Chapter 62 Shopping 1
The ghost slammed Qian Shangxian's hand away, and roared angrily at her a few times, causing Qian Shangxian's ears to ring from screaming.

"I'll let you leave here...or I'll eat you! I'll leave all the bones you ate!"

Qian Shangxian rubbed his ears, these girls still didn't give up.

Looking around, he realized that he had gone the wrong way, this was not the way back to Baixilou.

Spreading his hands, Qian Shangxian acted in surrender: "Okay, I understand. I'm leaving, I'm leaving now."

After finishing speaking, Qian Shangxian turned and walked back.

She is really not in the mood to fight with these children. She hasn't seen Bai Ranche since yesterday. If she sees him, she really doesn't know how to deal with it. I feel a little uncomfortable.

The ghost opened its mouth wide and watched Qian Shangxian leave, but when Qian Shangxian's back disappeared, the ghost suddenly collapsed on the ground like a deflated balloon, and finally disappeared in a plume of black smoke.

Tong Ling came out from behind the rockery, looked at the place where the ghost disappeared, and stamped her feet vigorously.

She didn't understand, what happened to Qian Shangxian?Why are you suddenly not afraid?When did she have such courage?
No wonder the shadow monster that I transformed into will disappear automatically, because the purpose of transforming it out is to scare Qian Shangxian away, but this purpose no longer exists, and there is no need for it to exist anymore!

With a punch on the rockery beside her, Tong Ling's hand was fine, but a large piece of rubble was chipped off the rockery.

"Okay, Qian Shangxian, ghosts can't scare you away, but I, Tong Ling, can always think of a way to drive you away from the young master! Just wait! Hmph!"


Everything was as usual, Qian Shangxian calmly made Qian Shangxian forget the strange things that happened before, Bai Ranche still left early and returned late, so he felt relieved to entrust her to a few maids to protect her.

Everything is fine, but the days in Baifu are really boring. Qian Shangxian misses the days of going out more and more. She is also a personal maid, but since she came to Baifu, she has been doing some Miscellaneous cleaning work.

This Bai Ranche didn't know what he was busy with every day, he left early and returned late.

But it doesn't matter, that's fine, people in the mansion seem to be afraid of Bai Ranche, maybe he is really a vicious person, but he hasn't noticed it yet, so it's rare to see him.

Just when Qian Shangxian was circling in a hurry and didn't know what to do, he heard Tong Ling say that she was going to the market.

In the hall, the four girls Ji Yan, Ji Rao, Ji Miao, and Ji Jiao glistened with tears in their eyes, and looked at Tong Ling pitifully, while Ji Ling didn't care and said nothing. He still looked at them blankly.

"My lord has ordered, none of you five little ghosts can go out without authorization!" Tong Ling waved his hand vigorously, "But you can tell me what you want, and I will buy it for you!"


"Really, I'm almost annoyed by you guys."

Hearing Tong Ling's affirmative answer, the girls jumped up happily.

Tong Ling said: "Okay, okay, you five write down all the things you want to buy, and give them to me later, and I will help you buy them back."

As soon as Tong Ling's words fell, the girls immediately acted like birds and beasts, and Ji Ling, who just pretended not to care at all, ran to the room to find paper and pens.

(End of this chapter)

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