Chapter 249

"Mom, you were told that." Ran Zijin held the old wooden box in his arms, his eyes were a little moist, "I lost my mother when I was in sixth grade, so I really understand how mothers love their children, and I like you very much, too. He is willing to call you Mom." She was still a little choked up after all, "Mom, you don't know how happy I was when I called your mother just now, because I finally have a mother. No need to put the last name in front, Call mom directly, that kind of intimate address, I haven't called it for a long, long time."

"Silly girl! Don't cry! If you call me mom, I will naturally treat you as my own daughter. I also have daughters, and they are all married. I understand your thoughts!" Kong Jiayi's eyes were also moist. , but he did smile and hugged Ran Zijin, "From now on, live a good life with Mu Xuan, and give birth to a grandson with me even more tightly. It's not in vain that I accepted you so soon!"

Ran Zijin smiled and nodded, with a shy face, Kong Jiayi couldn't help but think that when she was going to marry Leng Qingbai, she was also so shy and uneasy.

"Okay, go, go downstairs first, and ask Mu Xuan to show you around. This is your first time at home, and you will come back often in the future. Bring me that kid Mu Xuan and eat with us." Kong Jiayi patted Ran Zijin on the shoulder, and then sat on the sofa in the small living room by herself, lamenting that time flies, she is already old.

Ran Zijin put away the bracelet, turned around and went downstairs, Leng Qingbai didn't know where to go, only Leng Muxuan was sitting there with the old god giggling.

Seeing Ran Zijin come down, he took her hand and asked her, "What did Mom tell you?"

"Don't tell you!"

"Tell me now!"

"Don't talk! Mom and I are talking about the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, what are you talking about!" Ran Zijin let go of his hand, "I'll go to the kitchen to see if I want to help."

Leng Muxuan nodded with a smile. Although there is a cook at home, Ran Zijin is willing to cook and help, so her parents can give her a better image no matter what.

Ran Zijin entered the kitchen, Leng Muxuan took her bag from the sofa, unzipped it and saw a red wooden carved box, the corners of her mouth suddenly grinned again.

He packed Ran Zijin's package and put it away calmly, thinking to himself, this old lady is really good at handing over the ancestral bracelet to Zijin so quickly, not bad!
After dinner, Ran Zijin consciously watched TV with Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai for a while, and made them a fruit platter.

It was almost ten o'clock when Leng Muxuan wanted to take Ran Zijin away.

Kong Jiayi said displeasedly: "What time is it? What time is it when you drive back? I will stay here. Ask Zijin to live with you in your room."

Now she has to take care of Ran Zijin all the time. If her body breaks down, her dream of holding a grandson will become far away.

"That's right, we'll get the certificate tomorrow anyway, and we're not people who don't have access to it." Leng Qingbai stood up and said before going upstairs with his back hanging down, "Mu Xuan, you guys go to bed early, and I will wake up early tomorrow. I called my old friends from the Civil Affairs Bureau, you guys will be the first ones to go tomorrow, and the first ones to go through the formalities, so it's a good omen!"

"Understood." Leng Muxuan replied loudly.

"I know too. Dad, Mom, go to bed early too. Good night." Ran Zijin greeted the adults before being dragged up to the third floor by Leng Muxuan.

After going up to the third floor and entering the bedroom, Leng Muxuan hugged Ran Zijin happily and kissed again and again.

"Don't move around! Parents are still there!" Ran Zijin shyly pushed Leng Muxuan away and walked in, but when she saw the bed, her face suddenly turned dark.

She turned her head slowly, "Leng Muxuan! What's going on with this bed?!"

"It's nothing!" Leng Muxuan smiled sheepishly, how could he have forgotten that this bed was moved from Isa's garden and swapped with the one here.

"You liar!" Ran Zijin waved his fists angrily to chase Leng Muxuan, "You actually said that the bed is broken, you have no good intentions at all! You..."

Leng Muxuan hid for a while, then stretched out his hand, pulled Ran Zijin into his arms, and pressed him on the bed, "I will be uneasy and kind to you! If I have been kind to you, you may not belong to anyone now Wife, could it be me, Leng Muxuan? I'm not that stupid!"

