superhuman evolution

Chapter 535 Sacrifice

Chapter 535 Sacrifice
Hollier Island, South Fort's conference room!
Headed by Lily, who originally stayed on Hollier Island, the backbone of the Enron Company gathered here!

Dai Qian stood up and reported: "The last more than 100 tourists on the island have already left the island by plane! The ordinary staff of North Fort also left the island by yacht for New Zealand!"

"The latest news is that they have passed the inspection of the US military and have been released!"

After Dai Qian sat down, Ling Xinran immediately stood up and said, "The 2863 workers on the island also boarded the [-]-ton cargo ship Dong'an, and left Hollier Island for New Zealand!"

"Judging from the current situation, their safety and freedom will be guaranteed!"

Lily nodded, and turned her attention to the Minister of Defense and Security, Bunier!
Bunier said in a deep voice: "Every member of the Defense and Security Department has stuck to their posts and is ready to meet the enemy's attack! But...but..."

Lily's face darkened, and she said, "Don't hesitate, just speak up if you have anything to say!"

Bunier said: "Then I'll just say it straight, the current US aircraft carrier fleet has surrounded Hollier Island!"

"According to the usual combat method of the US military, missiles or naval artillery attacks must be first, then aircraft bombing, and finally the landing troops go to the island! With our little defensive firepower, it is impossible to stop the opponent's artillery attack!"

"So, I suggest closing South Fort, allowing the US military to attack, and waiting for the boss's final instructions!"

Lily looked up at the clock on the wall, and said: "The boss can't be contacted for a while, and there are three hours before the U.S. military's ultimatum. We must find a way to meet this challenge!"

Lydia stood up suddenly, and said murderously: "It's better for us to strike first! I will take a few people on a submarine, sneak close to the US aircraft carrier, and kill them all!"

Bunier reminded with some helplessness: "In this situation, it is impossible to sneak in and approach with a submarine. Before approaching the aircraft carrier, it will be discovered by anti-submarine aircraft or ships, and then sunk!"

At this moment, Tianyou suddenly broke in and said: "The coalition forces sent a communication, saying that they want to send people to the island to have the last face-to-face negotiation with the person in charge of the island!"

Song Anran had nothing to do with the war in his body, even when he called Weiwei, he didn't respond at all!
He knew that it was useless to be anxious, he could only calm down and wait!
All of a sudden, Song Anran felt his head swell with pain, as if it was about to explode!
For more than a year, Song Anran has experienced a lot of pain and torture. He thought to himself that even if a sharp knife was slowly pierced into his heart, he could still keep his face and continue talking and laughing happily!
But this time the pain came too violently, too sharply, Song Anran's sanity was almost destroyed!
At this time, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were already dripping with blood, and his appearance was terrifying!
Song Anran, who managed to keep the Qingming Festival, thought that the severe pain was like a tide, although it was coming fiercely, it could not last long!

How could he know that the pain was like a flood that broke a dam, getting faster and faster, without giving him any chance to breathe!

Song Anran could only suffer bitterly!
He suddenly felt a little lucky that the gray shadow had deprived him of the right to control his body, otherwise the first thing he would do would be to break his own neck!

This pain is really unbearable, constantly washing away his endurance limit!
I don't know how much time has passed, Song Anran has been tormented by the severe pain, and his only thought is to end this endless pain as soon as possible, and even give up his own life, he is willing to do so!

Suddenly, all the pain disappeared!

Song Anran, who suddenly became sober, realized that he should no longer be in the original room.

He was standing, and the sand under his feet was ordinary, with no life in sight, no grass, no bugs, no life, nothing.

He raised his head, and the sky was also gray, as if it was boundless and high, but there was nothing there either.

In this strange world, it seems that there is nothing but fog and gray.

Song Anran looked at himself, wearing a gray-green camouflage field uniform, the same as he remembered.But in this gray world, it seems extremely abnormal, because he is the only existence with color.

He suddenly understood that this was an illusion, and he was pulled into an illusion by the gray shadow!
"This used to be a vibrant planet with endless life, but it was completely destroyed overnight by the Namirs, and there is no sign of life anymore!"

Song Anran turned her head, and saw a person in the same attire standing beside her, with the same face as herself!
He opened his mouth and asked: "La Grusdo Camerna Yarda?"

The other self, nodded and said, "It's me!"

Song Anran looked at the lifeless world again, and asked suspiciously: "Am I already under your control?"

"That's right, but you are still making the final struggle! Your mental strength and resistance are somewhat beyond my imagination. It took me a lot of effort to pull you here!"

"You and I are enemies of life and death now. You have worked hard to create such an illusion. Are you trying to kill my will to resist, or are you trying to declare your victory to me?"

Song Anran saw the other party smiling and shaking his head, and said, "No! I'm here to say goodbye to you. You will be the final winner, and I will disappear completely!"

This is great news, but Song Anran's eyes widened, and he asked puzzledly: "You still have the strength to pull me into the illusion, why is it me who is the final winner?"

"The Namir people underestimated me. They trapped me here for tens of thousands of years and suddenly let you in. Is it just to let me out?"

"Song Anran, I have read all your memories just now, and I also know why you came here, and I also know some of the current situation of the earth! I can conclude that you are just a test subject!"

Song Anran, who was changing into a gray shadow, scoffed, and said, "If I am the victor, the ensuing blow will definitely be devastating! If you are the victor, you may survive!"

"I have seen many examples of dedication and sacrifice in your memory. You can call my choice...sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice?" Song Anran looked at the other party very puzzled!

Gray Shadow said solemnly: "If you are doomed to die, why don't you make your death more valuable! I choose to end my life, and I can mislead the Namir people's experiment!"

"When our side fights against the Namirs again in the future, maybe because of my sacrifice this time, we may gain a huge advantage in the war!"

Song Anran was a little dazed and asked, "Why did you tell me this?"

"It's because I'm too lonely. I've been alone here for tens of thousands of years, and I want to communicate with you more. It's also because I don't want to die. Willing to die and wanting to die are two different concepts!"

Gray Shadow paused for a moment, then said faintly: "It's also because I don't want to die so silently!"

"Before I end my life, I will erase this memory of yours. The Namirs will not detect any abnormalities! But if you are captured by my companions, they will find this memory!"

"Of course, the possibility of this happening is very low. Maybe your ashes will be gone! But, dying with hope is better than dying alone and unknown!"

Gray Shadow sat cross-legged in front of Song Anran, and said: "There is still some time, I will talk about my experience of chasing and fighting the Namirs..."

(End of this chapter)

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