The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 124 The Princess' Glass Slipper 2

Chapter 124 The Princess' Glass Slipper 2
Ran Zijin twitched his eyes, indicating that he knew.

Leng Muxuan started the car, and Ran Zijin looked out the window. At the second the car started, he looked at the TV screen hanging on the building next to him, then retracted his eyes and looked straight ahead.

There was no longer Qiao Zheqing's face on the screen, and the advertisement for that female star was still playing, as if it was some kind of shampoo.

Ran Zijin didn't have the time to think about the star he liked. He looked back at Leng Muxuan, who was driving seriously, and then looked forward again. His heart became more and more confused, and it seemed more and more like he had walked into a dead end. Hide, there is no way out.

She has been quiet and did not speak. Leng Muxuan knew that she was in a bad mood, so she did not speak. The car was very quiet along the way.

When the car arrived at the shopping street, Leng Muxuan found a parking space before saying to Ran Zijin, "Zijin, let's get out of the car."

"What are you going to do?" Ran Zijin asked Leng Muxuan after getting off the car.

She has been to this shopping street with him many times, and knows that the clothes sold on this street are all high-end brand names, many limited editions, and many celebrities come here to shop for custom-made dresses and accessories. .

Leng Muxuan bought her a lot of things here, but now it's working time, she doesn't think he will bring him here to shop regardless of work.

"Come with me." Leng Muxuan walked forward holding Ran Zijin's hand.

He put on sunglasses after getting out of the car, because he didn't like the eyes of those nympho women looking at him, and secondly, he didn't want to be photographed by gossip reporters with Ran Zijin, lest any scandal spread and hurt Ran Zijin.

"Oh." Ran Zijin followed Leng Muxuan's footsteps. Ever since she saw Qiao Zheqing just now, she was not in the mood.

"Go in." Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin to a specialty store, and pushed the worried Ran Zijin in.

After being pushed back, Ran Zijin stood at the door, staring blankly at the rows of clothes inside, feeling as if he had come to the scene of a fashion show. Those clothes, no matter in style or material, fully showed off the clothes of this season. fashion style.

The shopping guide came over and asked Ran Zijin politely: "Miss, hello, what kind of clothes do you want to buy?"

Before Ran Zijin opened his mouth, Leng Muxuan walked over and said, "Evening dress. Don't show your back and neck, it's as long as your ankles."

"Okay, sir, please go to the rest area and wait for a while, I will take this lady to shop now." The shopping guide said politely.

But she felt very strange after listening to Leng Muxuan's words, because the woman who bought the clothes was very beautiful, but he asked her to wear such conservative clothes, how could she show the beauty and charm of this lady?And this lady's skin is so good, it's a pity not to show it!
The shopping guide chose several dresses and asked Ran Zijin to try them on, and showed Leng Muxuan one by one.

Leng Muxuan kept shaking his head, and Ran Zijin kept changing clothes, and finally settled on a mermaid skirt that only showed Ran Zijin's arms.

"The back is so long, I'm not used to it." Ran Zijin looked at the skirt and the back hem was almost dragging to the ground, just like what celebrities wore when they walked the red carpet.

"This one is fine." Regardless of Ran Zijin's objections, Leng Muxuan was very satisfied with this dress.

This dress is black, which makes Ran Zijin's skin more fair and shiny, and makes her very feminine and sexy.The non-collar design just covered her white and smooth back and her collarbone shaped like a butterfly.The ankle-length skirt covered her straight and long tender white like green onion roots.

In short, this skirt covered all the beautiful parts of Ran Zijin's body, and no one else could see them. Only Leng Muxuan could see them at home.

The only imperfection was that the skirt didn't cover Ran Zijin's arm. Just the white and elastic skin on that arm was enough to make people daydream.

Just because Leng Muxuan had some small regrets in his heart, there were so many men at the celebration banquet, and letting them meet Ran Zijin was really an advantage for them.

"Is this the dress you want me to wear at the celebration banquet?" Ran Zijin walked out of the store with Leng Muxuan, carrying the bag.

"Well. I don't have your dress at home." Leng Muxuan pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

He bought a lot of clothes for Ran Zijin, but she had never attended any banquet, so he didn't buy her a dress.This celebration banquet was the first banquet she attended, and he hoped to leave a deep impression on her, so he came and carefully prepared everything.

"Can't you attend a banquet if you don't wear a dress?" Ran Zijin was working for the first time, and he didn't understand the rules of these banquets at all.

She knew that she didn't have a dress, and she didn't plan to buy one, because she thought that this was a celebration party in the company, and it wasn't a big party, so she shouldn't need to wear such a formal dress.

"Yes." Leng Muxuan replied honestly, it is not necessary to wear a dress at the banquet, as long as you can match it, it is enough to wear something formal.

"Then I won't wear it anymore! Just return this dress." Ran Zijin knew that the price of this dress was five zeros, and he didn't dare to put it on just thinking about it, and he would feel uncomfortable after wearing it. comfortable.

And Leng Muxuan always buys her these expensive luxury items, which she hardly ever wears because the price is too expensive.After wearing it, it means that she owes Leng Muxuan a lot of money, which she will never pay back in her entire life.

She is not related to him, so there is no reason to accept these free gifts from him.

When she first lived in Leng Muxuan's house, she could find all kinds of excuses to get rid of her economic contacts and relationships with others, but after living for a long time, everything became chaotic.

She spent his money without knowing it, and enjoyed all the favors he gave her, which made her a little afraid.

If one day, I left Leng Muxuan's house, how would I return the money to Leng Muxuan?Even if she paid it back, he probably wouldn't want it, would he?But if he doesn't want it, how can she feel at ease?

"When I say you don't have to wear a gown, I mean someone else. You have to wear it. Don't forget that you are a secretary and work on the 32nd floor, not an ordinary employee." Leng Muxuan didn't expect that Ran Zijin would return the gown, so he treated her like this Ran Zijin said.

"Understood. Then I will wear it." Ran Zijin nodded. She is a person who works on the 32nd floor, so she represents the image of Leng Muxuan. Of course, she can't dress too casually, and lose Leng Muxuan's identity, right? .

"Now I'll take you to do the styling." Knowing that Ran Zijin had figured it out, Leng Muxuan told her the next plan.

"Still doing styling?" Ran Zijin touched his ears, feeling as if he suddenly became a star, wearing a dress and doing styling, the banquet will be on the red carpet in a while.

"Groom from head to toe."

"Young Master Leng, I suddenly feel like a Cinderella." Ran Zijin walked beside Leng Muxuan, and the sunlight made the shadows of the two of them, one big and one small, long and long.

"It's obviously a princess. Not Cinderella." Leng Muxuan stopped suddenly, turned around and rubbed Ran Zijin's bangs, he knew that she was thinking wildly again.

"But princesses all have crystal slippers, but I don't."

"Who said you don't have any?"

Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin to finish the styling, and then changed into a dress. The makeup artist praised Ran Zijin's good skin and asked how she took care of it.

Ran Zijin said that he had never taken care of himself, and only started using facial cleanser when he was in college, and it was the cheap one that cost more than ten yuan a bottle, not a brand.

The makeup artist didn't believe that Ran Zijin's skin was so smooth, white, and elastic that he hadn't done maintenance, so he dragged Ran Zijin to chat in the dressing room.

Ran Zijin didn't know where Leng Muxuan, who was waiting for her in the dressing room, had gone, and it was difficult to move while wearing a dress, so she sat there chatting with the makeup artist, while waiting for Leng Muxuan to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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