Chapter 223 Going to America Early

"Master, Madam, Miss is back safely, so I'll go down first." Hu Die told Uncle Wang not to tell his parents what happened today, so naturally he wouldn't talk too much.

"Well, you go down first." Hu's mother told Uncle Wang to leave before Hu's father could speak.

After Uncle Wang left, Hu Die finished eating the lotus seed porridge, and gently pushed the small bowl on the coffee table, "Mom, I want to go to America tomorrow morning, can I leave early?"

"Why do you think it passed earlier?" Mother Hu looked at Hu Die worriedly, why is it strange that the child came back from a trip.

She glanced at Father Hu who was also looking at her, and then looked back at Hu Die.

Hu Die smiled and said: "Go early and prepare early. This is the last operation. It will be fine when I come back!"

Father Hu also smiled, but he was always worried. He put down a piece of porcelain he was playing with in his hand, moved to sit in front of Hu Die, held her somewhat cold hand, and said, "Why are your hands so cold? Is there something wrong with your body?" uncomfortable?"

"No. It may be that Zijin and I have been outside for too long, so it's a bit cold. After all, it's late autumn now, and it's cold outside at night." Hu Die found an excuse casually.

"Yeah. That's good. You have to tell me if you're not feeling well, you know?" Father Hu is just such a woman, so he loves her very much, and he doesn't want to see her suffer a little bit.

This time the car accident almost killed Hu Die, so he loved her even more, wishing to hold it in his hand and watch it every day, so as not to cause any further problems for her.

"Understood, Dad, you have said it many times, I remember it!" Hu Die took Father Hu's arm, leaned on her shoulder, looked at Mother Hu who was sitting on the other side, and stretched out his hand to hold her hand again, "Mom, don't be upset, I just stayed at home too long, I want to see Zijin!"

"You!" With a straight face, Hu Die lightly poked Hu Die on the forehead, "Always disobedient, just as stubborn as your old man! You have to do what you want to do. I think you have caught a cold. It's good for you!"

Although Hu's mother is stricter with Hu Die than Hu's father, her love for her is no less than Hu's father.

"No! I'm not a child anymore!" Hu Die took Hu's mother's hand and shook it coquettishly, her eyes were full of smiles, her parents loved her the most and would never hurt herself. Will try to protect myself.

"It's not the kid who drove the speeding car for me, and gave me the car..." Hu Die didn't finish, but when she saw Hu Die's face was not looking well, she immediately shut up, "Go back to the room and rest, we will go to America tomorrow. I'll call someone to make arrangements."

Hu Die forced a smile, "Well, I'm going to bed now. Mom, you're so kind!"

"I'm not good, who is good to you!" Hu Die patted on Hu Die's back, "Go and rest."

"Well. Mom, good night." Hu Die stood up, intending to say good night to Hu's father, but Hu's father also stood up, pulling her to send her upstairs.

Mother Hu shook her head, this old man, how old is his daughter, he still hasn't changed his habit of sending his daughter to the door of the bedroom!
She couldn't help thinking, what would happen to him if his daughter got married in the future!
Thinking of her daughter getting married, Mother Hu recalled the marriage between Hu's family and Leng's family, but the two children did not agree, so the marriage failed.

She watched Hu Die go upstairs, thinking that after returning from the United States, it is time to find another home for Hu Die. After all, her daughter is not young, no matter how reluctant they are as parents, they will eventually marry and cannot raise No one should worry about becoming an old girl.

Father Hu sent Hu Die to the door of her bedroom. Hu Die put her hand on the doorknob and said to Father Hu with a smile: "Dad, you and Mom should go to bed early too. There is still a lot of work to do tomorrow!"

Hu's father is not young anymore. Those who are the same age as him, because they have sons at home, all hand over the company to his son. They all retreat to the second line, and only Hu's father still works by himself.

Hu Die felt sorry for Hu's father and worked in his own consortium, but he couldn't start a big consortium after all.

"Well, you open the door, I see you go in and go." Father Hu adjusted Hu Die's hat, feeling that his daughter seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

"Dad, good night." Hu Die nodded, opened the door and walked into the bedroom. When closing the door, she waved to Father Hu outside the door before closing the door.

As soon as the door closed, she leaned against the door panel, closing her eyes tiredly with a deflated look.

