The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 250 Agreed on the Human Creation Plan

Chapter 250 Agreed on the Human Creation Plan
Apart from Leng Muxuan, the most excited person for this meal was Ran Zimu.

This little guy crawled into Nangong Lie's arms and never got off, and kept yelling: "Sister Zijin became brother Muxuan's bride, and I will also be Lie's bride in the future!"

It really made everyone in the room laugh happily, thinking that this child is a real treasure, while Leng Muxuan was thinking about when he and Ran Zijin would have a cute child like Ran Zimu.

Only Mo Shaochun had a gloomy and constipated look from the beginning to the end, and even Ran Zimu, the little boy, didn't make him laugh.

After eating and drinking, a group of people chatted and laughed except in the private room, Rao Xueying came over with a large bouquet of roses to give to Ran Zijin.

"President's wife, this is the best wishes from all our employees to you and the president's happy marriage, and I wish you a happy marriage forever!"

Ran Zijin accepted it with a smile, and also accepted the president's wife and this new role.

Rao Xueying personally sent Ran Zijin and the others downstairs. The beauty of the handsome men and women of the group attracted a lot of attention on the street, forming a beautiful landscape.

Mo Shaochun and the others went back to their respective homes, and Ran Zimu naturally clung to Nangong Lie. Ran Zijin told her a few words before following Leng Muxuan back home.

Naturally, she couldn't avoid being eaten by Leng Muxuan at night, but this time she was not wiped out by someone's strong offensive, she persevered with a trace of clarity until the end, and reached a consensus with him.

This consensus is about the human creation plan.

Ran Zijin's opinion is: "Many things have not been settled yet, and they have not been fully resolved, so don't have children yet."

Leng Muxuan thought about it, it is true that Hu Die did not return to the country, and I don't know what will happen later, I am afraid that if Ran Zijin is pregnant, if something happens there, she will be anxious, it will be bad for the fetus and her, so she will make a concession : "Then wait until the beginning of next year at the latest, Zijin, look, I'll do the math for you, you're pregnant in October, right? If you conceive in February, it's the end of the year. I'm on vacation at the end of the year, and I happen to be at home to accompany you to give birth .If you wait any longer, it will take another year to have a baby. I can't wait, and my parents probably can't wait too. You are not afraid of their nagging, I am afraid!"

"When have you been afraid of others? Stop pretending!" Ran Zijin said truthfully, but after thinking about it, he was about the same age, and it was a matter of time before he had a child. He nodded and agreed to Leng Muxuan.

In this way, the plan to make Xiao Leng Muxuan or Xiao Ran Zijin was discussed and arranged to be implemented after the Chinese New Year.

"President." Luo Yining knocked on the door and walked into Leng Muxuan's office.

Leng Muxuan raised his head, "Is the investigation clear?"

"Well, it's clear. The perpetrator was ordered by Ruan Yifei. Now that he has been found, do you want to bring it to you?"

"No need. You can figure it out, but you must not let yourself know that Ruan Yifei did this." Leng Muxuan crossed his hands and put them on the table. He didn't need to say it clearly, Luo Yining would always know what he means.

"I understand. The perpetrator didn't know much about the situation, and there was no evidence left at the time, so we are still not sure what Ruan Yifei's purpose was. But the likely reason is that she is jealous of Ran Zijin." Luo Yining will from now on All the words asked by the perpetrator were reported to Leng Muxuan.

"Back then, Ruan Yifei accidentally found out about Ran Zijin's existence in her first year of junior high school, so she knew her own life experience. She hated why her family didn't send Ran Zijin away, and was jealous that even if her parents divorced, Ran Zijin still had a mother who loved her, but she was abandoned. Out of resentment, she spent money to hire someone to hit Ran Zijin. On the day of the accident, there was an emergency, and the driver was too late to brake, so he would have killed Ran Zijin immediately. Ran Zijin's mother pushed her away before she was hit and killed by the car. Later, the driver fled with Ruan Yifei's money, and because she died, no one dared to deal with Ran Zijin."

After hearing this, Leng Muxuan's eyebrows condensed into a knot. Since Ran Huabo is immortal, that's fine. He doesn't want to care about other things, and he doesn't want Ran Zijin to think about it anymore.

