Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 61 Ji Miao's Prank 2

Chapter 61 Ji Miao's Prank 2
"Hahahaha, Sister Shangxian is really timid!"

Taking off the ghost mask, Ji Miao looked at Qian Shangxian proudly.

Seeing that it was Ji Miao, Qian Shangxian patted his chest, smiled and shook his head: "You scared me!"

Ji Miao smiled embarrassedly, threw the mask aside, and said, "Sister Shangxian, come play with us."

Looking at the sky, Qian Shangxian stood up and said to Ji Miao apologetically, "I won't play today, you guys can play, I want to go back and rest."

"Is there something uncomfortable?"

"No, maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

Ji Miao watched Qian Shangxian leave without seeing anything wrong with her, turned around and continued to immerse herself in the fun of playing with mud.

On the way back to Baixi Tower, I occasionally met a few maidservants and servants who passed by with their heads bowed. Except for Ji Yan's five maids and Tong Ling, no one here spoke to her very much.

Because of something on his mind, Qian Shangxian took the wrong road while walking, and turned to the road far away from Baixi Tower.

At the end of this road is a rockery, behind the rockery is a courtyard wall, nothing special.

Walking on the road, Qian Shangxian kept his head down and didn't realize that he was going the wrong way.

Beside the empty path, there was something shaking among the flowers, followed by a dark shadow that came out of the flowers and crawled close to Qian Shangxian.

Suddenly, this dark shadow actually became taller, but it was still lying on the ground, but its limbs became taller, with a bloody mouth lying across its abdomen, opening and closing vigorously, while continuing to approach Qian Shangxian.

Stopping suddenly, Qian Shangxian turned his head abruptly, but there was nothing behind him.

Just now, she clearly felt as if someone was following her, why did she suddenly disappear?
Raising her eyebrows, Qian Shangxian turned around, but at this moment, Qian Shangxian was horrified to see a black human-shaped thing standing in front of her. There is only a big mouth on the stomach, and it opens and closes at her with its fangs bared, obviously treating her as dinner, no, it's not dark yet, at most it's afternoon tea.

"Leave... get out of here... otherwise... I'll eat you! Eat you!"

Qian Shangxian stared at the ghost in front of him with wide eyes in horror, sized him up, and then suddenly stopped and couldn't help but retreat.

"Okay, it scares me."

The panic on Qian Shangxian's face disappeared, replaced by a look of anger and a little helplessness.

The ghost was obviously stunned, what is this?What is "scared me"?
He said he was not afraid, but seeing this thing in front of him was still a little awkward.

Qian Shangxian turned his face away, stretched out his hand to pull the raised arm of the ghost: "Stop messing around, I'm really tired today, how about playing with you some other day?"

The ghost's arms are quite resilient, with some elasticity. I don't know what they are made of, but they are quite real.

Thinking of this, Qian Shangxian couldn't help but doubt that the one he saw last night, if it wasn't a nightmare he had because he was sleepy, would it be the ghost of these girls?
Shaking his head, Qian Shangxian couldn't help laughing, these girls actually made an upgraded version so quickly to play a prank on him, but he was really scared, even now he dare not stare at it Look.

I don't know who paid attention to it, but this is much better and more technical than Ji Miao's ghost mask before!
(End of this chapter)

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