Hu's father stood at the door for a while, then went out to the living room, sat with Hu's mother for a while, and then went to rest.

Hu Die leaned against the door panel for a long time before calling the nurse and asking Mr. Hu to help her take a bath.

There are still many injuries on her body that are not completely healed. She should not use too much force when taking a bath, and some places cannot get wet, so she can only rely on the nurses.

During this period of time, her health improved slightly, so the nurse didn't stay in her room every day, and Father Hu didn't ask the nurse to watch over her, everything was under her arrangement.

The nurse received the call, came up from downstairs, knocked on Hu Die's door, "Miss, we are coming up."

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Hu Die crouched beside the closet, rummaging through her change of clothes.

Two nurses came in and hurried over to help her up.

One pulled her to look left and right to check, and the other said worriedly: "Miss, let us do these things, don't get tired, it's important to take care of yourself."

"It's okay, I can do such small things." Although Hu Die is proud and occasionally has the temper of a young lady, she has always been very kind to people, no matter who they are, she treats them equally, and never looks at people with colored glasses of.

She also respects the servants and the like at home. When she was a child, she often played behind them and gave her things to their children.Even now, he treats them well, some of whom are around her age, and she often buys them presents.

"Miss, you are always so stubborn. It's not good to be like this. When you get married in the future, your in-laws will definitely say you." The older nurse joked with Hu Die. In her heart, Hu Die Like her own child, she watched her grow up.

"It's still early for me to get married!" Hu Die blushed slightly, and walked into the bathroom with the support of the young nurse.

The elderly caregiver took her change of clothes and brought her in, and then came out to tidy up the house for her, and prepared the medicine to drink and the medicine to be applied later.

Hu Die came out of the shower, the little nurse helped her lie on the bed, and massaged her for a while with the older nurse, then took out the medicine to apply to her slowly.

Hu Die buried her head in the pillow, and no one could see her face, so she didn't have to pretend any more, she took off the disguise, closed her eyes, and felt so sad that she wanted to cry.

While thinking about He Yacheng, she thought about the words she said in the car tonight, and regretted whether she said it too seriously, but she really wanted He Yacheng to mature and grow up from this incident. A responsible man no longer likes to play like he used to.

She will marry him in the future. This is what she has always wanted to do, and she never wants to change it in her life.

After they got married, no matter if it was the He family's business or the Hu family's consortium, they all had to be supported by He Yacheng alone. She didn't want him to play around all the time and not be able to take on heavy responsibilities.

Thinking of He Yacheng, Hu Die couldn't help crying, but her head was buried in the pillow and the nurse didn't notice it.

The nurse applied the medicine to her, and she should drink the medicine, but she was still covering her head with a pillow, so the nurse had to remind her: "Miss, it's time to drink the medicine."

"Well, I know, you put the water and medicine here, and I drink it myself. It's okay, you go back to sleep first. I'll drink it after lying down."

"Miss, are you okay?" the nurse still asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm just tired after going out, and I'll drink medicine after lying down, you go."

"Oh. Miss, remember to take your medicine, and call us if you have something to do." The nurse thought it was the lady who disliked their quarrel, looked at each other, and walked out.

Hu Die heard the sound of the door being locked, so she took away the pillow, sat up and wiped away her tears indiscriminately, drank the medicine with a glass of water, then lay back and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After tossing and turning all night, Hu Die woke up just after dawn, got off the bed, twisted her neck, shook her arms and kicked her legs, and stretched her body.

She has injuries on her body, it always hurts, she can't sleep well at night, she wakes up in pain from time to time, and she can't live peacefully in her sleep, either dreaming of the scene of a car accident, or dreaming of He Yacheng's sad eyes, even more so. She couldn't sleep well.

The nurse was sent away by Hu Die last night, and she had been waiting outside the door early in the morning. He knocked on the door and went in to take care of her to wash, change clothes, take breakfast and take medicine.

Early in the morning, Uncle Wang drove his car and waited at the gate of the villa. The three members of the Hu family went to the United States together.

Ran Zijin only thought that Hu Die was going to leave on Sunday, so she didn't care about it. Instead, she thought about calling her at noon and asking how things were going yesterday.

But before nine o'clock, she received a text message from Hu Die, saying that she had boarded the plane and the plane was about to take off.

