The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 222 Do something special if you can't sleep

Chapter 222 Do something special if you can't sleep

Although the confession ceremony was tomorrow, he confessed his confession at such a flustered moment today, but the ceremony is still necessary, and he has to do it!

"Why do we have to wait until tomorrow? Can't we say it now?" Ran Zijin put his hands on Leng Muxuan's shoulders, and suddenly remembered that he said that he would give her a surprise tomorrow. Could it be that he was preparing for the surprise, so he didn't have time to pay attention to her? of it?

Thinking of this in his heart, Ran Zijin felt relieved a lot, and was looking forward to tomorrow's arrival, and did not plan to be willful with Leng Muxuan anymore.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow, let's go home now!"

Leng Muxuan spread his handmade suit on the leather chair, put Ran Zijin on the suit, moved to the driving seat by himself, started the car, and left the quiet mountain top of Suoshan.

"This is your clothes!" Ran Zijin sat on Leng Muxuan's suit, a little uncomfortable, after all she was not wearing anything underneath, and this suit was specially customized by him in Milan, so it was reduced to be used as a cushion for her For the sake of it.

"The leather chair is unhygienic, you just sit, it's just a piece of clothing." No matter how expensive it is, her health is not as important.

Ran Zijin nodded, and touched his suit with both hands. He was really careful. He turned the inside of the clothes upwards. The inside was softer and cleaner than the outside.

The car went down the winding mountain road, and arrived at the block in less than ten minutes. Ran Zijin sat there with his legs tightly together, pulling the hem of his shirt and the sleeve of Leng Muxuan's suit Cover your big moon back.

Leng Muxuan glanced at her sideways, she was really trying to cover up at the moment, most of her legs were dangling outside, even the part she wanted to cover was sometimes exposed due to the shaking of the car Come and cover some from time to time.

Ran Zijin's skin is very good, unlike other people, her face and neck are white, and her body is dark. Her whole body is very white, tender and supple.Especially when Leng Muxuan hugged her every time he just took a bath, it felt like he was hugging a baby, it felt so good.

"Mu Xuan, what happened this time should be done by Shangguan Wei Le and Han Zhihui." Ran Zijin was silent for a while before speaking to Leng Muxuan.

From just now, he didn't say a word about this matter, presumably because he was afraid that she would get scared again when she thought about it.

But Ran Zijin was no longer the former Ran Zijin. After following Leng Muxuan for so long, he more or less learned some of his indifference and unfeelingness, and also grew and matured a lot.

Leng Muxuan didn't talk about many things, she could think clearly and see clearly.

"Well, Luo Yining and the others will take care of it, you don't have to worry about it, just take care of yourself." Leng Muxuan drove the car, and when he came to a fork in the road, he slowed down a little, making sure that there was no vehicle coming out of the fork in the road, and then drove quickly past.

Han Zhihui was taken away by the police, they will naturally deal with it, and Luo Yining will also negotiate with the police.As for Shangguan Wei Le, even if Luo Yining didn't have time to take care of it, there was still Nangong Lie, he didn't need to come forward in person.

"Can Shangguan Weile be sent far away from Guangbo?" Ran Zijin still expressed his thoughts.

Ran Zijin had already figured out that Shangguan Weile's legs and feet were disabled, and it had something to do with her. It was because she hurt her that Leng Muxuan sent someone to clean up Shangguan Weile.

Otherwise, without Leng Muxuan's statement, Luo Yining and Nangong Lie would never have done this by themselves.

In fact, she was just a little angry that time, and did not cause any serious harm to her. Shangguan Weile did that, and the price he paid was indeed a bit high. It was inevitable that he would cooperate with Han Zhihui to kidnap her again this time.

Ran Zijin's thoughts were very simple, she didn't want to ask Shangguan Weile to be dealt with, but she was so angry that she went to seduce Leng Muxuan and Han Zhihui to kidnap her, so she wanted her to leave here and go far away. People never see each other again, and nothing will happen again.

"You want to let her go?" Leng Muxuan stopped the car at the traffic light, reached out and touched Ran Zijin's soft hair, "Zijin, don't worry about this matter, I will take care of it and it won't happen again Things like today."

Ran Zijin stared at Leng Muxuan, still struggling to speak, the traffic light changed, the car restarted, and drove smoothly on the street shrouded in neon lights.

