Chapter 251 He won, he died

"Mu Xuan, thank you!" Ran Zijin hugged the box and threw himself into Leng Muxuan's arms.

The jade bracelets in this box are exactly the pair that she sold and exchanged for money to pay for her mother's hospitalization.This was handed down from the mother's family, it was her favorite, and it was also the most valuable thing that her mother took away from Ran's house.

If his mother hadn't been unconscious in the hospital, and the hospital said that he wouldn't give him treatment if he didn't pay the money, Ran Zijin wouldn't have exchanged the pair of bracelets for money even if he died.

She sold the bracelet to a jade shop on the street outside the house that she rented with her mother, and she negotiated with the boss not to sell it to others, but to buy it back when she saved enough money.

But then her mother died, and she went to the orphanage. When she went back to the jade shop to ask if the jade bracelet was still there, the jade shop didn't know where it moved, let alone the whereabouts of the jade bracelet. up.

These years, when she thought about this, she felt that she was ashamed of her mother, not only did she get killed in order to save herself, but she also sold her jade bracelet filially.

"This is yours." Leng Muxuan put his arms around Ran Zijin dotingly, "We are all married now, and we are a family when we come and thank you. You are not tired when you talk, but I am tired when I hear it."

"Then I won't talk about it in the future!" Ran Zijin raised her head, wiped her tears with a smile, her Mu Xuan was really kind to her.

"Well, it's better not to talk but to do."

"When will you be serious!" Ran Zijin scolded.

"I don't know." Leng Muxuan replied honestly.

The last time Leng Muxuan heard Ran Zijin talking about this pair of jade bracelets, he hurriedly asked Nan Gonglie to check for him.

After searching for so long, he finally found it from Japan. When he bought it back, the price was dozens of times higher than what Ran Zijin sold it for.

But Leng Muxuan thought it was worth it, just based on how happy his son was when he saw the bracelet, even if he was asked to pay dozens of times the price, he would still think it was worth it.

"I'll go and put the bracelet away." Ran Zijin got off the sofa, stepped on his slippers, and went to put the bracelet in the bedroom.

She put the jade bracelets together with the pair that Kong Jiayi gave her yesterday. The two pairs of bracelets were placed side by side, surrounded by fine silk and satin in the small drawer, which was really beautiful.

Ran Zijin smiled and touched the smooth bracelets, slowly closed the box, closed the drawer, and went out to find Leng Muxuan.

As soon as she went out, Leng Muxuan just hung up the phone.

"Zijin, I have something to do and I have to go out. You wait for my call at home. You may have to come out later." Leng Muxuan took out his coat and walked out.

"What happened? How about I go with you now!" Ran Zijin saw that Leng Muxuan was a little anxious, so he couldn't help becoming anxious too.

"No need. I'll go and have a look first, just wait for my call. Go check the phone!" Leng Muxuan kissed Ran Zijin on the forehead who sent him to the door, then smiled and shook his hand and left.

Ran Zijin watched his back disappear into the corridor, then closed the door, quietly returned to the sofa and waited for his call.

Leng Muxuan drove directly to the People's Hospital and went up to the third floor. He randomly grabbed a nurse and asked, "Which ward does Qiao Zheqing live in?"

"304." The busy nurse left after saying three words.

Leng Muxuan found Ward 304, opened the door, and there was no one in it except the patient.

Qiao Zheqing was lying on the hospital bed, and when he saw Leng Muxuan coming in, he reached out and pulled out the oxygen mask.

"You put it on. Why isn't there a nurse?" Although Leng Muxuan was indifferent to people, he would still care about those who had no direct interests or harm to him.

Although Qiao Zheqing liked Ran Zijin, he had never hurt her, so it was not enough to call him to death.

"I'm fine." Qiao Zheqing said with some difficulty, and did not put the oxygen mask back on.

Leng Muxuan turned around to call him a doctor and nurse, but he reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes, "Young Master Leng, let's talk."

He was in a car accident yesterday, and spent the night in the emergency room. After he came out today, he already knew that he didn't have much time, and he didn't have much time to live, so he anxiously called Leng Muxuan with the help of the nurse.

There are some things that he wants to have a good talk with Leng Muxuan before leaving.

After he left, the most worrying thing was Zijin.