"Tell me, how many other things have you done that I don't know?" Ran Zijin felt that this guy was too black-bellied, he always dug one hole and another, and then she always jumped into one and then another, and Unprepared and unaware!
"Not much." Leng Muxuan smiled, stealing fragrance from Ran Zijin's mouth.

"Then what is the gift from Mom and Dad?" Ran Zijin twisted his face, held his head away from her, and wanted to touch her without telling the truth, no way!
"I just asked someone to buy it. Anyway, they like it and accept you, isn't it good?" Leng Muxuan said evilly, buttressed a tall and swollen thing that happened to be pressing on Ran Zijinyue's retreating heart.

Ran Zijin was so frightened that she almost screamed, she frowned and punched him, "Don't move around!"

There are two adults here, if people hear this, what face will she have to face people tomorrow!
"I didn't move around! Isn't that the right place?" Leng Muxuan twisted his waist again, and said even more viciously.

"You rascal! You're getting more and more dishonest!" Ran Zijin pushed Leng Muxuan away forcefully, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Leng Muxuan also followed in, put the bath water together, of course they also took a bath together, and of course they also did the things they like to do together.

The two were lying on the bed, Leng Muxuan hugged Ran Zijin, "Did Mom give you the jade bracelet?"

"Yeah." Ran Zijin nodded, then raised his head and gave him a hateful look, "Did you go through my bag?!"

"I'll just take a look." Leng Muxuan laughed and laughed.

"How dare you rummage through my things behind my back!" Ran Zijin gritted his teeth and twisted his arm.

Leng Muxuan grinned in pain, "You're pinching me harder now, could it be that you are too energetic?! Then let's do it again?"

"No! You turn off the lights and go to sleep!" Ran Zijin turned his back to Leng Muxuan, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Leng Mu turned off the light, "Honey, let's sleep!"

"Ah! Hey! You sleep when you sleep, what are you touching?!"

"Do exercise before bed!"

"You are shameless!"

"I want you! Zijin, let's exercise hard and make a baby for old people to play with."

"If you want to play, just say so!"

"Well, I want to play too, I'll grab milk from my son first!"

"Ah! Leng Muxuan, can you be a little less serious?"

"Yes! Is this okay?"

"Ah! Hmm..." Ran Zijin's mouth kept overflowing with Shen Moan, this guy Leng Muxuan can do so many tricks, she is going to die!

"Hey, bastard, take it easy..."

"I said that I wouldn't be a jerk if I changed my style every night, let's change my posture and continue..."

huh huh...

In the huge bedroom, only the sound of bodies colliding, the sound of a certain woman whimpering and moaning, and the comfortable breathing of a certain man...

Early the next morning, Leng Muxuan woke up Ran Zijin who was still asleep.

"Don't make noise, I still want to sleep! I'm so tired!" Ran Zijin was so dazed that she didn't want to open her eyes. She was eaten by a certain wolf again and again last night, and she was told to sleep only after dawn. One o'clock, he was about to wake her up!

"Zijin, it's time to get the certificate! Let's get married!" Leng Muxuan slapped a certain little dazed buttocks.

"It hurts!" Ran Zijin woke up from the pain, opened his eyes and stared at Leng Muxuan dissatisfied, "It's all your fault!"

"Well, it's all my fault! It's my fault! You are obedient, get up first, can we go get married first?" Leng Muxuan patiently coaxed Ran Zijin while dressing her.

"When did you buy this dress?" Ran Zijin looked at the clothes on her body, obviously not the one she sent yesterday.

"I asked someone to buy it yesterday. I bought new clothes specially for us. Do you like it?"

"Yes, I like it." Ran Zijin was sober now, and when he thought of going to get a certificate with Leng Muxuan, he became excited, and happily put on his new clothes.

This tube top dress is generous and simple in style, but it looks good on the body. Ran Zijin, who has a good figure, wears it fresh and refined, making people look more and more fairy-like.

Leng Muxuan was also dressed in new clothes. After taking Ran Zijin downstairs, Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai were very satisfied with their new look from head to toe.

After breakfast, Kong Jiayi urged excitedly: "The driver is already waiting outside. Go early."

"Go and find your Uncle Zhang directly!" Leng Qingbai reminded Leng Muxuan again, lest he miss the first place.