"Zijin, do you know something?" After a while, Leng Muxuan asked the silent Ran Zijin again.

Ran Zijin saw Leng Muxuan turn his head to look at himself, then turned back to drive seriously, looking at the road ahead.

She stared at his side face, and asked slowly: "Chen Ke and Ye Simiao are gone, maybe you sent someone to send them away? There is also the intern who came to Guangbo for an internship a while ago, he is also your name." Someone sent it to Q University? Su Maqi was injured in Zishan, it should be caused by his subordinates, right?"

She is not a fool. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally understood.

Chen Ke pestered her, and news of his resignation came immediately, and no one knew where he had gone.

When Ye Simian pursued her the most, he suddenly disappeared, and he never contacted her again.

That intern had only been intern for one day, but she said he was handsome, and he disappeared the next day.

Su Maiqi was injured after she sprained her ankle. At that time, He Yacheng was led by Su Maiqi and Hu Die. He would not have the time to deal with Su Maiqi, and she blocked a shot for him. He would not have the heart to do that Cruelly hurt Su Maiqi.

"Who told you?" Leng Muxuan looked back at Ran Zijin again, and saw that there was no strange emotion on her face, so he turned back to drive in peace.

"No one told me, I will think about it myself." Ran Zijin knew the meaning of Leng Muxuan's answer, which was an admission in disguise. She sighed, twisted her hands and said slowly, "Muxuan, I'm not a child anymore. , some things, in fact, you can tell me, I can accept it, and I won't feel afraid. "

"You don't blame me?" The car had already arrived at the garage of Yisha Garden, Leng Muxuan turned off the engine, and looked sideways at Ran Zijin, with a trace of solemnity and worry in his eyes.

"No, blame you for what?" Ran Zijin smiled and took Leng Muxuan's arm, "You just care too much about me, don't you?"

"Well. I don't want you to be hurt by anyone, and I don't want anyone to hinder your life!" The seriousness and worry in Leng Muxuan's eyes disappeared instantly after hearing Ran Zijin's words, and his two bright black eyes were like two deep ones. The vortex only sucked in Ran Zijin who was looking at him, sucked into his heart, and couldn't get out again.

"Mu Xuan, when did you fall in love with me?"

Ran Zijin thought of this question for the first time, and suddenly realized that when Chen Ke was still around, Leng Muxuan had been protecting him all the time, but at that time he always treated her coldly, looking at her His eyes were like ice, he never smiled at him, nor said a good word.

She was very curious, what was he thinking in his heart at that time, and how he looked at her.

"A long time ago, but I took a detour, but—" Leng Muxuan held Ran Zijin's face, met her eyes, and said affectionately, "Fortunately, I went to the right destination! Zijin , I did not miss you after all! You are mine now!"

After speaking, he took her into his arms and held her tightly.

He was thinking about how to tell her that he fell in love with her the day he first met in high school.As smart as she is, she will definitely ask him why he missed her later, in that case, no matter what, he would not dare to reveal the existence of Ruan Yifei.

If possible, let him lie to her once, Leng Muxuan thought to himself, as long as they can be together in the future, the past mistakes will be hidden, and he just needs to make up for her a little bit.

"Mu Xuan, if I can accept you, I can accept everything related to you. Today's kidnapping is nothing, I am not afraid, because I know you will always come to save me." Ran Zijin hugged Leng Muxuan's waist, Her face was pressed against his heart, listening to his sonorous heartbeat, the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

She is not a saint, she can't be nice to anyone, she is also selfish, she just wants to be with Leng Muxuan, so she will stand by his side and support everything he does.

She doesn't care what other people use to judge Leng Muxuan, and what he does, she just wants to follow her heart, knowing that he won't hurt her, and it's enough to know that he won't hurt the people she cares about!

This is enough, this life is really enough!

"Zijin, let's go upstairs." Leng Muxuan hugged Ran Zijin for a while, then let him go, got out of the car first, walked to the other side and opened the door.

Ran Zijin frowned, looked at his two moons, "What should I do?"

"Easy to handle!" Leng Muxuan wrapped the suit around Ran Zijin's waist, wrapped her tightly, then carried her out of the car, and closed the door with one foot.

Ran Zijin buried his head in his heart, and only asked not to meet anyone after going out of the garage and taking the elevator, otherwise it would be quite embarrassing!
This time, God still favored Ran Zijin once, and sure enough, there was not a single pedestrian on the way from going out to entering the house.

