The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 123 The Princess' Glass Slipper 1

Chapter 123 The Princess' Glass Slipper 1
This is the same as when she was in junior high school or high school. During class, the teacher gave lectures on the podium, and there were always boys passing notes to her. She was afraid of being seen by the teacher, so she hid away and ignored the notes.

The mood at that time was the same as now, a little nervous, a little excited, and a little helpless.

It's like the most secret thoughts of a girl, which can't be said or said, and can only be felt and tasted quietly by one person.

Although she has passed the age of youth, ignorance and ignorance, Ran Zijin still doesn't understand what's going on with her recently. When she is with Leng Muxuan, she always has a feeling that she is still the little girl who doesn't know anything and needs someone to protect her a feeling of.

Ran Zijin lowered his head and hugged the phone, knowing that Leng Muxuan was looking at him, he suddenly panicked, wondering whether he should return a text message to him or not.

Leng Muxuan stood for a long time, seeing Ran Zijin's panic, but suddenly felt better.After finishing the coffee in his hand, he turned around and went to the tea room to put a cup again.

The coffee he usually drank was prepared by Luo Yining for him, and he would go there by himself when Luo Yining was not around, and almost never asked Shangguan Wei Le to rush over for him.After he finishes drinking the coffee, he only needs to put the cup on the table, Luo Yining will collect it, and someone will clean it.If Luo Yining wasn't around, he would rather walk two steps to the tea room and put the cups in his special cup place, and wait for someone to wash them, rather than call others.

Leng Muxuan, who had put the quilt on, was thinking about whether he should let Ran Zijin make coffee for him, so that he would have a reason to let her into his office, and he could look at her openly, so he didn't have to think about seeing her again. , and even pretended to drink coffee and ran out to see her.

Leng Muxuan turned back and took another look at Ran Zijin before going back to his office.

Since Daniel found Ran Zijin, he has been keeping a close eye on her. In fact, it can be said that he has become more and more attached to Ran Zijin.

He was afraid that Ran Zijin would think wildly and discover Ruan Yifei's existence, which would destroy the trust and relationship he had built up with her so hard.

Ran Zijin was extremely insecure, so she couldn't tolerate any deception from others, especially those he cared about.

She said that day that she didn't need to be vigilant in front of him, which was enough to show that she had accepted his existence in her heart, but she refused to admit it like an ostrich.

Since he is the person she accepts in her heart, he can't lie to her again, because it will hurt her more deeply.

Shangguan Weile saw all the eye contact between Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin just now, but she didn't know that they had sent messages to each other.At this moment, she really wanted to go to Ran Zijin and crush Ran Zijin to death.

When Leng Muxuan was working, he never relaxed like this, but on the first day Ran Zijin came up, he just stood in the corridor drinking coffee with a coffee cup in his arms, just to look at Ran Zijin.

She was able to confirm that Ran Zijin did have an shady relationship with Leng Muxuan.

Ran Zijin has seriously threatened herself to climb up to Leng Muxuan and become Mrs. Leng, so she must find a way to get rid of this obstacle!

Trembling with anger, Shangguan Weile broke the pencil in his hand into two pieces.

Guangbo will hold a celebration banquet this week, and Ran Zijin already knew about it.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to attend such a banquet.

The celebration banquet was held at [-]:[-] p.m. on Friday in the banquet hall of Guangbo Group.

After Ran Zijin got off work at noon, Luo Yining called him away.

Luo Yining drove him out to a restaurant two blocks away from Guangbo Group, and put her down.

"Miss Ran, the president is waiting for you inside. Go in." Luo Yining came to pick up his date according to Leng Muxuan's order.

There were too many people in the company, it was not easy for Leng Muxuan to take Ran Zijin away, so he asked Luo Yining to send her here.

"Okay. Thank you." After Ran Zijin thanked Luo Yining, he walked into the restaurant.

He didn't know what Leng Muxuan was going to do again, so he asked himself out to eat western food at noon.

"Zijin." Leng Muxuan saw Ran Zijin walking into the restaurant at a glance, stood up and waved to her.

Ran Zijin walked over and sat opposite Leng Muxuan, "There is a banquet tonight, aren't you busy?"

"As long as the work is done, I just need to be present. If I do everything myself, I guess I have to learn how to separate myself." Leng Muxuan said with a smile.

He usually has the same cold face to everyone, and he doesn't talk much, so don't expect him to crack a joke or something.But in front of Ran Zijin, he can't help but talk more, and even humorously.

"So it's better to be the boss, and no one cares about being lazy."

"You can take care of it if you want." Leng Muxuan climbed up the pole.

"I can't even control myself, how can I control you." Ran Zijin laughed, unwilling to think too much.

Leng Muxuanxuan's restaurant is located in a marked bustling place, so Ran Zijin sitting by the window can see the hanging TV on a building outside.

When she was talking to Leng Muxuan, she occasionally turned her head to look at the screen, which was showing a commercial of her favorite Korean female star, and after the commercial was over, the program before the commercial was playing.

Ran Zijin didn't know what program it was, but when the screen flashed, a face she was so familiar with that she would never know again appeared... Qiao Zheqing!

The screen was huge, but it was a little far away, so Ran Zijin couldn't hear what Qiao Zheqing was saying on the screen at all, and couldn't read the subtitles below.

Her relaxed mood suddenly became complicated, her brows were slightly frowned, and she never looked at the screen again.

Leng Muxuan cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, and when he looked up again, he found that Ran Zijin was not in the right mood.

"Zijin, what's wrong?" He asked with concern.

"Huh?" Ran Zijin raised his head and forced a smile with the corners of his mouth curled up, "It's okay. The steak is delicious!"

She deliberately changed the topic, and tried her best to hide her restless emotions after seeing Qiao Zheqing.

"If it's delicious, I'll bring you here next time."

"Okay." Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan and agreed.

But she was thinking in her heart that there was news not long ago that Qiao Zheqing was coming back, but she hadn't seen him back for a long time, and he was still abroad.

In the past, she was always eagerly looking forward to his return day by day, warming her up like before, and protecting her behind him.

But now, when he was about to come back, she suddenly no longer looked forward to it so much, nor did she have the joy of seeing him soon, and she even had some hope that he would come back again.

Everything is harmonious now, and Ran Zijin is afraid that Qiao Zheqing's return will break the existing balance.

She is afraid of such a change.

For this meal, Ran Zijin didn't know the taste of the food and was absent-minded, but he tried his best to pretend that he didn't have anything to cooperate with Leng Muxuan.

Leng Muxuan noticed that Ran Zijin was in a bad mood, so she didn't tell her when she asked her, so she stopped pressing her.Because he understands her, no matter how much others force her to say things she doesn't want to say, she will say them naturally when she wants to say them, and there is no need for others to force her to ask.

"Going back to the company now?" Ran Zijin asked Leng Muxuan looking at the busy street after eating and walking out of the restaurant.

"No. Get in the car first." Leng Muxuan opened the car door, let Ran Zijin get in the car, and got in from the other side.

"But I still have work in the afternoon, so I didn't ask Assistant Luo for leave." Ran Zijin buckled his seat belt and looked up.

"Your boss is sitting next to you." Leng Muxuan also buckled up his seat belt, and smiled at Ran Zijin.

(End of this chapter)

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