The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 254 I'm happy to carry you behind my back

Chapter 254 I'm happy to carry you behind my back


A loud noise echoed on the empty road, and Hu Die's gloves flew out.

Accompanied by this sound, Hu Die's scream also pierced across the sky. She covered her head and curled up on the ground. She didn't hear any sound for a long time, and then stretched out her hand to scratch in the air.

"Acheng! Acheng! Where are you? Acheng! Acheng... I'm so scared..." She couldn't see anything, and the only sound she heard was that a few minutes later, a motorcycle drove away quickly, and The speed was very fast, and the sound disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Ya Cheng!" She yelled for a long time, groped in place for a long time, but still did not see He Yacheng's answer, finally she was desperate, and sat there crying in fear.

He Yacheng fell on the grass beside him, and heard Hu Die crying in a daze. He opened his eyes with all his strength, turned his head, and saw Hu Die crying.

"Hu Die, I'm here...don't be afraid..." He breathed a sigh of relief, slowly got up from the ground, staggered to Hu Die, and when he stretched out his hand, he found that his hand was full of blood. When I realized it, I wiped it on my forehead, and it was all covered with blood, and a lot of blood flowed down my face.

Hu Die's sense of smell is very keen. When she heard He Yacheng's voice, she smelled the smell of blood. She was so nervous that she forgot to cry, and groped to grab the corner of his clothes, "Yacheng, what's wrong with you? Did you get knocked down by a motorcycle?" gone?"

"I'm fine. I didn't hit it, it's just that the palm of my hand was scratched. Hu Die, let's go back quickly, otherwise my aunt and uncle will be worried." He Yacheng gritted his teeth, and wiped the blood from his hand on his pants for a few times He pulled Hu Die to stand up, and continued to walk forward with her on his back.

"Ya Cheng, I'm about to go by myself, just drag me along. I want to go by myself." Hu Die was on He Yacheng's back, hearing his heavier and heavier breathing and smelling the strong smell of blood, she was very worried about him, So insist on going by yourself.

"I'm carrying you, the road is not safe, I don't feel at ease if you go by yourself." He Yacheng walked, his body began to shake, not only blood, but also sweat on his forehead, which blurred his eyes, he put his arms around Holding Hu Die, he wiped his forehead with one hand on his tattered sleeve, and then continued walking.

He walked slowly, but he kept walking. Even though the stars began to appear in front of his eyes and his vision was a little blurred, he still did not give up.

This time, no matter what, he couldn't leave Hu Die anymore. He only wanted to send Hu Die back to the nursing home to appease her frightened heart.

"But... Yacheng..." Hu Die cried, obediently lying on He Yacheng's back, not to cause him any more trouble, "You must be seriously injured, you are lying to me, you know I can't see ...Let's go back, I can walk by myself..."

"I know you can go, but I just want to carry you. Hu Die, I have wanted to carry you like this for a long time. I thought I would never have another chance, but I didn't expect that I still have it, so I want to cherish this kind of opportunity." Opportunity, you must obediently tell me to carry it." He Yacheng's body was in pain, but there was a satisfied smile on his face, and his heart was full of sweetness and happiness.

"We still have a lot of time and opportunities, let me go this time, okay, Ya Cheng?" If something happened to him, what would she do in the future?
No matter how many things he did to make her sad, she never really hated him, and never really wanted to let him go. In her heart, she really wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.

"Hey, Hu Die, just listen to me this time, don't be stubborn! I'm so happy to carry you behind my back." He Yacheng kept laughing, kept laughing, watching the road return to calm, even the cold wind in the evening Come on, he doesn't feel cold anymore.

"I am also very happy to be carried by you. Yacheng, you promised me that you will not abandon me in the future, you must not forget!" Hu Die wiped her tears by herself, worried and nervous, and hated her eyes for the first time She couldn't see it, she couldn't see how her Ya Cheng was hurt, she couldn't see how he felt sorry for her, she couldn't watch the road and walk on her own, but she asked the injured him to carry her on his back...

