The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 211 No bedwetting allowed 1

Chapter 211 No bedwetting allowed 1
"Mu Xuan, we haven't agreed on the cooperation we talked about last time. Do we have to talk about it?" Han Zhihui said to discuss, but his tone was not like this. Instead, he seemed to be commanding his subordinates.

"If you give another 15 percentage points to the profit, we will discuss it, otherwise I'm afraid we won't talk about it." Leng Muxuan crossed his legs, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and the other hand on the armrest of the sofa. He didn't look at Han Zhizhi at all. , but looked at the teacup on the coffee table.

"Why did it become 15? When we met two days ago, you only said 5 percentage points." Han Zhihui originally wanted to ask Leng Muxuan to give up the [-] percentage points to him, but he didn't expect that not only did he not get rid of it. , actually added ten more.

"Mr. Han, you also said that the agreement was not reached last time, so of course I have to re-negotiate this time, otherwise how can it be called a re-negotiation, don't you think?" Leng Muxuan closed his eyes, Looking at Han Zhihui with faint eyes, he didn't regard him as his elder.

If this kind of people who have a little relationship with his parents, or even don't have much contact with them, come to walk with him, and he wants to be humane, then sooner or later this Guangbo will collapse in his hands.

So Leng Muxuan has always been talking about business, and doesn't care much about the relationship between relatives and friends. Unless necessary, the shopping mall is the opponent and partner, and the way to make money is king.

"You!" Han Zhihui, who was in his early fifties, suddenly slapped Dayuetui angrily, pointing the index finger and middle finger of his right hand at Leng Muxuan, "You are taking advantage of others!"

The recent situation of Hexin Company is not very optimistic. He approached Kong Jiayi and said that he would cooperate with Guangbo Group. In fact, he wanted to use Guangbo's power to turn around the company's situation.

"Guangbo is not the only one with Hexin, many other companies want to cooperate with us, and the bid is more than [-]% higher than your Hexin, so I will add ten more for you." Leng Muxuan stood up and chatted idly. Pulling his cuffs, "If you don't agree, Guangbo will have to seek another bigger partner."

"Hmph!" Han Zhihui also stood up, shook his arms, and walked up to Leng Muxuan with his hands behind his back, "You don't even listen to your mother? It is said that you are filial, but it is actually a lie, right?"

"The company is mine, and I have the final say. My mother never asks about the company's affairs, and she fully respects my opinions." Leng Muxuan walked away after speaking.

"Leng Muxuan!" Han Zhihui felt ashamed for not being noticed by Leng Muxuan.

When he came just now, his subordinates told him that he was his elder, but now he treats him like this, not only failed to negotiate a business, but also made people laugh.

He chased after unwillingly, trying to grab Leng Muxuan, but Luo Yining stood up and blocked him.

"Get out of the way! Leng Muxuan called me grandpa, what are you!" Han Zhihui didn't pay attention to Luo Yining at all, and walked around him directly.

But Luo Yining didn't give him a chance at all, he grabbed his arm and twisted it, and he was controlled in his hands.

"Let go!" Han Zhihui turned his head and looked at Leng Muxuan angrily. He was bent over, and his arms were twisted behind him, causing sharp pain.

"This is Guangbo's territory. If Mr. Han wants to act wild, please come back. All of us work here are civilized people." Leng Muxuan let go of Han Zhizhi's arm, clapped his hands, and looked disgusted and disgusted with him.

If it weren't for the fact that Han Zhihui was a distant relative of his wife, how could he treat him so courteously, he would have found someone to treat him well.

"You all be careful!" Han Zhihui straightened up, twisted and hurt his arm, snorted coldly, turned and left.

"I'm afraid you have to tell yourself this!" Luo Yining warned Han Zhihui coldly.

He shook his head and looked at Han Zhihui, who was as brainy as a pig. He probably didn't know how those ten percentage points came from in his life.

However, if he knew that ten percentage points were added just because he had a lecherous look at Ran Zijin who passed by the reception room, he would probably be pissed off.

Luo Yining would not sympathize with him, whoever told him to look at anyone was not good, he only wanted to look at the future wife of the president, and he was bumped into by the president!

Han Zhihui looked back at Luo Yining, and said nothing, but a vicious look flashed in his eyes.

He had just gone downstairs, and rumors about him being snubbed by the president and Luo Yining spread, and everyone who saw him was pointing fingers at him.

Han Zhihui was furious. Not only did Leng Muxuan not show his face, he actually humiliated him like this. If he doesn't give him some color, he won't be called Han Zhihui!
Walking out of the Guangbo Hall, Han Zhihui came to his parking space, and was about to drive, but was blocked by a figure that suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?" Han Zhizhi, who was in a bad mood, looked at the woman in front of him.

Although this woman has a top-notch figure, long hair, and a woman in casual clothes, the tip of his nose is full of the smell of her perfume, but at the moment he is not in the mood to play with women.

The woman pushed the oversized sunglasses on her face, and smiled at Han Zhizhi with the corners of her lips curled up. He knew this man, he was very lustful, and he also loved face.

But these have nothing to do with her, all she cares about is whether he can help her vent her anger.

"Mr. Han, can you take a step to speak?" The woman pointed to the car door and said.

"Get in the car!" Although Han Zhihui couldn't see the other person's face clearly, judging from her figure and voice, this woman was definitely a beauty.

Although he is very angry and in a bad mood at the moment, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it should be a good choice to find a woman to vent.

After the two got into the car, Han Zhihui drove the car out of Guangbo, and under the guidance of the woman, they came to a small cafe in a relatively remote alley.

After getting out of the car, Han Zhihui followed the woman, only to realize that the woman had some problems with her legs and feet. She was limping when she walked, and she could not help but gritted her teeth and cursed inwardly: "Damn it! It's a cripple! How fun is it to play like this!"

The woman felt Han Zhizhi's gaze, and looked back at him, "I am Leng Muxuan's former secretary."

"Shangguan?" Han Zhihui said two words in doubt, but then wisely said nothing.

Shangguan nodded with a smile, and agreed with each other to enter the small cafe.

"Is there a single room here?" Han Zhihui entered the cafe and asked the boss inside.

"No." The boss shook his head, "The cafe is small and there are no private rooms."

"Damn, is there no place to talk quietly?"

The flesh on Han Zhihui's face twitched, and the boss was so frightened that he quickly pointed to the upstairs, "There is a small balcony upstairs, I can not let people go up to disturb the two of you."

"Then serve two cups of coffee. No one is allowed to serve without my permission." Han Zhihui took out hundreds of dollars from his pocket and pressed them on the cash register.

"Okay. Okay. No problem." The boss thought he had met a gangster, so he could only be obedient.

Han Zhihui went upstairs with Shangguan Weile and sat on the balcony. They waited until the coffee was served before they started talking.

"I don't know why Shangguan's secretary asked me for it?" Han Zhihui had a very low education, and occasionally pretended to be able to speak a few slightly more elegant words.

"Don't you want to cooperate with Guangbo?" Shangguan Weile still didn't take off her sunglasses, and she didn't even take a sip of the coffee on the table, she disliked the taste here is not pure.

"Yes. Do you have any good opinions? Tell me, I will never treat you badly." Han Zhizhi never thought that when he was desperate, there would be someone to help him, and Leng Muxuan would never think of helping him The person in question turned out to be his former secretary!
(End of this chapter)

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