
Chapter 37

Chapter 37
Ye Xinyi panted slightly, and hurriedly said, "No more fights! No more fights! I admit defeat!"

The old man seemed a little surprised, after a while, he snorted and put down his posture, but his mouth was still unrelenting.

"Stinky girl! Wasn't she very capable just now? If you don't beat me like this, you're admitting defeat?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's because I didn't know Taishan with my eyes before, and I didn't know that the senior was an expert. I misunderstood my eyes, and there were many offenses in the words. I also ask the seniors to be more generous. Don't be like me who has never seen the world. The yellow-haired girl cares about every detail." She spoke with sincerity, and at the end, she bowed to the old man sternly.

On the contrary, he frightened the old man for a moment, and coughed a little uncomfortably. He obviously couldn't hide his complacency, but he still pretended to be modest and said, "You're right, the old man himself Come to be tolerant, and won't care about a little girl like you."

"Senior is naturally very tolerant, and since that's the case, please tell me frankly, what is your identity and why you came here." She didn't believe what he said was just passing by, unable to see, and wanted to teach her a lesson Woolen cloth.

The old man choked, and raised his hand to point at Ye Xinyi, unexpectedly, waiting for him here?

Ye Xinyi's face couldn't be more sincere, but his almond eyes flickered, but there was clearly a hint of cunning hidden.

The old man got angry, blew his beard and stared for a moment, waved his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, turned his eyes away, deliberately didn't look at Ye Xinyi, and opened his mouth and hummed, "This old man and your mother are friends who have forgotten their age. Entrust, come to take care of you and teach you martial arts on her behalf."

"My mother?" This answer was totally unexpected to Ye Xinyi, he was taken aback, then frowned suspiciously, "The senior should know that my mother passed away more than a month ago..."

"Nonsense! If she's not dead, does the old man have to go out?" The old man said impatiently. He turned his head and saw Ye Xinyi's almond eyes were clear and quiet, but he was looking at him for a moment.

The old man choked again, dare to feel... because he felt that there was no proof of death, and was afraid that he would talk nonsense and deceive her?

After figuring this out, the old man was so angry that he laughed, "It really is Yin Xueqiao's daughter, who is as difficult as her. You are an 11-year-old girl, where did you get so wary? Since you are so suspicious, you just now Where did you have the guts to chase this old man out? Are you afraid that this old man will lure you out on purpose and kill you? You are a little girl, and this old man lied to you? Hey! Why can this old man lie to you?"

The old man jumped, and Ye Xinyi's eyes flickered when she heard it. The day she woke up was really too horrifying. At that time, she also glanced at the tombstone of the short-lived mother, and she did remember the words "Yemen Yinshi Xueqiao" .In fact, it's not that she doesn't believe it at all, otherwise, as the old man said, she wouldn't have chased him out just now.

Even if she is sure that this person deliberately lured her out, it was not for killing her, but for another purpose. Although she is not timid, she is not at the mercy of her life.

But, you can't believe it all.

A stranger, said to be her mother's old friend, was entrusted to teach her martial arts, even if she was a little bit envious of the old man's skill, but she must have a certificate first, so she can feel at ease, right?

The old man turned his head to look at her, and saw that her eyes were still clear and clear, and she even seemed innocent. He finally couldn't bear it any longer, and waved his hand, "Okay! Do you want evidence? Your mother's You don’t know the word, do you?”

As he said that, he took out a letter from the skirt of his shirt and patted it on to Ye Xinyi.

Ye Xinyi didn't mind his attitude that much, so she took the letter he had photographed, and unfolded it. She really recognized the handwriting on the letter, but it was the beautiful one on the stack of copybooks in her makeup box. Hairpin lowercase?

That copybook was indeed written by Short-lived Niang.

There are not many written in the letter, but Zuo's fate will not be long. I also ask my brother to teach the eldest daughter for the sake of past friendship. The big favor can only be repaid in the next life.

Actually only mentioned her, the eldest daughter...

Ye Xinyi's long-standing doubts became even more serious.

The old man got a little impatient with the wait, "What? I gave you the proof you want, and you still don't believe it? Or do you think this letter is a fake? You little girl, what can I do to lie to you?"

Ye Xinyi folded the letter paper carefully, and handed it to the old man again with both hands.

The old man squinted at her calm expression, and took the letter suspiciously first.

"Senior... is your surname Tie?" Ye Xinyi just saw that the letter referred to him as "Brother Tie".

The old man, should be called "Old Tie" nodded, "Yes! What's wrong?"

"Since Senior Tie is my mother's best friend, why not come with my house and meet my father?"

"Your father?" Lao Tie frowned, "Ye Shi'an?"

Ye Xinyi raised his eyebrows, otherwise who else?
However, Lao Tie's complexion has changed, "Will you not go, what is the old man going to see him for?" Then, as if he suddenly figured something out, when he glanced at Ye Xinyi, his eyes were already on fire, " What? You still don't believe me, and you want Ye Shi'an to verify your integrity?"

This old iron was not one to bear his anger, so he immediately turned around and walked away with anger. After walking for two steps, he stopped again and walked back again, "That's all, that's all! Who Let the old man agree to your mother? I owe you both mother and daughter, let’s go! Lead the way!”

Ye Xinyi raised his eyebrows, you are so familiar with my family, do you still need me to lead the way?The point is "this time?"

"Nonsense! Could it be that Ye Shi'an is the emperor's father, and when I go to see him, I have to pick an auspicious day, so I can take a bath and change clothes?" Lao Tie snorted, stepping heavily, and Ye Xinyi didn't need to lead the way right now.

Ye Xinyi caught up and walked side by side with him, her black and white almond eyes rolled, she gave him a light kick with a kidnapper, lowered her voice, and asked very curiously, "You talked about my father and my mother, The attitude is completely different, why? You like my mother, so you can't understand my father?"

Lao Tie stumbled and nearly fell, turned his head, and stared at Ye Xinyi with round eyes, "What crazy words are you talking about? I didn't see that this old man can be your grandfather?"

"I know, you and my mother are Wangnian friends!" Ye Xinyi smiled lightly.

Lao Tie ignored her, snorted, and walked away.

Ye Xinyi was behind him, looking at his back, but the smile on his face was slowly disappearing, and his almond eyes were also dark.

It was past half of the night, when it was time to sleep soundly, the main room of the Ye family was lit up and guests were waiting.

Lao Tie really recognized Ye Shi'an. Seeing him, Ye Shi'an stood up, raised his body, and called out, "Brother Tie!"

But Lao Tie snorted, and it was regarded as a response. He turned his head and handed the crock pot containing fried liver that he had been holding to Ye Xinyi, "Smelly girl, go and heat this up, and put it under the wind. Xue led you around for a run outside, and this stomach is singing empty city tricks."

Ye Xinyi took the crock pot, but raised his eyes first, looking at Ye Shi'an.

(End of this chapter)

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