"Well, I haven't forgotten. I finally found you again, how could I be willing to leave you behind. Hu Die, is it cold? Put on your hat and mask, and if your hands are cold, stuff them into my collar. I will be warm Let's go!" He Yacheng quickly pushed Hu Die away when the motorcycle hit him just now, and he was knocked aside, and Hu Die's gloves were thrown to nowhere and could not be found.

"I'm not cold." Hu Die shook her head, and stretched out her hands to rub He Yacheng's cheeks, "Your face is so cold, I'll warm you up by rubbing it for you."

She resisted the urge to cry, and rubbed He Yacheng's face earnestly one by one, and her heart felt like a knife was being twisted - although she couldn't see it, she could feel it, her hands were full of blood, So his face was covered with blood, he was definitely hurt badly, and the person who caused all this was her!

"We're going to the nursing home soon, and we'll be there after turning another corner." He Yacheng stopped, opened his eyes wide and turned around, cleared his sight, raised his right hand and stuffed Hu Die's hands into his collar , and then moved forward again.

The moment Hu Die's cold hands were stuffed into He Yacheng's collar, they were wrapped in warmth. She bit her lip and wept secretly on his back.

"Hu Die, you are back!"

He Yacheng and Hu Die had just turned the corner when they heard Hu's mother's voice not far from the entrance of the nursing home.

"Mom! Mom!" Hu Die also heard, and shouted eagerly.

Mother Hu was startled, not knowing why Hu Die was crying and exclaiming like this, so she ran forward to meet them.

She also watched the time pass for a long time, and it was long past the time for Hu Die to come back from her walk, so she came to the door to watch with some worry.

When she ran close to He Yacheng, she saw clearly that he was covered in blood, and Hu Die was crying on his back, her face was already pale, and both of them were not much better.

"Hu Die, Ya Cheng, what's the matter?" Hu Die's eyes were also reddened nervously, she took Hu Die's hand and looked left and right until she was sure that she was fine, then she was a little relieved, and then went to look at He Yacheng carefully, "Ah Cheng, why didn't you call us? You're like this..."

"I'm fine. Auntie, let's send Hu Die back quickly. When the sun sets, the temperature suddenly drops. It's very cold." He Yacheng smiled and said to Hu's mother, and then grinned foolishly, his sight was no longer very good It was clear, he could only see the outline, and because he had walked this road many times, he didn't worry about anything, so he walked straight forward.

Hu's mother thought he was really fine, so she didn't say anything, just followed behind them, and took out her phone to call Hu's father.

When Father Hu received the call, he quickly called someone to come downstairs together.

Not long after He Yacheng walked into the gate of the nursing home, he met Father Hu, "Uncle..."

Hu's father and others quickly caught Hu Die, He Yacheng shook his head, "Uncle, I'm fine... take Hu Die up... I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he fell to the ground in a somersault. If it wasn't for Xiao Zhao's sharp eyesight and quick hands, his head would hit the concrete platform of the flower bed.

"Hurry up! Send him for treatment! Hurry up and call Dr. Lucy!" Father Hu and Xiao Liu supported Hu Die and stood aside, anxiously directing the nurses.

He Yacheng was rushed away, and Hu Die squatted on the ground and cried.

"Hu Die, don't cry, mom and dad are here, we are all by your side now. Let's go back to the room first, okay?" Mother Hu also squatted down to coax Hu Die.

Father Hu touched his forehead, pulled his daughter up, and helped her sit on the wheelchair pushed by the nurse, "Daughter, let's go back first, Ya Cheng has been sent for treatment, he will be fine."

"Will he really be okay?" Hu Die asked with a sob.

Hu's mother loves her daughter and devotes all her heart to her. Naturally, she doesn't pay much attention to He Yacheng, and she doesn't pay much attention to her daughter's feelings and emotions. She only thinks that her daughter is frightened.

But Hu's father was more careful about his daughter than Hu's mother, and he could see that she was worried about He Yacheng, not because he was frightened, so he comforted her like this.

"Well, nothing will happen. Hu Die, when did Dad lie to you?" Hu's father pushed the wheelchair into the elevator, and everyone followed into the elevator and went upstairs.

"Father, I want to see Yacheng." Hu Die's hands were disturbed together, and He Yacheng's blood was still on them.

"Then we have to change clothes first, and then go to see him, otherwise he will definitely worry about you again when he sees you like this."