Leng Muxuan could also see that Qiao Zheqing's condition was not very good, so he moved the chair and sat beside his bed, "Let's talk quickly, I'll ask Zijin to come and see you later."

He knew that Qiao Zheqing called him here alone, and he definitely didn't want Ran Zijin to hear what he wanted to say, but he didn't want Zijin to be kept in the dark either, at least he wanted her to take a look at him before he left.

Leng Muxuan is a stingy person, but in front of some things, he can definitely act like an upright man.

He has experienced some things with Ran Zijin, he has seen the death of Fatty, and life is impermanent, so no matter what happens, when a life is about to come to an end, you should give in to life.

Even if he didn't like Ran Zijin meeting Qiao Zheqing any more, and hated Qiao Zheqing for pretending to be Ran Zijin in his heart, he couldn't deprive Ran Zijin of his freedom to see Qiao Zheqing.

"Thank you." Qiao Zheqing smiled, and suddenly felt that it was a good idea to hand over Ran Zijin to someone like Leng Muxuan. At least this man respected Zijin very much, and he could tell that he really liked Zijin. "Zijin will depend on you to take care of her from now on! I did something wrong to her before and let her down. You must not follow my old path in the future, and you must always treat her well. Zijin has always behaved very well. Strong, in fact, she is just a child who has not grown up. She always cries secretly when she is alone, and hopes that someone will give her some strength to go on behind her. From now on, she is really only you. You must treat him well , can you promise me? Think of it as promising the last words of a dying person!"

Leng Muxuan nodded, "Yesterday, Zijin and I got married. Did you get into a car accident to find bone marrow?"

"Well. But I don't blame anyone, it's my own fault, I regret it!" Qiao Zheqing gasped for a while after saying a few words, and then continued, "I know I've lost. Before I entered the emergency room , The phone rang, and the nurse answered, saying that the person on the other end said he had found it."

At that time, he knew that he had no chance to stand up again, so he passed out with a smile on his face.

He persisted for more than an hour from the scene of the car accident to the hospital for the bone marrow. He was not unconscious, but when the call came, he suddenly closed his eyes.

He thought he wouldn't wake up again, but he woke up anyway, what's the use of being awake? !

The doctor said that he only had a few hours to live, and he also lost to Leng Muxuan, and Ran Zijin also married Leng Muxuan, so he has nothing...

"I didn't know it would be like this." Leng Muxuan said helplessly, he just accepted his challenge and gave him a time limit, but in the end such a thing happened, and he felt a little sorry.

"It has nothing to do with you." What happened to Qiao Zheqing if he didn't move, maybe he was really going to die, so he took a lot of things away, and his words were not as arbitrary as before, "Young Master Leng, the reason for my car accident, please Don't tell Zijin, I don't want her to think about it after she finds out, and don't make her feel guilty."

"Okay, I promise you." Leng Muxuan nodded resolutely. He was also very selfish and didn't want to tell Ran Zijin. He didn't want Qiao Zheqing to die and leave an indelible shadow in her heart.

And more importantly, he didn't want Ran Zijin to blame himself, didn't want her to be sad, and didn't want to get into a dead end again and couldn't get out.

"Then I'm relieved. You must be good to Zijin. Definitely." Qiao Zheqing nagged, and then closed her eyes.

Leng Muxuan hurriedly called the doctor and nurse, and Ran Zijin, who he had asked Yang Ming to pick up, also rushed to the hospital.

"Mu Xuan, what's going on?" Ran Zijin only heard from Yang Ming that Leng Muxuan was in the hospital and someone had a car accident, but he didn't know who it was.

"Qiao Zheqing, there was a car accident, and the doctor issued another critical illness notice just now." Leng Muxuan walked over to make Ran Zijin difficult, and touched her obviously disbelieving face, "I'll take you to see him."

Ran Zijin didn't know what it was like in her heart, but she felt that a person, a person who was alive and well, was suddenly declared to die soon, and the feeling of impermanence in life made her a little unbearable.

She followed Leng Muxuan into the ward dully, the doctor and nurse shook their heads and left, even Qiao Zheqing didn't put on his oxygen mask again.

"He..." Ran Zijin wanted to ask the doctor why he didn't treat Qiao Zheqing, but seeing his condition, she knew that it was useless to ask, and she was a little powerless and couldn't ask.