After entering the house, Ran Zijin dared to take a loud breath, his face was already red like the setting sun about to go down the mountain.

Leng Muxuan directly carried her into the bathroom, put the water in, and told her to lie down, before he went to change clothes, and then walked in.

"I want to wash it alone!" Ran Zijin lay in the bathtub, looking at Leng Muxuan who was stripped down to only a pair of bullet underwear.

She doesn't want to take a shower with him. This guy always talks about taking a shower, and he will deviate from the theme after taking a shower, and bully her to death!

"Wash together!" Leng Muxuan smiled and got into the bathtub. He had already changed this bathtub, which was big enough for him and Ran Zijin to wash together.

"No!" Seeing him coming in, Ran Zijin sat up and covered Yue's mouth to leave, but was pulled by Leng Muxuan and fell into his arms.

"Lie down for a while, Bubble, are you tired today?" Leng Mu Xuanxie smiled evilly and asked Ran Zijin in his arms, with a pun.

Ran Zijin glanced at him and stopped talking.

Leng Muxuan swung the water to wash her body, the movements were skillful and gentle, and very serious, as if admiring a work of art.

Ran Zijin was indeed exhausted today. First he was kidnapped and frightened, then he was thrown off by Leng Muxuan and cried alone, and finally he was eaten by him for so long, so when Leng Muxuan bathed him, he didn't touch him carelessly. She also slowly relaxed, closed her eyes slightly, and leaned against his arms.

Leng Muxuan also understood Ran Zijin's condition, so he didn't want her anymore. After taking a shower, he hugged her and lay on the bed together, planning to go to sleep.

Ran Zijin was still thinking about today's encounter in a daze, and suddenly remembered Hu Die, and asked Leng Muxuan: "Is Hu Die back home? Has He Yacheng contacted you?"

"No. Let them settle the matter between them. Sleep well now and stop thinking about it." Leng Muxuan put his arms around Ran Zijin, and the tip of his nose was full of the pleasant fragrance from her hair.

"However, when I think of Hu Die, I feel very worried. How can I sleep?"

"Can't sleep? Then let's do something special."

As Leng Muxuan spoke, he stretched out his hand to hold Ran Zijin's beauty, and pinched it hard, intending to pinch it more delicately.

Ran Zijin opened his hand, "I'm sleepy! Go to sleep! If you can't sleep, find a way yourself!"

Leng Muxuan sneered, took his hand away, and put his arms around Ran Zijin in a respectful manner. Seeing her eyes closed tightly, he turned off the bedside lamp, and closed his eyes to sleep contentedly.

Just as Leng Muxuan thought, how could Hu Die not return home safely in He Yacheng's hands.

The driver of Hu's family parked the car near the Hu's villa, which was requested by Hu Die.

"Uncle Wang, get out of the car and wait for me. I'll call you. Come and take me back." Hu Die said to the driver.

Uncle Wang looked at Hu Die from the rearview mirror, then at He Yacheng who was beside her who was silent, opened the car door and got out of the car. When the door was closed, he said to Hu Die, "Miss, if you have any questions, just call me. I'll be right there." Stand there waiting for you."

"Well, I see, Uncle Wang." Hu Die smiled at Uncle Wang, knowing that he was worried about herself and worried about her being with He Yacheng.

Uncle Wang nodded, closed the door and left.

Only then did Hu Die stop the smile on his face, and stared at He Yacheng fiercely, "How long are you going to follow me? Didn't I tell you to get out?!"

"Hu Die, don't be like this, don't be angry, being angry is not good for your body to recover." He Ya looked at Hu Die reassuringly, and didn't care at all about her being angry with him, all she cared about was her injury.

"Get out! Who cares that you came to pretend to be compassionate?!" Hu Die was furious. After she came out of the small mansion in Suoshan, she was forced into his car by He Yacheng, and he didn't ask her to get out of the car all the way.

When his car arrived in front of her family's car, he still didn't ask her to get out of the car.

There was no way she would jump out of the car as long as she opened the door, so He Yacheng stopped the car, saw her get out of the car and got into another car, got out of the car quickly, and got into the car with her.

Once in the car, no matter how Hu Die drove, He Yacheng didn't even get out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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