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower." Hu Die nodded.

While talking, a group of people walked into the room.

Some people went to prepare bath water, some people went to prepare a change of clothes, and some people went to get a thermometer to take Hu Die's temperature first.

Mother Hu held a water cup and fed Hu Die with boiled water herself. Father Hu held her hand and sat by her bed, "Hu Die, tell Dad, do you like Ya Cheng very much?"

Hu Die was stunned, stopped drinking water, and froze in a daze, not knowing how to answer Father Hu.

"Son, do you really like him?" Mother Hu also realized the seriousness of the matter. She frowned and stared at Hu Die, waiting for her to answer her own question.

She can see He Yacheng's kindness to Hu Die, but the He family's family situation is somewhat complicated, and He Yacheng's reputation is not very good, if Hu Die likes him, he will definitely suffer!
Although Hu Die has become like this, she grew up like a princess after all. Based on the family background of the Hu family, it is very easy to find a good son-in-law for her.

But the most troublesome thing now is that if that person treats Hu Die badly in the future, it will be troublesome.

Hu's father and parents will pass away one day, they can't take care of Hu Die for the rest of their life, they can't worry about her.

After a while, Hu Die opened her mouth slowly, and instead of answering her parents' question directly, she asked instead: "Dad, Mom, is Yacheng treating me badly?"


"Do not."

Hu's father and Hu's mother both denied it.

"Well, that's it." There was a smile on Hu Die's pale face, "Dad, Mom, Yacheng is very good to me, you can all see. He is not mine, but when I was in the United States, he He takes care of me like my family. He cares about me no less than you. It is really difficult to meet a person who is sincerely good to me in life. It is not easy for me to meet him. He is good to me. enough."

She didn't directly tell her parents how much she loved He Yacheng, because she was afraid that her parents would fight against her, knowing that she liked him but not telling her to like him, and objecting to their being together.

Now that she doesn't tell her parents that she loves him, they think she's just playing for fun, so naturally they won't interfere with her and him too much, and because she can't see and her hearing is bad, they will blindly accommodate her .

Hu Die's purpose is very simple, she wants her parents to allow her to be with He Yacheng temporarily.

And after they got together for a long time, she naturally used both soft and hard ways to force them to support their marriage.

"Son, are good, it's not feelings, it can't be confused." Mother Hu said worriedly.

"I know. Feelings are all cultivated, and now they are all free love. If you get along, stay together, if you don't get along, just separate. I won't lose anything."

Hu's mother frowned after hearing Hu Die's answer, and raised her eyes to look at Hu's father opposite.

Hu's father shook his head quietly at her, and then said to Hu Die: "Hu Die, let's treat the injury first before talking about it. We don't object to what you do now. We will talk about it later, do you think it's okay?"

He could see that Hu Die and He Yacheng had feelings for each other, and he was not so unenlightened to object, but He Yacheng's sincerity towards Hu Die really needs to be investigated.

"Okay. Dad, I'm going to take a bath, and then I'll see Ya Cheng." Hu Die let go of Father Hu's hand, and was sent to take a bath by the guards.

When she walked to the door of the bathroom, she turned around and said: "Ya Cheng was injured just now to save me. If he really has something, I will never feel at ease for the rest of my life."

Father Hu and his parents looked at each other and said nothing.

Hu Die took a shower, changed her clothes, and went to see He Yacheng with her parents.

He Yacheng was still in the emergency room, but Hu Die stood at the door, waiting for him to come out.

"The patient was thrown flying out. Due to the force of the throw, the head was seriously injured, and he was not treated in time. He insisted on strenuous exercise for a long time, which delayed the treatment time... However, we will try our best..." Dr. Lucy sent an assistant out to tell Hu Die and the others about the situation inside.

When Hu Die heard this, her legs were weak, her eyes were sore, and her nose was sore, but she held back her tears, and instead smiled, she said to Dr. Lucy's assistant: "Ya Cheng will be fine." Yes, you must revive him. Also, you go in and tell him that I am waiting outside for him to come out!"

The assistant was moved by Hu Die's behavior, nodded to her, and comforted her: "I will tell him. We will not give up on him, just like you."

(End of this chapter)

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