The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 208 Entering the Wolf's Mouth

Chapter 208 Entering the Wolf's Mouth
"Well, that's how Brother Muxuan called Sister Zijin." Ran Zimu laughed even more happily when he heard Nangong Lie and Leng Muxuan calling him Ran Zijin, and said to him with a handful of sand in his hand , "Lie, let's build a castle! Sister Zijin said that princesses live in the castle, and then they will wear crystal shoes, and princes will come to marry them, and they will become the most beautiful brides. I also want to Be a bride."

"Pfft!" Nangong Lie couldn't help laughing, and fell down on the beach with a smile, "Zimu, you're still young, you'll be laughed at if you say that."

"No way!" Ran Zimu said seriously, and climbed onto Nangong Lie, sticking sand on his face and neck, "I just want to be a bride!"

Nangong Lie was attacked by Ran Zimu, and he also started to grab the sand to fight back, so both of them looked like they got out of the sand, with sand all over their heads, faces and bodies.

"Then why do you want to be a bride?" He ran slowly ahead, watching Ran Zimu chasing him, and taking care not to let her fall.

"Because the bride has beautiful clothes to wear, and if I become a bride, you will come and marry me!" Ran Zimu was very young and didn't understand the difference between being a bride and marrying a man, but at least She knew that she could live with that person.

Nangong Lie treats her well, and he is good-looking, he looks like a prince at first glance, that's why she wants to be his bride, live with him, and never want to leave him.

"Hahaha!" Nangong Lie smiled heartily, "Zimu, it is I who want to marry you so that you can be my bride, it is not because you are the bride that I want to marry you!"

"Oh! That's fine, then I'll wait for you to marry me!" Ran Zimu didn't understand the difference, anyway, as long as he was married to Lie, he would not be separated from him.

"Hahaha!" Nangong Lie continued to laugh, stopped in his tracks, waited for Ran Zijin to catch up with him, took her hand and sat down together, shook the sand in his hair, and cleaned up Ran Zimu carefully. Sand on his body, "Zimu, I'll build you a castle, what kind of castle do you want?"

"I want a good-looking one." Ran Zimu had no idea about the castle, he just heard it from Ran Zijin, so the only requirement was to look good.

"Okay, that's good-looking!" Nangong Lie was very patient, dug the sand and really built a castle for Ran Zimu.

After a long time, when the castle was piled up, Ran Zimu clapped his hands happily, and kissed Nangong Lie on the cheek, "Lie, you are awesome! Even the big and tall people in the orphanage can't make the castle! "

Nangong Lie was embarrassed by Ran Zimu's enthusiasm. He reached out and touched the place where she kissed, and blushed for the first time.

"Lie, can this castle be moved back to the orphanage? I want to show the tall man, and prove that my lie is much smarter than him!" After Ran Zimu said that he would be Nangong Lie's bride, he was thinking Decided that he belonged to her alone.

Nangong Lie heard Ran Zimu always talking about the tall man, and he knew it was a man without thinking. He felt a little unhappy, and asked her with a straight face: "Who is the tall man? Do you like him so much?"

"I don't like it! The tall boy is the best-looking boy in the orphanage. He likes to give me snacks and toys, but I don't like him because he always pretends to be an adult to control me!" Ran In fact, Zimu still likes the tall man to grab snacks and gifts for her, but he is too arrogant, so she doesn't like him.

"Zimu." Nangong Lie narrowed his eyes and thought, and said he agreed to Ran Zimu.

"What's the matter, Lie?" Ran Zimu's thoughts were all on the castle, and he didn't even look up at Nangong Lie.

"I will often come to play with you in the future and build you castles, but you will no longer be able to talk to the tall man, nor can you ask for his snacks and gifts. I will buy you what you want, okay?" Belly Hei Nangonglie was deeply influenced by Leng Muxuan, knowing that women should be pampered, this principle is also very practical when applied to little girls!
And to cultivate feelings, we must start from an early age, otherwise when she grows up, if he doesn't pay attention, she will fly like a bird with hardened wings, and he will just empty the bamboo basket!
"Okay, okay!" Ran Zimu patted his chubby little hands, hugged Nangong Lie's neck, and kissed him on the cheek again.

Nangong smiled bitterly, and continued to coerce and lure Ran Zimu, "Zimu, from now on, you can't do such an intimate gesture to others, you can only do it to me, do you understand?"

"Is that so?" Ran Zimu blinked his big innocent eyes, and kissed Nangong Lie just like he did just now.

"Well. Don't do this to others, or I won't come to play with you."

Nangong Lie is taking advantage of children's playfulness, is it true!
Bullying others is ignorant, and minors don't bring such things, right?

Well, in fact, Nangong Lie is also a minor, so it should be fine for minors to play with minors!

"Don't worry, I won't do that. Let's pull the hook!" Ran Zimu stretched out his small fist and hooked his small fingers.

Nangong Lie also stretched out his hand with a smile, hooked her little finger, and chanted with her: "Hanging on the hook for 100 years is not allowed to change, whoever changes is a puppy!"

After the two people made an agreement, Nangong Lie took out his mobile phone from his clothes pocket, took a few photos of the castle, and then pulled Ran Zimu to stand beside him, and the two of them took pictures face to face A group photo.

Ran Zimu also made a scissors hand pose very well, and even made a grimace, which was in stark contrast to Nangong Lie who was serious and calm.

"Lie, why don't you smile?" Ran Zimu looked at Nangong Lie messing around with his phone, and didn't know what he was doing.

Nangong Lie thought for a while, but he couldn't tell her that he was always like this, and he didn't smile much, so he said, "I forgot, I will laugh next time. If I forget, you will be responsible for reminding me."

"Well, okay! It turns out that your memory is not as good as mine!" Ran Zimu stretched out his hand proudly like a princess and said to Nangong Lie, "Lie, I want a hug, we should go home, but I can't walk gone."

Ran Zimu couldn't walk, it's just that this guy is also a black-bellied master, just greedy for the feeling of Nangong Lie holding him.

"Okay!" Nangong Lie saw that the screen saver of the mobile phone turned into a photo of himself and Ran Zimu, then put away the mobile phone with a smile, and walked to the orphanage with Ran Zimu in his arms.

When passing by the streets of the town, Ran Zimu's playful temper came up again, and he wriggled in Nangong Lie's arms, directing him to hold him around and look around.

Nangong Lie followed her and bought her many fun things along the way.

When passing by the largest children's clothing store in the town, Ran Zimu suddenly jumped out of Nangong Lie's arms and ran in.

"Auntie, are the dresses sold here?" She ran directly to a corner, pointed to a blank space on the wall and asked the proprietress in the store.

"Oh, it's sold. A little girl bought it yesterday. Kid Mu, you haven't saved enough money, so I can only sell it to someone else." The proprietress is also a native of this town, so she knows most of the people here. Of course, I also know Ran Zimu, who has always been eccentric and super cute.

And Ran Zimu always likes to come to her shop to look at clothes, those beautiful skirts are her favorite.But she has no money to buy it, and Gu Meihua has no money to buy her new ones, so she can only wear old clothes and skirts worn by other children.

"Zimu, what are you looking for?" Nangong Lie, who rushed in afterwards, looked at the poorly made clothes in the store, and frowned involuntarily, feeling sorry for Ran Zimu.

(End of this chapter)

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