Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 60 Ji Miao's Prank 1

Chapter 60 Ji Miao's Prank 1
Hearing Qian Shangxian's voice, Bai Ranche suddenly woke up from his meditation, let go of Qian Shangxian, strode to the desk and sat down, his face still calm.

"Did I tell you not to come in by the way?"

Her mind is in a mess now, and she still wants to find an explanation for the suddenness just now, but Bai Ranche doesn't seem to take what just happened to her heart at all.

"The servant realizes his mistake."

In the corner outside the door, Tong Ling stood there with a cup of tea and bit her lips tightly, tears rolling in her eyes.

Just before, when she heard that Bai Ranche had come back, she was so excited that she hurried to make tea, which was the young master's favorite drink, Baihua Morning Dew.

These morning dews need to collect the dewdrops in the stamens before the sun comes out, and each flower can only receive two or three drops. In order to collect these, she got up just after dawn, and finally collected one, but , she rushed to deliver tea, but saw Qian Shangxian rushing towards the young master, but what made her even more annoyed was that the young master did not refuse but hugged her instead!
Pulling hard at the bottom of the tray, Tong Ling gritted her teeth in hatred: Qian Shangxian, by your side, young master, there is you without me!

In the room, Qian Shangxian felt that the current atmosphere was really awkward, so he quickly leaned over and said, "Your maidservant will leave."

Exiting the room quickly, closing the door, Qian Shangxian quickly ran back to her room, and then plunged into the quilt for a long time without daring to stick her head out, until the oxygen in the quilt was absorbed, and she had to stretch her head out to breathe, She just exposed her face.

In the mirror, she blushed like a monkey's buttocks, touching her hot cheeks, Qian Shangxian thought, maybe no one saw her?
Probably not, I didn't see anyone else when I ran out.

He won't misunderstand, will he?
Must have misunderstood!
It should have been explained clearly then!

Really, even though he is his master and his identity is his maidservant, he should still speak at critical moments, why did he run away?

Do you want to find a chance to explain?

Will the more you explain, the more you will feel like you are covering up?

"Ah——" Clutching his head, Qian Shangxian was so depressed that he wanted to bump his head to death. He blamed Tong Ling for insisting on telling himself that terrible story, and what he said was so true. Judgment was affected, and these things happened only after seeing that weird picture.

However, it is strange to say, who is the woman in the painting?I was in a trance just now, as if I had a dream, and then I woke up in chaos again.

Every time I dream like this, I can't remember anything after waking up, as if those dreams were swallowed up by something in my mind as soon as I woke up.

Shaking his head vigorously, Qian Shangxian decided to forget about this matter as a dream.

It is said that if you don't do bad things, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, so what if ghosts come?Anyway, I didn't kill myself, so what are you afraid of!
"Yes, didn't he ask just now? Then act as if nothing happened! No, nothing happened at all!"


In the pavilion in the garden, Qian Shangxian was sitting there holding his chin and watching Ji Yan and the others play with mud. How much do these girls like to play with mud!

Ji Miao ran over excitedly with mud in her hand, seeing Qian Shangxian in a daze, her eyes moved, and she turned her back.


A grimace with green face and fangs suddenly appeared in front of Qian Shangxian's eyes, scaring her so much that she almost fell off the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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