"Just go and deal with it. I'll come over to Zijin. Don't say anything."

"Okay, President."

After Luo Yining left, Leng Muxuan was on the phone while leaving the company. He needed to meet Ran Qinchen.

"I'm already married to Zijin." Leng Muxuan's first words were this when he saw Ran Qinchen, and then he sat down under his slightly astonished gaze.

Ran Qinchen opened his mouth to say a word of blessing, but the words couldn't come out of his mouth, so he could only smile slightly with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I've already found out what you asked me to investigate. The perpetrator was indeed not Ran Huabo. I will make this clear to Zijin." Leng Muxuan didn't wait for Ran Qinchen to say anything, and said straight to the point.

"Who is the perpetrator?" Ran Qinchen also heard Ran Zijin's statement that day, and learned that the person should be someone her mother knew and cared about, but he couldn't think of who it would be.

"You don't need to know about this. I came to meet with you to talk about another matter. Regarding the family property that Zijin's mother asked Ran Huabo to leave her, I hope you can persuade Ran Huabo to hand it over in time as agreed. Give it to Zijin."

"Family property? I don't know very well, but I can go back and ask my father. If there is such a thing, I will definitely ask him to give Ran Ran everything that should be given to Ran Ran." This is the first time Ran Qinchen heard of Ran Huabo He had made an agreement with Ran Zijin's mother to give Ran Zijin a share of the family property, and what he didn't expect was that Ran Huabo actually concealed the family property and didn't give it to Ran Zijin.

"This is the best way. Zijin is my wife now, and I have the right and the obligation to protect her legitimate rights and interests, and I must help her win what originally belonged to her." Leng Muxuan said forcefully.

After he heard that Ran Zijin's mother was kicked out of Ran's house, he went back behind Ran Zijin's back and asked Ran Huabo to leave her a share of the family property. Later, Ran Huabo didn't even mention the family property.

Now that he knows, he will help her get it back. What they lack is not the little money, but he just wants to give Zijin an aura, so that those who have no eyesight can see that his Zijin is not so good Bullying.

Whoever wants to bully Ran Zijin has to ask him whether Leng Muxuan agrees or not!

"I know. Don't worry, with me here, my father won't embarrass Ran Ran any more." Ran Qinchen said with some difficulty, he couldn't believe that Ran Ran and Leng Muxuan were actually married twice.

"I hope this matter will be settled before your brother is discharged from the hospital, and when your brother is discharged from the hospital, Zijin and I don't want to have any contact with you." Leng Muxuan asked Ran Zijin, and she expressed her attitude that she did not want to talk to the Ran family. If there is no relationship, then he will respect her and help her settle Ran's family once and for all.

"Actually, Qin Di and I still like Ran Ran very much, it's my father..." Ran Qinchen didn't want to draw a line with Ran Zijin. He has always been so kind to her. After she knew it, she probably wouldn't hate him that much.

"Zijin doesn't like you guys. This matter is as it is, there is no room for further negotiation. I will give you a certain amount of time, and I hope you can hurry up." Leng Muxuan finished speaking, stood up, left the money to pay the bill, and left .

Ran Qinchen sat there with a headache that seemed to explode, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up and leave.

By the time he was able to make a phone call, it was already more than an hour after Leng Muxuan left.

Ran Zijin frowned, and answered the phone with some displeasure, "Your brother's surgery has already been done, there should be no need for us to contact you anymore, this is the last time I will answer your call."

"Ran Ran, are you really married to him?" Ran Qinchen looked at the table with dull eyes, he didn't even have the energy to mention the three words Leng Muxuan.

"Well, I'm married, but it has nothing to do with you." Ran Zijin held the phone in the other hand, "Ran Qinchen, I don't want to find out why you are nice to me, but if someone wants to hurt and take advantage of Mu Xuan I will not agree to it, and I will never allow it! I want to have any contact with the Ran family, and I hope you will cooperate!"


"I don't know you, don't call again." Ran Zijin didn't give Ran Qinchen a chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly.

She was already disappointed with the Ran family, so even if Leng Muxuan helped them find a suitable bone marrow and Ran Qindi underwent surgery, she never went to the hospital to see them once.

