The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 212 No bedwetting allowed 2

Chapter 212 No bedwetting allowed 2
"If you want to cooperate with him, you have to know his weakness. It's the so-called attacking a snake and hitting seven inches. To capture a thief, you must first capture the king." Shangguan Wei Le looked like an old god.

"Then what is his weakness? It shouldn't be a woman, right?" Han Zhihui naturally knew that Shangguan Weile was referring to Leng Muxuan.

Before he planned to cooperate with Guangbo, he also checked some information about Leng Muxuan, saying that this person is not close to women, and he does not show his sexuality, so no one has ever known what his weakness is.

"Aren't all men lustful?" Shangguan Weile cast a contemptuous look at Han Zhihui. She could see the lustful and mysterious eyes when this guy looked at her at first.

"It's really a woman?" Han Zhihui looked at Shangguan Weile in disbelief. Could she be lying to him? When did Leng Muxuan treat a woman in the eye? Why didn't he know!
"This!" Shangguan Weile dipped the fingers of his left hand into the coffee, wrote three words on the table, and quickly wiped them off.

"Understood." Han Zhihui nodded and began to calculate in his heart.

"Should I also talk about the benefits?" Shangguan Weile reminded Han Zhihui when he saw that Han Zhihui forgot about her as a helper after he got the important information.

"It's easy to talk about. It's easy to talk about. I don't know how much you want? Why don't you make an offer first, we have something to discuss."

Han Zhihui's goal is to cooperate with Guangbo, because he has already looked for other large groups and companies, and none of them are willing to cooperate with him.

On Leng Muxuan's side, it was he who found Kong Jiayi who had gained a glimmer of hope. Now that Leng Muxuan took advantage of others' dangers to ask for prices, he always had to find a way out.Shangguan Weile undoubtedly gave him the best solution, so he didn't hesitate to give her some benefits.

"How about this number?" Shangguan Weile raised his left hand and doubled it several times.

"50?" Han Zhihui opened his mouth wide in surprise, poured a cup of coffee into his mouth, swallowed it in one gulp, and said with all his strength, "Is this price too high?"

"If you want a lower price, it depends on whether you dare to do it." Shangguan Weile didn't really want 50. She offered this price just to frighten Han Zhihui, and it was also convenient for her to bargain later. Let yourself be in an active position and not be eaten to death by Han Zhihui.

"What do you mean?" Han Zhihui asked.

"Did you see my legs? Let me show you my hands now." Shangguan Weile then took out his right hand, which had been hidden all along, from his pocket, tore off a white sheath from it, and showed it to Han Zhizhi , "If you let that person become like me, half of the 50 yuan will be removed, how about it?"

"Just get rid of half of it?" Han Zhihui loves money, and his wife is in charge of his family's money, so he doesn't have much money at all.

If money is needed for business, it must be paid through his wife.

Shangguan Weile suddenly asked for 25 yuan, not to mention that his wife would not give it to him, and he was reluctant to part with it.Moreover, he was afraid that he would raise money with his wife, and she would think that Shangguan Weile was his new woman, so it would be troublesome, so his pocket money would be a problem in the future.

"Don't forget, without my support, you can do things successfully?" Shangguan Weile was still whetting Han Zhizhi's appetite, and she was waiting for him to say what she most wanted to hear.

Han Zhihui is not a fool either. Hearing what she said, he thought for a while before asking her: "Is that person having a grudge against you?"

"What do you think?" Shangguan Wei Le asked back.

Han Zhihui nodded, thinking to himself, could this Shangguan Weile do this out of love?

"How about it, do you want to cooperate?" Shangguan Wei Le showed a very annoying look.

Han Zhihui was really frightened by her bad behavior, and immediately said with a doggy smile: "Of course cooperation is necessary, but we have to discuss it again."

"What else do you want to say? I've already made the biggest concession here." Shangguan Weile continued talking, anyway, she had grasped Han Zhihui's desire to save the company's situation.

"Since that person is your enemy, then..." Han Zhihui thought for a while before saying, "I made her limbs crippled, can the price be lowered?"

"Oh? To what extent?" Shangguan Weile finally heard what she wanted to hear.

"How about being bedridden and disfigured by takeout?" Han Zhihui was a cruel person, and he often did such insane things in order to do business, so he didn't care to be more cruel to the other party.

"Then it's better to reduce it by another hundred thousand." Shangguan Weile lowered the price bit by bit, in order to let Han Zhihui be led away by herself and completely controlled by her. ruin yourself.

Han Zhihui calculated that there are still 15 yuan, which is still a lot, and he just needs Shangguan Weile to give him some information. He has to find someone to do the details himself, and this part will cost a lot of money, both sides spend money , that's really a lot!
"Do you think this will work?" He pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "You give me the information, and I will give you [-]. The remaining [-] you reduced will be considered as hush money. The matter After it happens, no matter what the result is, I will not say your name. This matter is only related to me. Can it be done?"

"Hmph!" Shangguan Weile saw Han Zhihui step by step into the place he wanted him to reach, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his eyes behind the sunglasses were full of contemptuous smiles, "Hushroom fee of [-] yuan? How reliable?"

"I'll take care of things, don't worry! I promise I'll do it!" Seeing that Shangguan Weile showed signs of letting go, Han Zhihui quickly patted Yue Jie's chest to promise.

"You'd better not play tricks on me! Otherwise, I'll go find your wife!" Shangguan smiled leisurely, then stood up and dropped an improvised bomb, "Don't forget, I'm still from Guangbo, Leng Muxuan It's my president. You should understand the reason why a big tree is good for shade, right?"

Han Zhihui was stunned, and immediately smiled and said: "I understand! I understand! I promise not to mention a word! As for the 5 yuan, when you give me the news, I will ask someone to send you the money!"

"This is the best! Otherwise, I don't want to be a villain taking advantage of the fire!" Shangguan Weile pushed his sunglasses, turned around and said to Han Zhihui before going downstairs, "If you don't want to have an accident, just leave here in half an hour!"

"I know that." Han Zhizhi smiled and watched Shangguan Weile leave.

He was a little apprehensive towards her, this woman was very scheming, and every word she said had a purpose, he was really afraid that she would eventually turn to Leng Muxuan and take advantage of the fire to destroy his company.

So after thinking about it, this time, it's the right way not to play tricks behind Shangguan Weile's back.

For the next period of time, Han Zhihui has been waiting for news from Shangguan Weile.

And Shangguan Wei Le was not idle, when he was working in the company, he was always looking for opportunities to strike.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and she hadn't found a chance yet, but she was not in a hurry, there would always be opportunities.

After getting off work on Friday afternoon, Ran Zijin received a call from Lie, saying that Ran Zimu had been taken to the city.

"Mu Xuan, have dinner with Lie and the others at Tianyuan." Ran Zijin packed up his things and walked into the CEO's office after seeing that the entire 32nd floor was gone.

"Ran Zimu is already here?" Leng Muxuanying forgot about Ran Zimu, only remembered now when he heard that Lie invited him to dinner.

"Well. They are already in Tianyuan, let's go directly." Ran Zijin said and started to help Leng Muxuan pack his things and tidy up his desk.

After packing everything up, they went to Tianyuan.

Lie chose the best private room here, of course it was on the top floor. He wanted to take Zimu to see the scenery of the city.

Rao Xueying personally greeted the president and Ran Zijin, and opened the door of the private room for them.

As soon as Ran Zijin went in, Ran Zimu slipped down from Lie's arms and ran over, and jumped into her arms excitedly, "Sister Zijin, can I stay with Lie tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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