
Chapter 38 Apprenticeship

Chapter 38 Apprenticeship
Ye Shi'an nodded, "Go! Let's see what's in the kitchen again, cook two dishes, and drink for father and you seniors."

Ye Xinyi then turned his head and left. Before going out, he heard Lao Tie's voice, and said in a disapproving tone, "Such a tricky girl, she listens to you, she is very capable!"

Ye Xinyi paused slightly when he stepped out of the threshold.

When the old iron came, not only did Ye Shi'an quarrel, but the two younger ones also got up. Ye Songlan covered her mouth and yawned, while looking in the direction of the main room, leaning close to Ye Xinyi's ear, her chin moved towards the hall. The old iron in the house handed over, "Sister? Who is it?"

Ye Xinyi shook his head, didn't speak, turned his head, saw that Ye Songlan's eyes were moist because of the yawn just now, he couldn't help but said distressedly, "Go to sleep! There's a sister here."

Ye Songlan shook her head, and lovingly took Ye Xinyi's arm and said, "I'm not sleepy, I'll stay with sister!"

Ye Xinyi couldn't help laughing at Ye Songlan's acting like a baby.

Ye Chuanbai, who was lighting a fire by the stove door, snorted, "Sycophant!"

Ye Songlan made a grimace at him, "Brother also learns to be sweet-mouthed, girls like sweet-mouthed ones, if brother does this again, be careful that he won't be able to please his wife in the future."

Ye Xinyi listened, and laughed twice, while Ye Chuanbai blushed, "Don't be ashamed!"

In the kitchen, the sisters were talking and laughing while cooking, and the smoke dispelled the coldness of many cold nights.

Compared to when we first met, she, Ye Chuanbai, and Ye Songlan have all changed somewhat, but such a change is quite good.

I don't know what Ye Shi'an and Lao Tie said. When Ye Xinyi and the others prepared the appetizers and delivered them to the main room, Ye Shi'an pushed a tea bowl in front of Ye Xinyi and said, "Huanhuaner, give Senior Tie a bowl of tea. , from now on, Senior Tie will be your master."

"Master?" Ye Xinyi was surprised, it was so easy to settle?

Old Tie snorted, raised his eyebrows and said, "What? You're not happy? If you're not Yin Xueqiao's daughter, I'm still not happy."

"Huanhuaner, that's what your mother meant too. Brother Tie came all the way here to teach you, so he deserves the word 'Master'." When he said this, Ye Shi'an had already winked at Ye Xinyi.

Ye Xinyi would be really stupid if he still doesn't know how to wink.What's more, it has been proven that Lao Tie is fine now, her mother was indeed the one who found him, and his skills are indeed amazing, Ye Xinyi was already a little bit greedy, so he called him "Master", if he could justifiably imitate his skills , not at a disadvantage.

As for the things she has doubts about, it will be left to find out in the future.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xinyi already figured it out, took the bowl of tea, and knelt down in front of the old iron, "Master, please apprentice a cup of tea." It was an unequivocal kowtow, and the tea bowl in his hand was still firmly above his head.

Lao Tie snorted, glanced at Ye Shi'an, took the tea, took a sip meaningfully, and said, "Get up!"

Ye Xinyi stood up obediently, and stood aside with his hands tied, as if he was listening to the lesson, which finally made Lao Tie feel better.

Coughing and coughing twice, and clearing his throat, Lao Tie said, "Since you call me Master, I will take on the responsibility of being a Master. I didn't prepare any meeting ceremony for Master today. Tomorrow..." While speaking, Lao Tie Tie Ji picked up the bamboo chopsticks, picked up a chopstick and put the fried liver into his mouth. While chewing, he said, "Come to my yard tomorrow, and I will teach you a set of exercises. Your mother will teach you, Most of them focus on the martial arts of the outsiders, of course this is also the Xia family..."

Ye Shi'an was taking a small sip from his wine glass, as if he had been choked, he coughed twice.

Ye Xinyi frowned and looked.

Ye Songlan had already leaned forward, and while obediently helping Ye Shi'an to pet him, she said with concern, "Daddy, drink slowly."

Lao Tie paused for a moment before continuing, "Your mother probably thought of this, and entrusted this old man to teach you, so as to hone your internal skills."

Ye Xinyi listened silently without speaking.

But in his heart he was certain that he had heard correctly just now, Lao Tie clearly said something about the Xia family, but Ye Shi'an deliberately coughed to cover it up, Lao Tie also quickly realized that he had made a mistake, and never mentioned it again.

Lao Tie and Ye Shi'an seemed to be talking nonchalantly, and soon they had food and drinks, and they were almost talking with Ye Xinyi, so Lao Tie got up.

"Master, it's snowing heavily again, why don't you just rest at home?" Since he assumed the name of master and apprentice, he had to be concerned at least, and while speaking, Ye Xinyi reached out to help Lao Tie.

Lao Tie was supported by her, but looked in Ye Shi'an's direction and sneered, "Let me sleep here? I'm afraid your father won't be able to sleep. That's all, let's go to each other. The old man is right next to you." I rented a courtyard in the Luoquan Hutong of the two alleys of my family, and tomorrow morning, you come to find me, the one with the sweet-scented osmanthus tree at the door."

"Okay, no need to send it off." When he reached the threshold, he stopped for a while, raised his hand and gently pushed Ye Xinyi's hand away from him, waved his hand, and then opened the cotton curtain and strode away Into the snow outside the house.

When he got to the middle of the yard, he did not take the usual way. With two taps of his feet, he stepped on the sundries in their yard and jumped up to the roof.

"Wow! Senior Tie can fly!" Ye Silan said with her mouth slightly open in surprise.

Ye Chuanbai also stared at Lao Tie's figure with bright eyes, which disappeared from his vision in a short while like dark clouds and smoke.

Only Ye Xinyi twitched his forehead almost invisibly, and slandered him, this bad old man who likes to show off.

"Daddy, slow down!" Turning around, he saw Ye Shi'an standing up staggeringly with his support on the table. Ye Xinyi raised his eyebrows in surprise, and hurried over to support him. gas.Turning his head to look at the porcelain pot for warming wine on the table, he had already bottomed out.

This wine was delivered by Wen Hao when the appetizers were ready. At that time, she focused on Lao Tie and made sure that he only drank two small cups, that is to say, all the rest went in. Ye Shi'an's belly?

When Ye Shi'an occasionally has a drink, he always orders as much as he wants, at most one drink, never greedy for too much, and is very self-disciplined.What happened today?
Ye Shi'an supported the table by himself, smiled and said to Ye Xinyi, "It's okay, it's rare to see an old friend, I'm happy for a while, drink a little more, sleep for a night and you'll be fine."

"Chuanbai, come! Help daddy!" Ye Shi'an waved to Ye Chuanbai.

Ye Chuanbai hurriedly ran over to take over and support him.

Ye Shian wobbled back to his room, took two steps, and then turned his head again, his eyes were reddened by the smell of alcohol, "Huanhuaner, Brother Tie is comfortable living by himself, you don't have to force him, just, go After that, you and Silan should pay more attention to his three meals a day. He lives alone, and clean up for him when he has nothing to do on weekdays. Also, since you have become a teacher, you must sincerely treat him as a teacher. The elders come to respect..."

(End of this chapter)

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