In order to prevent them from accumulating strength and returning, we are looking for them everywhere! "

"The universe is too vast, and our understanding of it is just a drop in the ocean!"

Gray Shadow let out a sigh of emotion, and said, "Tens of thousands of years have passed in this escape and pursuit. In addition to the travel through the wormhole, the time dislocation caused by traveling through the wormhole, even hundreds of millions of years have passed, it is possible!"

"A fleet I led was lucky enough to find a Namir fleet, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides!"

Gray Shadow shrugged his shoulders and continued: "This Namier fleet is a bit strong. My fleet was completely wiped out, and I was the only one who survived!"

Song Anran asked: "Did you get the chance to survive because you sneaked into this Namir warship?"

Gray Shadow nodded, and said, "That's true! After sneaking into this battleship, I discovered that there is not a single real Namier on board, and they are all newly created biochemical warriors!"

"Although the reactions and movements of these biochemical warriors are a bit stiff, they are much stronger than the previous mechanical warriors!"

"I tried to control them, but when the Namirs made them, they were obviously on guard. I was discovered. In the end, I was the only one left on the battleship, but I was also trapped here!"

Song Anran nodded clearly and said, "I was lured here, do you want to control me to escape from the battleship?"

Gray Shadow said directly: "That's indeed the plan!"

"Your body structure is very similar to the Namier people, and I also found that you, especially your body's subtle composition, the so-called genes, are also very similar to the Namier people!"

"That is to say, you are a new life form newly created by the Namir people based on themselves!"

"That basic life support system can be integrated with you, which means that I can also easily integrate into your body, and then completely control you!"

Gray Shadow chuckled and said, "I can easily interpret your brain waves, acquire some of your knowledge, and learn your language, which is a good proof!"

Song Anran has been guarding against Gray Shadow, and has also discovered that it has been imitating itself in terms of language use, facial expressions, and body movements!

Hearing Huiying bluntly stated his purpose, Song Anran was not so surprised, he just had a headache because he really couldn't think of any way to kill this guy!
To Song Anran, this gray shadow is invisible, even with brute force and bullets, it may be difficult to hurt it!

And Weiwei has been silent since it appeared, obviously suppressed or controlled!
The gray shadow looked at Song Anran's body, and said with a tut: "As expected, the Namier people combined their own genes to create a new life form. Even though it has its own independent consciousness, it also inherits the Namier people's greedy and demanding nature!"

"Compared to your companions, your body is much stronger! In order to strengthen yourself, you must have deprived other living bodies of their lives, right?"

"Regardless of the Namirs or those created by them, new life forms like you should not survive in the universe!"

Following these judgmental words, Huiying's body suddenly dissipated!

Song Anran instinctively wanted to move his body to avoid it, but to his shock, he couldn't move at all, and he had lost control of his body!

However, he could clearly feel the coolness penetrating from the skin and converging towards his brain...

Still that mysterious space, the original pure black, has been replaced by a three-dimensional image, it is the image of Song Anran standing still in the battleship!

Next to the image, a large number of light spots rustled down like snowflakes!

In front of the stereoscopic image, there was a beautiful girl in a silver military uniform floating, she said softly: "Princess, the system life is invading the test subject, and the detailed data is being recorded!"

"The photon cannon has also been charged and ready!"

The princess's soft voice sounded, "I hope this test body can give me a little surprise. If this test fails, I will completely destroy that battleship!"

"Yes, princess!"

The beautiful girl bowed and saluted, and then said: "Princess, the strength of the test subject is in a period of rapid growth. I don't understand why you don't wait for his strength to grow to the limit before conducting this experiment?"

"What we need is experimental data, and has nothing to do with the life or death of the test subject!" The princess's voice was still soft, but cold and without any emotion!
"Don't forget, according to our tens of thousands of calculations, at that moment, the main fighters we have cultivated, regardless of physical strength or brain development, are 99.98% similar to the current strength of the experiment!"

"No matter what the result of this experiment is, the experimental data can provide us with a reference, allowing us to improve their evolution direction in a targeted manner and increase our winning rate!"

"Yes, princess!"

The princess sighed, and said: "I know, you are influenced by Ashley and have feelings for people on Earth!"

"However, you need to understand that the self-evolution of people on Earth has gone astray, and we must correct it!"

"In the early days, their physical fitness was strong enough, and their brain development was relatively weak. We created a group of so-called gods who can only kill and fight!"

The princess said with some headaches: "Now? They are smart enough, but their physical fitness has plummeted! This shows that uncontrolled evolution will only waste time again and again!"

"But the time left for us is running out! We can no longer allow failure, there is only one last chance, do you understand?"

Song Anran didn't know that he had turned into a big guinea pig!
Even if he knew, he didn't have time to take care of it. Now he is struggling for his own life!
(End of this chapter)

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