"Remember." Leng Muxuan was getting dizzy from the nagging of Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai, so couldn't he be told to quietly enjoy the excitement of going to get the certificate with Ran Zijin? !
With Leng Qingbai worried, the marriage formalities went smoothly, and it didn't take long for Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin to come out with red books.

"Ran Zijin is finally my young lady Leng!" Leng Muxuan kissed the small red book, then hugged Ran Zijin and kissed.

Ran Zijin shyly pushed him away, "There are many people watching!"

"What's the matter, I have a certificate!" Leng Muxuan continued his high-profile, and then said loudly to the crowd, "She is my young lady Leng's woman! I am her man! We are married!"

"Hey!" Ran Zijin stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, how could this man not be shy?

When the young couples who were about to register and get their certificates saw them, they couldn't help smiling at them. Many girls envied Ran Zijin for finding a handsome man who loved her.

In this way, Ran Zijin got married, Leng Muxuan got married, and the two reached the moment of marriage much smoother than Hu Die and He Yacheng.

Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin back to Leng Zhai first, showed Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai the marriage certificate, and then took his parents and the family of four to the orphanage.

This is also the official visit of the Leng family to Gu Meihua. Gu Meihua did not expect that Ran Zijin would value her so much and respect her like a mother. His wife is very easy to talk to.

Back in the urban area at night, the Leng family's parents returned to the Leng residence, Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan had other arrangements, they were going to invite friends to dinner.

On the way to Tianyuan, Leng Muxuan received a call from Luo Yining, saying that Ran Qindi's operation has been completed and there should be no more problems.

Luo Yining also reported another matter to him at the same time, but he didn't tell Ran Zijin, after all, today is the day for them to receive their certificates, and he didn't want to tell her those unhappy things.

When they arrived at Tianyuan, Mo Shaochun and Leng Muwan were all there.

"Sister." Ran Zijin called Leng Muwan obediently.

"Yeah. Zijin, I will have a younger sister in the future." Leng Muwan smiled, and took out a box to give to Ran Zijin, "This is a wedding gift for you. When you hold a wedding with Muxuan, I'll give you a better one."

"Thank you ma'am."

Ran Zijin opened the box, and it turned out to be a Vacheron Constantin women's watch. It looked very good-looking and matched Ran Zijin's temperament. It seemed that some thought was put into it.

"Sister, I like this watch so much!" Ran Zijin smiled so much that his eyes were bent, and he stretched out his hand, "Mu Xuan, help me put it on quickly, and let my sister see it."

Leng Muxuan put the watch on her dotingly, and then said, "It looks good."

"Of course! You don't want to see who bought it for me!" Ran Zijin said nervously, took Leng Muwan's arm and sat down.

Mo Shaochun directly threw a check over, "Buy whatever you like!"

Whenever he thinks of the phrase "whether you love to come or not" that Leng Muxuan said yesterday, he gets angry, and he has to fight back today.

Leng Muxuan also argued with him, took the check directly, and obediently handed it to Ran Zijin, "Honey, you take care of our family's money, and I will leave it to you!"

Ran Zijin blushed, there are outsiders here, please, can he not be so tall!Tune!

"My younger brother is just so naughty!" Leng Muwan said with a smile, envious of Ran Zijin, "Zijin, if his naughtiness makes you angry in the future, you can come to me and I will help you deal with him! "

"Okay!" Ran Zijin nodded with a smile.

"..." Leng Muxuan bought Ran Zijin for a piece of Vacheron Constantin's black thread?How worthless is her wife?

No, it seems that he didn't raise his wife richly!

In the future, he must make his wife rich, and tell her that no matter how much money she has, she will not be bribed!
Ran Zijin glanced at him with an expression of "I have to prevent you from bullying me someday".

"..." Will I bully you, wife?

"..." It's hard to say!
Not many people came, only a few friends of Leng Muxuan, Luo Yining and Nangong Lie came.

On Ran Zijin's side were Wu Yanan and Ran Zimu, Hu Die couldn't come if he wasn't in China, and naturally He Yacheng who belonged to Leng Muxuan couldn't come either.

However, Hu Die and He Yacheng gave Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan a lot of wedding gifts, and Mo Shaochun brought them all.

Apart from Leng Muxuan, the most excited person for this meal was Ran Zimu.

(End of this chapter)

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