Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 10 Let You Taste Being Beaten 3

Chapter 10 Let You Taste Being Beaten 3
Qian Shangxian looked aggrieved: "How could I do such a thing, father, it is obvious that Mingyu's room is full of food leftovers, attracting ants, and the ants got into the clothes, how can you blame me What? If you don’t believe me, you can go to Mingyu’s room and take a look, and you’ll understand.”

Seeing the two people arguing endlessly, Qianrong sighed helplessly, and strode towards Qian Mingyu's room.

As soon as she entered the room, Qian Mingyu was stunned by a clear line of ants on the floor, and a few pieces of peach cakes were thrown on the ground.

No, Qian Mingyu thought of something, if the clothes have been washed, the peach cakes should have been washed long ago, unless Qian Shangxian had never washed them at all, her house was dirty, let alone ants Yes, mice can run everywhere.

Pointing at Qian Shangxian's nose, Qian Mingyu said angrily, "I see, you are just trying to get revenge on me, aren't you?"

Qian Shangxian shrugged: "Revenge? Why should I take revenge on you?"

Qian Mingyu snorted coldly: "You know it in your heart, how could I know what bad ideas you are thinking about?!"

Qian Shangxian shook his head: "Since you don't know, why do you say I want to take revenge on you? There must be a reason?"

Qian Mingyu gritted her teeth and became even angrier: "You still talk back?! You are revenge yesterday. I falsely filed a complaint with my father, saying that you beat your mother and caused you to be punished. That's why you want revenge!"

Having said that, Qian Mingyu quickly shut up.

On the other hand, Yang Yuehong's eyes widened, and she quickly looked at Qianrong.

Qianrong frowned, looked at Qian Shangxian and Qian Mingyu, then shook his head and walked out.

Qian Shangxian looked at Qianrong's back, a little unbelievable, he just left, obviously he was wronged, when the truth was in front of him, he turned around and left.

As soon as Qianrong walked away, Qian Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qian Shangxian proudly, and said, "See? Hmph, if you don't apologize to me, I will never finish this matter with you! Hey, you Don't go, don't go!"

Striding back to his room, Qian Shangxian sat on the bedside and was about to burst out of depression.

Taking out half of the bronze mirror from under the pillow, Qian Shangxian sighed at himself in the mirror.

Yang Yuehong followed Qianrong to the kitchen, Qianrong was kneading oil cakes, Yang Yuehong walked up to Qianrong's side tremblingly, and stretched out her hand to rub his shoulders fawningly.

"Husband, the two children are used to playing around, so don't worry about it. I'll explain to Mingyu later that Shangxian is a sister after all. No matter how old or young, you must know the order of the elders and the younger, and respect them." elder sister."

Qianrong put down the oil cake in his hand, turned his head to look at Yang Yuehong: "It's my fault, after that crazy woman died, Shangxian seemed to be a different person, he was not obedient at all, let you suffer So many grievances. Although Mingyu was at fault in this matter, she is still young, and Shangxian, a big sister, should be patient, alas, it is all my fault, how did she raise such a thing!"

Yang Yuehong quickly leaned into Qianrong's arms, and said, "Husband, stop talking."

Quietly heaving a sigh of relief, Yang Yuehong felt relieved.

Only Qianrong continued: "Shangxian has also reached the age to get married. No one in Qinglong County knows that Shangxian has inherited her madwoman's madness. She always said that she saw ghosts and ghosts, although she has recovered in the past two years. , I won’t mention it at all, but... But until now, no one has even come to propose marriage. I have been thinking about it for the past two days. I can’t just let her be an old girl at home. Mingyu will also marry in the future , it’s time to prepare a dowry for Mingyu.”

(End of this chapter)

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