Chapter 63 Shopping 2
"I want candied haws."

"I want a kite."

"Ji Rao, what do you want?"

"Well, I want a chick."

"Why do you want a chick? If you want to play, you can just find Ah Cai?"

"Shh. Outspoken again!"

Tong Ling shook her head, sighed helplessly, it seemed that there were a lot of things to buy, who made herself agree first?
Qian Shangxian stood aside and rubbed his fingers, as if he wanted to say something but dared not.

When eating at noon, Tong Ling looked at her like a sharp sword, which made her almost choke herself to death with a mouthful of soup.

What does she not like about herself?

If she could go out, Qian Shangxian also hesitated. Although half a month had passed, she still couldn't go out to show her face. If, in case, she was found by Wang Furen's servant, then her plan to escape from Qinglong County would be ruined!

Qian Shangxian's face was a little pale, Mu Zili, an idiot, managed to save herself from the fire pit, if she was caught and became the concubine of the fourteenth house for that fat old man, then Mu Zili would "sacrifice" in vain up!

But... Qian Shangxian thought in his heart, be careful, and go back quickly without delay. If he is afraid of being recognized by acquaintances, he should wear a face towel to cover his face. This should be fine, right?

Qian Shangxian seemed to have two children fighting in her mind, and she was so entangled that she didn't know what to do, but she seemed to have overlooked one point, that is, she still didn't know whether Tong Ling would take herself out.

Tong Ling turned her head and looked at Qian Shangxian. She had been standing behind her silently since just now, and now she seemed to have something to say. Could it be that she also wanted to go to the street?

With a change of thought, Tong Ling suddenly had a plan:
The last time I pretended to be a ghost to scare her, I was almost discovered by the young master, and there are so many eyes and ears in the mansion, it is really inconvenient, why not let her go out of the mansion with me, and then let her go and never return!

Thinking of this, Tong Ling cleared her throat, looked at Qian Shangxian, and asked tentatively: "Why, are you in a hurry to stay in the mansion? It's no wonder that these girls are noisy, except for eating, drinking and sleeping. Mud. Do you want to go out for a walk with me too?"

Hearing Tong Ling speak his mind, Qian Shangxian quickly nodded: "Mmm, is it okay?"

Tong Ling immediately pretended to think about it thoughtfully, and then looked in a dilemma, looking at the five people in the room who were writing and drawing around the table, Tong Ling looked at Qian Shangxian, and said:
"Yes, yes, but..."

"Just what?"

"You know, the young master doesn't allow people from the White Mansion to go out without permission. Of course, I am an exception to the young master. However, there is no way to ask him for instructions when the young master is away. If the young master finds out that I took you out... You know, the young master is very fierce, I don't want to be scolded by the young master."

It turned out that it was because of this that Qian Shangxian immediately said: "If you ask me, I will definitely not say that you took me out!"

Tong Ling nodded: "Then... okay."

After getting the consent, Qian Shangxian immediately stood up and ran into the house, shouting as he ran, "Wait for me first."

Soon, Qian Shangxian came out of the house, but his face was wrapped with a scarf.

"Let's go."

Although he was puzzled, Tong Ling didn't bother to ask her why, so she hurriedly pushed her away while the five people were not paying attention: "Okay, okay, you go to the south wall and wait for me first, I'll be there soon."

(End of this chapter)

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