superhuman evolution

Chapter 600 Persuasion

Chapter 600 Persuasion
"President Gao, there is a handsome guy waiting for you in the office!"

"Super invincible world-class handsome guy!"

"As soon as I see him, I'm going to cry!"

Just after negotiating a business deal, Gao Yuhan, who came back from the outside, was surrounded by a few girls from the company, big and small!

Seeing their nympho looks on their faces, Gao Yuhan wanted to laugh a little, but he still had a hard face, and scolded: "The work in hand is finished? Hurry up and let the client see you like this. You could have signed the contract." The contract you signed will also be yellow!"

The girls immediately ran back to their seats, pretending to pick up the phone or the folder, and cast their eyes on Gao Yuhan!

Gao Yuhan tidied up her hairstyle and business attire, with a faint smile on her face, and pushed open the office door!

"Hi, sorry..."

She greeted politely, but immediately shut up!

Because this person in front of her was so familiar that she would walk into her dreams almost every night!
Gao Yuhan suppressed her emotions, and said lightly, "You're here!"

Song Anran looked at her carefully. Although she saw photos and videos of her from time to time, this was the first time they were together so close in the past few months!
Gao Yuhan in front of her has obviously lost a lot of weight, and her round face, which was slightly plump before, also has a pointed chin!
Song Anran didn't know what to say, thought for a while, and said, "You've lost a lot of weight!"

Gao Yuhan closed the office door, walked around behind the desk, sat down naturally, and said, "Wouldn't it be better to be thinner, compared to the popular skinny beauty, my body is still on the fat side!"

After saying this, she took a deep breath and said, "You came here suddenly this time, there must be something wrong?"

"Did you suddenly think of me and come over to take a look? As far as I know, you have already sold all your domestic assets?"

Song Anran nodded, and said: "It is true that I came here for something! There are a lot of news on the Internet now, and you must have a little understanding of it! This world is no longer as safe as it used to be!"

"Yuhan, I hope you and your mother can move to Holy Island!"

"Moving to Hollier Island?"

Gao Yuhan's face darkened, and he asked anxiously, "Is the current situation so critical?"

Song Anran said honestly: "Although the situation is a bit more complicated, it hasn't worsened for a while! It's just... my enemies are stronger, and I'm afraid they will be against you!"

While Gao Yuhan's expression was relaxed, he laughed a little self-deprecatingly, and said, "We've all separated, and I'm no longer your woman! Your enemy will still remember a little person like me?"

Song Anran persuaded: "This kind of thing, it's best not to take risks, if it happens, it will be bad!"

Gao Yuhan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "An Ran, I mean if, just if, I was captured by the enemy, would you come to rescue me?"

"Of course it will, you don't have to doubt it!" Song Anran didn't hesitate at all!
"Yeah, you sure will!"

Gao Yuhan sighed softly: "You never leave anyone, this is you!"

She asked again: "What time are you leaving?"

After Song Anran was startled, she immediately understood that Gao Yuhan had agreed to move to Hollier Island, and immediately said happily: "Of course, the sooner the better, you don't need to bring anything, Holy Island has everything, as long as Just pass by!"

Gao Yuhan had a sad expression on his face, and said: "I established this company by myself. I know that under your secret care, the development is very smooth, and I didn't bother me too much!"

"But you can't just throw it away, there are more than a dozen people relying on me for food!"

Song Anran suggested: "Find someone you can trust to take care of it for you. Now that communication is so developed, you can control it remotely in Hollier Island! Or just transfer it!"

The two discussed a few details, and Gao Yuhan sent Song Anran away from the company!
Looking at his leaving back, Gao Yuhan couldn't help muttering: "Although we're not together anymore, I won't be your burden, let alone a hostage for others to deal with you!"

Back at the company again, Gao Yuhan was surrounded by chattering girls again!

"Mr. Gao, why did you let him go? Crying and shouting, you have to keep him!"

"That's right, you can't stop it, and we still have it!"

"It's worth it for the Overlord to fight hard!"

This time, Gao Yuhan didn't scold them, but said with a smile: "Everyone happens to be here today, let's hold an emergency all-hands meeting, I have a few very important things to announce!"

Song Anran went to find Zhang Binglan and Liang Gaofeng again!

It's just that the persuasion this time didn't go so smoothly, and both of them firmly rejected his proposal!
Song Anran didn't want to force her, she had no choice but to say goodbye and leave resentfully!
After that, he went to Linquan University to find Fang Jue!

Thinking of Fang Jue, Song Anran smiled knowingly!

The little girl kept yelling about her university courses, which were dull and boring, neither challenging nor practical, and only wanted to go back to Hollier Island!
Song Anran thought that life is not easy, if she can have a carefree university life, no matter how difficult it will be in the future, Fang Jue can still have a happy memory, so she never agreed!
Arriving at the teaching building of Fang Jue's department, Song Anran immediately noticed Fang Jue's existence!

In a corner of the study room on the fourth floor, Fang Jue was holding a large book and was concentrating on flipping through it!
Fang Jue is not bad at all, and with Song Anran's physical conditioning, and the perfect development of the body after evolution, Fang Jue lost a lot of immature, like an orchid in an empty valley, with a fresh fragrance , spread out quietly throughout the room, attracting many male students in the self-study room, sneaking glances at her from time to time!

At this moment, a basketball rolled over from the aisle and just stopped at Fang Jue's feet!
Fang Jue wrinkled his cute little nose slightly, looked up, and saw a tall and handsome boy in sportswear walking towards him with a smile on his face!

After the boy bent down to pick up the basketball, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to interrupt your study! Let's get to know each other. I'm Meng Tianchen, from the school basketball team!"

Fang Jue lowered his head, put his eyes back on the book, and said coldly: "I don't want to know each other, so take your basketball and let's go!"

An angry look flashed across Meng Tianchen's face, and it disappeared quickly. He still smiled and said, "Don't be so repulsive to people thousands of miles away? Get to know each other, you have nothing to lose!"

After saying this, his hand patted Fang Jue's shoulder!

Fang Jue was slightly angry in his heart, and when the opponent's hand was about to approach him, he shook his shoulders and prepared to avoid it!
Meng Tianchen's hand suddenly sped up and slapped the shoulder after the change of position!

Fang Jue was shocked!
Although she is only a one-time evolutionary with limited combat power, her vision is very high. After all, she is often together with Song Anran, Lily, Lydia and others. What she has heard and seen is not comparable to ordinary people with supernatural powers!

She suddenly realized that this Meng Tianchen's speed was not something she could dodge, and the opponent's strength was much higher than her own!
Fang Jue knew in his heart that despite the close distance of this palm, it seemed difficult to exert force!

But that palm could turn into a shattering move at any time when it was about to hit her body. She had seen several people use the skill and ability of this instant force.

Fang Jue closed his eyes and prayed secretly, the other party was just playing with him!

After waiting for a while, the expected heavy blow or caress did not come. Fang Jue opened his eyes in doubt, and found that Meng Tianchen was still standing in front of him, but his body was trembling and his face was covered with bruises. Bean-sized beads of sweat!

Taking a closer look, Fang Jue's eyes lit up!
Dozens of undetectable silk threads penetrated the wall, narrowly avoided her, and pierced into Meng Tianchen's body!

(End of this chapter)

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