Now she knows that the perpetrator of her mother's death was not Ran Huabo, and Leng Muxuan said there was someone else, so she would not change her opinion and attitude towards the Ran family. She is now married to Leng Muxuan and has become a member of the Leng family. What she has to do is to protect the interests of Leng Muxuan and the Leng family at all times, instead of causing them unnecessary trouble.

Ran Zijin didn't go to see the perpetrator either, because Leng Muxuan told her that he would handle everything for her, so she didn't care about anything, anyway, he was always on her side, and she would trust him unconditionally.

Luo Yining went to deal with the perpetrator. He knew that Leng Muxuan didn't want Ran Zijin to know about Ruan Yifei's existence, so he asked the perpetrator to bear all the responsibilities.

"Just say that it was all caused by your carelessness and brake failure, and you are not allowed to mention a single bit of Ruan Yifei. I promise not to pursue your legal responsibility."

The perpetrator was found by Luo Yining and the others, and he was terrified long ago. Hitting someone to death is a capital crime. He has been on the run for decades, and he was really scared.

"Can you ensure that I can live like a normal person and stop running for my life?" As long as I can live a good life, the perpetrator thinks it is more important than anything else.

"Yes. Ruan Yifei is dead, and we have all the evidence in our hands. As long as you do what I say, nothing will happen. If you don't want to live in H City, I can send you out." Luo Yining Sitting there with a good temper and negotiating with the perpetrator, what he needs is to make the big thing into a small one, so as not to leave any sequelae for the president and Ran Zijin.

"I want to live in Chengdu. Can our whole family go there? I promise I won't say anything. It's as if that incident never happened." The perpetrator's wife's hometown is Chengdu, so he feels more at ease when they go there.

"Yes. This is a contract. You just need to sign and press your fingerprints, and I will send you away tonight." Luo Yining put a contract in front of the perpetrator.

The perpetrator looked at it, and it was written on it just what Luo Yining told him, and there was nothing wrong with it, but he still couldn't believe it, so he added a condition, "You send us to Chengdu tonight, After everything is arranged, I will sign and press my fingerprints, and I will never come to City H again if I have nothing to do."

"Okay." Luo Yining agreed easily, and then ordered people to take the perpetrator to prepare to leave.

The perpetrator was sent away, and Leng Muxuan went home to have dinner with Ran Zijin in peace.

Aunt Zhang knew that this was the first time Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan had a formal dinner at home after they got married, so they specially prepared a very rich and romantic dinner.

"I can't tell that Auntie Zhang knows a lot." Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan came back from a walk after dinner and sat on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

"If I don't know much, I won't hire her." Leng Muxuan said arrogantly. He found this part-time worker from the best housekeeping service company. They know a lot and can do a lot of things, although Not proficient in everything, but it is still very good to be a nanny and a part-time job. "I told Aunt Zhang today that she will come to our house to be a nanny in the future."

"Isn't it good to work part-time?" Ran Zijin is used to having Aunt Zhang at home anyway. When she comes back, she can still chat with her, go shopping and cook with her, these are the pastimes of her life.

"When we move in the future, and the family grows, there will always be a nanny and housekeeper. This is to tell her to get used to it in advance and receive pre-job training."

"...Auntie Zhang is really nice, I'm very relieved." Ran Zijin thought for a while, and it's the same reason. The housekeeper and cook in Leng's house are very clearly divided. Leng Muxuan is Leng Jian'ai's young master. She married him , always 'do as the Romans do in the Romans', have everything you should have, and don't lose his face.

"Well, I knew you liked it." Leng Muxuan patted Ran Zijin's ass, "Sit up, I'll show you something."

Ran Zijin sat up from Leng Muxuan's arms, leaned on the sofa, watched him enter the study, and took out a box after a while.

He put the box in front of her eyes, "Open it and have a look."

Ran Zijin thought it was some gift he bought her, so she opened it happily, but when she saw what was inside, she trembled with excitement, her eyes turned red immediately, and she looked at Leng Muxuan moved, "Where did you find it?" What? I remember that the pawn shop moved away shortly after I sold it, and I couldn’t be contacted anymore.”

"This one went so far later, you probably wouldn't have guessed that this thing was still in Japan yesterday." Leng Muxuan rubbed Ran Zijin's hair, and looked at her with a smile like he was looking at a child.

(End of this chapter)

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