superhuman evolution

Chapter 599 Chapter Lin Quan

Chapter 599
Song Anran came out of the cell, frowning slightly!
This young woman named Meng Weiwei is honest, but she doesn't know much!
The Meng family has been developing in several provinces in the southwestern part of the country. The clan size is about three to four thousand people. Each person has implanted larvae in their bodies, and the female worms are placed in a secret and safe place in the family headquarters!
Threatened by worms, every family member can strictly keep the secret, so the secret of the Meng family has been passed down for thousands of years without any major leaks!
Now the worms in Meng Weiwei's body have been swept away by Song Anran, and she has no scruples when it comes to family secrets!

According to Meng Weiwei's account, the Meng family now has four elders whose strength has reached the strength of a six-time evolutionary, but now, the second elder of the Meng family was killed by Song Anran!

In addition, there is an ancestor of the family whose strength is unknown!

As for why the Meng family had thoughts about Hollier Island, Meng Weiwei just said that this was a sudden decision made by the ancestor, and she didn't know the specific reason!
And she, the saint, is important because she can communicate with the female worms in the family, can completely stimulate the worm mound, and make the hatched worms obey her orders!
The Meng family's plan this time is to control Zhu Heze to sneak into Hollier Island, so that the second elder of the Meng family can catch Song Anran by surprise, and thereby control Hollier Island!

If this method does not work, Meng Weiwei will inspire the worm mound to control everyone on the island through the worms and force Song Anran to surrender!
Song Anran thought over and over again, the fundamental reason should be the coveting of Lily by the vice-chairman of the Ancient God Council and others!
At this moment, a notification from Qu Yinghong came from the communicator!

"Boss, just intercepted a nuclear submarine. They said they came to find you secretly. The people who came were Wu Tongfang and Shen Taihe. They asked to meet you!"

Song Anran's brows frowned even tighter, he had already left the country, why did he still find himself?

At first I wanted to say no, but then I thought again, Fang Feixian's family is still in the country, if there is a big change in the country, the three families will also suffer from it, maybe there will be a lot of losses!
Thinking of this, Song Anran said angrily: "Let the two of them come over!"

More than half an hour later, Song Anran saw Wu Tongfang and Shen Taihe walking out of the air fighter from the submarine base in Nanbao!

As soon as Shen Taihe stepped onto the shore, he searched around, but found no familiar figure, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly!

Song Anran was a little stunned, Shen Taihe obviously knew that Shen Zhixin was here!

However, he never restricted Shen Zhixin's freedom, it was Shen Zhixin himself who did not want to contact the Shen family!
Because he pretended not to see the disappointment in Shen Taihe's eyes!

Song Anran turned his gaze to Wu Tongfang, and didn't have much sympathy for this old man who was obviously ten years old, and said coldly: "You want to see me, and now you see me! If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I am very busy with things. , time is precious!"

No greetings, no seat, no tea, just cut to the chase, Wu Tongfang smiled wryly, knowing that Song Anran had accumulated a lot of resentment in his heart!

However, at least he wasn't rejected, Wu Tongfang felt hopeful, pondered for a while and said, "Song Anran, I know in your heart..."

"Stop! Stop!"

Song Anran interrupted him directly, and said in a deep voice: "I see that you don't want to listen to nonsense, just talk about things and reminisce about the past, I don't have the time to spare!"

After exchanging glances with Shen Taihe, Wu Tongfang said helplessly, "Okay, then I'll be straight!"

"I came here to ask you for help! You must know that an ancient family suddenly appeared in the country, the Meng family! Moreover, the Meng family has also reached a cooperation agreement with the country!"

Song Anran looked at Wu Tongfang noncommittally, without expressing anything!
Wu Tongfang had no choice but to continue talking, saying: "Actually, this cooperation agreement is equivalent to an alliance under the city. Several leaders were unknowingly laid down by unknown bugs from the Meng family. compromise!"

Seeing that Song Anran still didn't express anything, Wu Tongfang continued: "According to this agreement, the state will provide supplies equivalent to one-fifth of the gross national product to the Meng family every year. This... this..."

In view of the current relationship between Hollier Island and the Meng family, Song Anran naturally does not want the Meng family's strength to continue to grow, but also does not want to be used by the country again!
He said coldly: "What is this? The Meng family can be regarded as descendants of Yan and Huang. You all know the situation of the world. Maybe one day, a war that can destroy the world will break out!"

"With such a powerful family coming out to fight against it, even if we can't keep everyone, it's still possible to keep a population of [-] to [-] million people!"

Wu Tongfang was a little speechless!

At his level, he is naturally aware of the severe situation in the world today. Although the fact Song Anran said is a bit cruel, it is still a good way to let more people live!

"Master Song, if you live on the Meng family, the foreseeable result is..."

Shen Taihe opened his mouth, and said with a solemn face: "Every one of us will be planted with worms, and if we violate the intention of the Meng family, we will suffer from the pain of a hundred worms eating our hearts!"

"Living without freedom and wearing heavy shackles is better than dying!"

Song Anran gave him a disdainful glance, and said, "This is your choice, not necessarily everyone else's choice is the same as yours! Don't forget a saying, it's better to die than to live!"

He suddenly felt that it was meaningless to argue about these things, and said directly: "Say it straight, what do you want me to do? Go kill the Meng family?"

Wu Tongfang shook his head and said, "Of course we won't make such an exaggerated request! We just ask for your help to get rid of the bugs in the leaders' bodies!"

He said with a ruthless face: "As long as the bugs in their bodies are eliminated, the Meng family will have our people to deal with it!"

Song Anran smiled suddenly, and wanted to tease a few words, big self and small self, sacrifice and dedication, but thinking about it again, it's very boring!
The situation is grim now, and with a new batch of leaders, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with these complex and changeable problems!And letting the country solve the Meng family, it can be regarded as saving myself trouble!

He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll fly to the capital right now!"

A smile appeared on Wu Tongfang's old face immediately, and he said, "No, they are also on the submarine now, those in the domestic capital are just substitutes!"

Qu Yinghong was asked to drive an air fighter again to pick up several leaders, and Song Anran got rid of the bugs in their bodies!

He is a good person to the end, sending Qu Yinghong and Lei Ao to drive the air fighter to the capital, and he himself got off the air fighter in Linquan along the way!

Although it's only been a few months, looking at the familiar scenery in front of him, Song Anran has the illusion that it's like a world away!

(End of this chapter)

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