Chapter 209 In the Bathroom 1
Such low-quality clothes can make her like this, but she has no money to buy them. He walked over, hugged Ran Zimu, and stroked her hair, "Zimu, let's go back."

"Yeah." Ran Zimu nodded, feeling very disappointed, he didn't smile, and there was a look of hurt in his eyes.

Back at the orphanage, Ran Zimu left Nangong Lie, ran directly into Gu Meihua's office, found Gu Meihua, and asked eagerly, "Auntie Dean, how much money is in my piggy bank?"

Gu Meihua smiled and took out a piggy bank from the locker, shook it, and there were sounds of coins in it, "There should be 20 yuan. Kid Mu, what do you want to buy?"

When Ran Zimu heard that it was only 20 yuan, although she didn't know what the concept was, she knew that the money was not enough to buy a nice dress.

She shook her head in disappointment, "No, I have to save a lot of money so that I can buy the best and most beautiful dress in the future."

"Why?" Gu Meihua put the piggy bank back and asked Ran Zimu, who was pursing his lips unhappy.

"I want to be Lie's bride, and the bride must wear a beautiful new dress." When Ran Zimu mentioned Nangong Lie, his eyes shone brighter than the stars.

"Principal Gu." Nangong Lie was originally outside the door, but after hearing what Ran Zimu said, he walked in, and nodded lightly to Gu Meihua as a greeting.

"Zijin and Mr. Leng are preparing lunch in the kitchen, why don't you sit here." Gu Meihua knew that he was Nangong Lie, and at the same time was shocked by the cold aura emanating from a child of him.

"No, I'll take Zimu out to play." Nangong Lie finished talking to Gu Meihua with a stiff face, then squatted down and smiled dotingly at Ran Zimu, "Zimu, let's go play."

"Yeah." Ran Zimu threw himself into Nangong Lie's arms, and said to him worriedly, "Lie, you must wait for me to save enough money! You can't let others buy a new dress before I save enough money to buy a new dress." girl to be your bride!"

"Well, no. You don't need to buy Zimu's new dress as a bride. I will buy it for you. I will buy you the best-looking, most beautiful, and most expensive dress."

"Okay!" Ran Zimu laughed happily after being coaxed by Nangong Lie.

Gu Meihua stood there, listening to the laughter disappearing in the corridor outside, his eyes were red, but the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile.

Zijin has grown up, Zimu will grow up too, and she seems to be old, they will all have their own little secrets and their own worries, they will hide them in their hearts and never tell her again.

Although she could see that the relationship between Zijin and Young Master Leng was somewhat different, Zijin didn't say anything, and she didn't go back to ask anything. After all, Zijin had grown up, matured and had her own opinions. The only thing she could do was Always remind her to protect herself and not to be deceived.

At noon, Nangong Lie saw the tall man Ran Zimu was talking about, and he felt that he was not as good-looking as Ran Zimu said, except that he was tall, like a stick, and had no masculinity at all. No, just like a bitch.

When Ran Zimu was eating, he sat on Nangong Lie's lap, instructing him to feed him this and that, but Nangong Lie also guessed her taste quite differently.

After eating, Ran Zijin distributed all the things they bought to the children, and put the other supplies in the storage room, and left after packing everything up.

Knowing that Nangong Lie was leaving, Ran Zimu was very reluctant, and stood in front of the car door, holding his hand and not letting go, without saying a word.

"Zimu, I'll come and see you in a few days, okay?"

"Yeah." Ran Zimu pouted and nodded.

"Then don't forget to promise me something, make an agreement with me." Nangong Lie has indeed regarded Ran Zimu as his personal property in his heart.

"I won't forget. Don't you forget either." Ran Zimu and Nangong Lie had the same thoughts!
"I won't forget. I'm going to get in the car. Be obedient and be obedient, huh?" Nangong Lie pinched Ran Zimu's chubby face, reluctant to get in the car.

"Oh!" Ran Zimu stood there, watching Nangong Lie get into the car, the car slowly started to drive away, but suddenly ran after him.

"Brother Muxuan, stop quickly, stop!" Nangong Lie, who was lying on the window, saw the little figure chasing the car, and excitedly called Leng Muxuan to stop.

Leng Muxuan stopped the car, Nangong Lie just opened the door to get out of the car, but Ran Zimu quickly climbed into the car, he hurriedly gave her a hand.

After she came up, she hugged his neck, looked at his face looking down, and quickly kissed him on the lips, then quickly jumped out of the car and ran towards the gate of the orphanage.

Ran Zimu remembers seeing on TV that when she likes someone, she will kiss him, because this is the most intimate way and the way to express her liking, she just wants to know that she likes him.

Nangong Lie in the car touched his lips, his face turned red again, and he didn't even know to close the car door in a daze.

Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan glanced at each other, and then turned their heads to look at Nangong Lie who was stunned. Suddenly, there was a very strange feeling in their hearts!
"You should close the door." Leng Muxuan said to Ran Zijin knowing that Nangong Lie would not be able to wake up for a while.

Ran Zijin nodded, closed the car door, and Leng Muxuan started the car again.

Back in the city, Ran Zijin asked Nangong Lie, "Would you like to go to Yisha Garden for dinner?"

She hasn't cooked for a long time, and it's the weekend, so she plans to buy some vegetables and cook delicious food for Leng Muxuan when she goes back to replenish her body.

"I'm not going. I still have something to do." Nangong Lie returned to that cold adult look.

"Have you lost your temper?" Leng Muxuan couldn't help joking with Nangong Lie as he watched Nangong Lie get off the car.

"You don't understand! I don't have time to joke with you." Nangong Lie was thinking about something, so he left without saying hello to Ran Zijin.

"Why do I feel like sending kid Mu into the mouth of a wolf." Ran Zijin said to Leng Muxuan who was driving.

"Is the person I cultivated by Leng Shao a wolf? Then you also fell into the mouth of wolves?" Leng Shao was so unbelievable that Ran Zimu would suffer, Nangong Lie smiled at Ran Zimu with that thousand-year-old iceberg face. She got it right, this guy was absolutely decided by her.

"Didn't I go into the wolf's mouth?" Ran Zijin asked back.

"Then let you try the power of a wolf tonight, and see what it feels like to be eaten!" Leng Muxuan smiled wickedly, and successfully stole a scent from the corner of Ran Zijin's mouth, and asked her, "Which supermarket should I go to?"

"The one closest to home." Hearing Leng Muxuan's words, Ran Zijin naturally knew what he meant, and couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

After returning from the mountains, her health was not good, and then she was busy with work again, so Leng Muxuan consciously didn't want her anymore, at most, he kissed her from time to time.

As a man in his twenties, Ran Zijin knew that he had a strong desire for sex, but he took care of her feelings and would rather feel uncomfortable than touch her. She was really touched.

Leng Muxuan said that he wanted Ran Zijin to try the power of wolves, and he really did.

In the evening, Ran Zijin took his clothes to take a bath as usual. After Leng Muxuan walked into the bedroom, looking at the graceful figure behind the frosted door, he raised his eyebrows and instantly stripped himself naked. He pushed open the bathroom door and walked in. .

"Ah! Why did you come in?" Ran Zijin was rubbing shower gel on her body, when the door sounded behind her, she saw Leng Muxuan, who was naked, standing behind her, and she quickly folded her arms to block her mouth.

"The scenery below is even better!" Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Zijin's black scenery in two months' retreat with playful eyes.

"You rascal!"

Ran Zijin threw out all the foam in his hand, and threw Leng Muxuan all over him.

(End of this chapter)

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