superhuman evolution

Chapter 598 Plan to Accelerate

Chapter 598 Plan to Accelerate
After the silk screen in the air paused, it fell again and shrank!
The bugs trapped inside were cut to pieces and died in large numbers!
The young woman looked at the silk screen approaching close at hand, and could no longer suppress the fear in her heart, she closed her eyes and cried out in shock: "Don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

At this time, she was able to sense a stream of tiny forces, rushing into her body, and then scattered all over her limbs, penetrating into the bone marrow and even the heart.But unfortunately, she didn't have the strength to resist at all.

At the same time, she was also horrified to find that the bugs hiding in her body, regardless of adults, larvae, and tiny eggs, were all killed one by one!
This unheard of method made her surpass the fear of death!
People are most afraid of the unknown, this mysterious method, even the ancestors of the family can't do it.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and found that the silk screen had disappeared without a trace, and all the clothes on her body had been cut as fine as sand grains, mixed with the corpses of insects all over the place!
Now, she is Chi Guoguo, standing in front of Song Anran and the others!

But in the face of the threat of death, this is nothing at all!
After the young woman found out that she was still alive, she didn't hide her body at all, and without any shyness, she walked towards Song Anran with a charming posture!
Although her face is not good, her figure is extremely beautiful, with uneven curves, and she is at the peak golden age of a woman!
The young woman is confident, and with her noble status as a saint, she can conquer an existence like herself, and no man can refuse.

"Mr. Song, you can kill me at will!"

"But you have to know that our Meng family is an ancient family with a tradition of thousands of years. It has huge wealth, connections, mysterious means, and... strength that you can't imagine."

"If you can let me go back, I can speak to the family and establish a close relationship with your Holy Island..."

It's a pity that the young woman only saw indifference and sarcasm in Song Anran's eyes, then her vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

Song Anran's perception spread throughout the hangar, and after finding that there were no bugs missing, he ordered: "After Meng Shuiyao's screening, these people found no problems, and arranged jobs according to their wishes!"

"After this incident, if you feel uneasy and want to go back, don't stop it, arrange to send it back to Lin Quan! As for this woman, first lock her up and keep her under strict supervision!"

Everyone started to act according to Song Anran's order!
Song Anran left the hangar and rushed directly to the communication room in Nanbao!
The reason why he temporarily changed his mind and didn't kill the young woman was because he was worried about the Meng family's retaliation at any cost!
From Song Anran's point of view, the Meng family regards living people as carriers for raising bugs, so it can be inferred that the Meng family may not have any bottom line in doing things!
Once the Meng family falls into a dead end, in China, the Fang family, Fei family, and Xian family who are closely related to me, as well as Fang Jue, Gao Yuhan, Zhang Binglan and others who are closely related to me, may be subject to the Meng family's influence. s attack!

This kind of worm-like method is very difficult to defend against, and they may fall into the trap without knowing it. Song Anran needs to remind them immediately!

In the communication room, Song Anran contacted Mr. Fang, Mr. Fei and Mr. Xian, and told them in detail about the Meng family, and the attack methods of the Meng family on Hollier Island!

Fei Lao frowned and said, "There is such an ancient family in China, and it has reached a cooperation agreement with the country. Why haven't I heard any news?"

Elder Fang just rolled his eyes and shouted: "Old man Xian, you can go to him for a check-up today to see if he has dementia?"

"Based on our relationship with Master Song, as well as the relationship between the country and Master Song, the country must have begun to guard against us old guys! How can it be like before, and send you a notification if there is anything!"

Fei Lao was a little embarrassed, and said angrily: "I haven't become stupid, it's just that I didn't think of it for a while! Master Song, thank you for your timely notification, we will be careful!"

Speaking of this, he said proudly: "It doesn't matter whether he is a thousand-year family or a ten-thousand-year family. Although we have only developed for a few decades, we are not vegetarians. It is not so easy to move us quietly. !"

Elder Fang and Elder Xian also proudly nodded in agreement!
"However, we need to speed up the pace of personnel transfer!"

Mr. Fang said with some worry: "In the past few months, one country after another has changed dynasties, and this Meng family has popped up again in the country. I am getting more and more incomprehensible in this world!"

Fei Lao also felt the same way, saying: "The construction progress of the underground nuclear bunker has far exceeded our expectations, and the data reported by the test is also very good! I also very much agree, speed up the progress of personnel transfer!"

"The situation is really changing every day, and I'm a little uncertain. I'll feel more at ease if I move to Hollier Island sooner!"

The development of Hollier Island also requires a large population, and Song Anran has no objection to their plan to speed up!

He just raised a question: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Fei, Mr. Xian, there is no problem with speeding up the progress of personnel relocation! But how to deal with the huge property under your name? This is not a few months, or even a few years." It can be handled!"

Elder Fang smiled sadly, and sighed: "The family is so big, it's impossible to be fully united!"

"Despite my continuous suppression and the increasingly severe situation, there are still many members of the Fang family who believe that spending huge sums of money to build nuclear bunkers is a waste of family wealth and a foolish move!"

"I will transfer all the management rights of the Fang family's property to these people, and take those who believe in me to Hollier Island!"

Elder Fei and Elder Xian also felt the same way, and they both made the same plan as Elder Fang!

After the communication between the three elders ended, Song Anran did not contact Fang Jue, Zhang Binglan and others again!
In his mind, if the Meng family really wanted to harm them, with their abilities, it would be useless to be on guard. It would be better not to let them know, so as not to live in fear!
Song Anran is going to go back to Linquan in person, and take everyone related to him back to Hollier Island!
Before that, he needs to know some things first!
Song Anran came to the room where the young woman was detained!

This is a cell that was remodeled some time ago and used to detain criminals!
Located in the mountainside of Beibao, it was excavated among the rocks. It can be said that the possibility of the prisoner escaping is very small!

Walking into the prison cell, Song Anran found that the woman had already put on a tracksuit and was lying on the single bed and hadn't woken up yet!
He flicked it with his fingers, and the young woman jumped up like an electric shock!
Seeing that the person in front of her was Song Anran, she immediately put on a submissive expression, and said, "Mr. Song, I must know everything and talk endlessly. What do you want to know?"

 Thank you book friend 20170725164638666 for your reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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