Hu Die suddenly became nervous, thinking that something was wrong with her, and hurriedly replied: "Is something wrong? What time did you go home yesterday?"

"Going home very early, I'm fine, He Yacheng sent me to the intersection, I ignored him."

Hu Die looked at the notification that the sending was successful, and then sent another message to Ran Zijin in the sound of the stewardess prompting to turn off the phone.

"The plane is about to take off. I have to turn off the phone and contact the United States."

Ran Zijin typed half of the text, and after seeing Hu Die's text message, he deleted it all and never sent it again.

"Zijin, are you ready? Okay, let's go." Leng Muxuan came back from the living room, walked into the bedroom door and asked Ran Zijin, but saw Ran Zijin sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down, his face down, " What's the matter? What happened? " He walked over, squatted at her feet, and asked, lifting her chin.

"It's okay, Hu Die went to the United States for surgery, I'm just a little worried." Ran Zijin frowned slightly.

She is not stupid, nor is she ignorant of common sense. Hu Die's operation this time is still on her head, and there are blood clots in her brain. This kind of operation is really dangerous.

Hu Die didn't say anything because she didn't want her to worry, but she had to worry.

"Don't worry, now that medicine is so advanced, the Hu family has found the best hospital and treatment team for Hu Die, and nothing will happen." Leng Muxuan stood up, took Ran Zijin into his arms, and patted her gently Kissing her heart on the back, "Okay, Zijin, we have something to do and we have to go out. If you are worried, you can call Hu Die later, huh?"

"En." Ran Zijin nodded, and was led by Leng Muxuan out of the master bedroom to put on shoes at the door.

"Wait a minute, Zijin." Leng Muxuan let go of Ran Zijin's hand, turned around and went to Ran Zijin's shoe cabinet in another room to find a pair of diamond-encrusted seven-inch heels, "Wear this, this looks good."

"Okay." Ran Zijin put on the slippers, and Leng Muxuan squatted down, supported her feet, and slowly slipped them on his feet with the pair of seven-inch heels.

Seeing Leng Muxuan's careful movements, Ran Zijin raised the corners of his mouth unnaturally, his watery eyes were full of bright light, his heart settled down bit by bit, and he was no longer as frightened as before.

Leng Muxuan put on the shoes for Ran Zijin and told her to stand aside and wait for him. He changed the shoes again before opening the door and taking Ran Zijin away.

After eating some casual breakfast outside, Ran Zijin followed Leng Muxuan to buy clothes, shoes, and jewelry.

At noon, she was taken to do makeup and styling again, looking like a female star about to walk on the red carpet.

"Mu Xuan, do you want to take me to the dance or something?" Ran Zijin's face was smeared by the stylist, and the delicate little face was even less shocking under the decoration of makeup.

Leng Muxuan's pupils were slightly retracted, sitting on the sofa in the corner of the dressing room, leaning against his body, looking at Ran Zijin, the admiration on his face was undisguised.

"It's not a dance." He said to Ran Zijin who was looking at him through the mirror.

Ran Zijin stared at Leng Muxuan in the mirror, "Why are you making such an exquisite look for a dance? Mu Xuan, I can't sit still."

She has been sitting upright for several hours, and if she sits down again, her waist will be broken, and this head will be turned around by the stylist.

"Miss Ran, hold on for a while, and it will be fine soon." The stylist has done makeup on Ran Zijin before, and he also knows her, and knows that she has a close relationship with Young Master Leng, so he is naturally careful with her. Hearing her complain now Unable to sit still, he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain something, otherwise he was afraid that if Shao Leng got angry, he, the stylist, would get out of this circle.

"You move faster." Leng Muxuan heard that Ran Zijin couldn't sit still, so he said to the stylist lightly, and then smiled gently at Ran Zijin through the makeup mirror, "It will be fine soon, today's makeup seems to be more suitable for you."

Ran Zijin's face turned slightly red, but fortunately, her face was smeared with blush, so she couldn't see it unless she looked carefully.

But how could Leng Muxuan, who had been paying attention to her all the time, not have noticed that he curled his mouth, admiring his woman's pink and tender face, so that he just wanted to go over and hug her and kiss her enough.

After finally getting her makeup done, Ran Zijin couldn't wait to stand up, turned around and ran to Leng Muxuan, holding his arm with a shy face, "Muxuan, can I go?"

(End of this chapter)

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