Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 9 Let You Taste Being Beaten 2

Chapter 9 Let You Taste Being Beaten 2
Qian Shangxian stood aside and watched the two people fight back and forth with amused expression, the clothes on his body were ripped to pieces.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little relieved.

She didn't mean it, she wanted to remind them that they didn't want to listen.

Qianrong walked in through the gate carrying a load, seeing that the people in the yard didn't know what was going on, and finally squeezed in to have a look, Qianrong was immediately stunned.

"What are you doing?"

Yang Yuehong saw that it was Qianrong, and immediately burst into tears: "Husband, us!"

Qianrong was anxious, stomped his feet, pointed at Qian Shangxian beside him and said, "Lazy bone, just watch? Why don't you hurry up and get water?"

The two people who came out of the kitchen carrying water raised the bucket and poured it on Yang Yuehong and Qian Mingyu.

The water soaked the clothes of the two of them, but the pain was still unbearable.

Qian Mingyu shouted: "Daddy, it's useless!"

Qian Shangxian thought for a while, and quickly shouted: "Take off your clothes, and jump into the tank!"

There are indeed two tanks next to the yard, but the water in the tanks is dirty and smelly. It is rainwater accumulated all year round.

Yang Yuehong scratched, hesitated for a moment, took off the torn outer shirt, and climbed into the tank.

As soon as Yang Yuehong went in, the water in the jar overflowed a lot, Qian Shangxian shouted: "Stuff your head in too, the bugs will hide in your hair!"

Yang Yuehong was taken aback, she was about to vomit because of the smell of water, if she buried her face in it again, but...she seemed to feel something crawling in her hair.

No matter what, Yang Yuehong plunged in.

Qian Mingyu hesitated, but she couldn't help it anymore, her body was numb and painful from the bite, she closed her eyes forcefully, and plunged into it.

Qianrong stood panting and looked at the two tanks, the surrounding air suddenly became thinner, and everyone held their breath to watch.

After a while, the two finally emerged from the water.

"Phew - I'm suffocating!"


The two gasped for breath, and were supported by other people to climb out of the tank. The two wet people were in a mess, looking at the surrounding neighbors, they suddenly felt ashamed.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and leave!" Qian Mingyu yelled, covered her face and ran into the house crying.

Yang Yuehong panted heavily, looked at the scattered neighbors, and gritted her teeth: "It's too much, these people usually pretend to be fellow villagers, and when something happens, they will only watch the fun!"

Qianrong sighed, and also felt that he couldn't keep his face, so he couldn't help but blame: "What are you doing? Let the neighbors see the joke."

Yang Yuehong looked at Qian Shangxian viciously: "Go and ask your precious daughter!"

Qianrong's gaze immediately changed from pity to indifference and anger: "It's you again?!"

Qian Shangxian quickly shook his head: "It has nothing to do with me."

Qian Mingyu ran out of the house, pointed at Qian Shangxian and cursed: "Why has nothing to do with you? It's your laundry. You must want to take revenge on us, so you put those bugs in our clothes and hurt us on purpose." Make a fool of yourself! Mother, father, Mingyu is so ashamed this time, how can she get married!"

Qianrong glared at Qian Shangxian, and looked at her with hatred: "I didn't expect you to be so vicious, what else do you have to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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