"We did our best." The doctor led the nurse and left heartlessly.

"Qiao Zheqing?" Ran Zijin walked to the side of the hospital bed and softly called out to the person on the bed.

During this period of time, she has been in the hospital too many times, and she no longer wants to come to a place like the hospital where life and death are full of life and death every day.

Although Ran Zijin's voice was very soft, Qiao Zheqing seemed to have telepathy and heard her voice very clearly.

He slowly opened his eyes, and grinned at her with bloodless lips, "Zijin, are you here?"

You are here, but I am leaving.

When you were here, I abandoned you without saying goodbye.

"Why..." Ran Zijin suddenly couldn't hate Qiao Zheqing anymore. Even if he cheated and used her, he couldn't be guilty of death!

"Car accidents happen every day. It's a matter of probability. I just won the jackpot yesterday." Qiao Zheqing was much more awake than when he was talking to Leng Muxuan just now. He looked at Ran Zijin with bright eyes and still had the strength to joke around. up.

But it was his sudden improvement in spirit that made Ran Zijin even more frightened - she had seen such scenes too many times, this is called backlighting!
"Don't give up, I'll call the doctor." Ran Zijin kept acting dull, and turned to call the doctor.

Qiao Zheqing and Leng Muxuan held her left and right hands at the same time, and both looked at her face at the same time.

Ran Zijin looked down at his hands, then suddenly cried, squatted down, hugged his knees and cried.

"Zijin, don't be afraid, don't cry. I don't want you to leave regrets, that's why I asked you to come to the hospital." Leng Muxuan pulled Ran Zijin up with his arms around her waist, and brought her into his arms, wiping her tears at the same time , giving her comfort.

"I know your heart." Ran Zijin stopped crying suddenly. After Leng Muxuan wiped away her tears, she smiled and said to Qiao Zheqing, "Ah Qing, I forgive you! I would rather you left last time than not been back."

That way, now he won't be lying in bed in a car accident, and will be carrying on his business in Finland.

His career is at its peak, but he...

"Zijin, thank you for forgiving me. Although I have never seriously apologized to you once. I won't say it now, just pretend that you have never seen me or know me, and live a good life with Young Master Leng " After listening to Ran Zijin's words, Qiao Zheqing actually shed a few tears from the corners of her eyes, but the smile on her face grew bigger and bigger, and then it was frozen in a certain moment forever.

"Ah Qing!" Ran Zijin clenched his little hands suddenly, looking dejectedly at Qiao Zheqing who had already left.

"Zijin, let's go back first. I'll call someone to deal with it here. It's getting late, and you're not in good health. Go home and rest, huh?" Leng Muxuan sighed slightly, and moved his gaze from Qiao Zheqing to On Ran Zijin.

"En." Ran Zijin nodded, obediently followed Leng Muxuan and left.

Whether she can accept it or not, and whether she is willing to accept it or not, she has to accept it.

Qiao Zheqing's funeral was very simple, and Leng Muxuan entrusted his family to organize it according to his last words.

Ran Zijin was also not curious why Leng Muxuan was the only person called to the hospital by Qiao Zheqing's car accident, because she knew that before he left, he must have warned Leng Muxuan to treat her well...

When he came back this time, he really fell in love with her, but she didn't like him, and she couldn't respond to his feelings, so she could only use the most ruthless words to hurt him again and again, telling him to retreat. Don't give her any more affection.

But he still appeared by her side so stupidly again and again, expressing his feelings for her. This was the first time she saw Qiao Zheqing who lowered his posture and became humble like this.

She had thought about many kinds of results that she and Qiao Zheqing would end up being inseparable from each other, but she never thought that it would be this kind of estrangement between life and death.

"Suddenly I remembered a sentence, "Do it and cherish it, Hu Die, stop fighting with He Yacheng!" Ran Zijin called Hu Die, who was still in the United States, after Leng Muxuan went to work.

"I just don't want to delay him." Hu Die's voice has fully recovered, and her speech is still as good as before, but there are still problems with her eyes and ears.

"But if He Yacheng is really forced to leave, you will definitely regret it." Ran Zijin said firmly.

Hu Die was taken aback, "I'll think about it again."

(End of this chapter)

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